
Kinktober: Hazbin Hotel One-Shots

Every day of October kinky one-shots for Hazbin Hotel (various pairings)

silkenobedience · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
9 Chs

Day 3: Blood Play/Threesomes

Day 3: Blood Play/Threesomes

"Don't act so high and mighty, Vaggie," Lute growled, her voice echoing through the dimly lit corridor of the hotel. The tall, imposing figure of the angel loomed over Vaggie, her single arm crossed over her chest, her golden eyes burning with intensity.

Vaggie stood rigid, her good eye narrowed in anger, her fists clenched at her sides. "I'm nothing like you, Lute. Not anymore."

"Oh really?" Lute's lips curled into a wicked grin, her voice dripping with mockery. "Because the way I remember it, you used to love every second of it. Remember the exterminations? All that blood... we'd tear through demons like they were nothing, and after? Oh, Vaggie... after."

Vaggie's face flushed with shame, her eye darting away as if she could will the memories from her mind. But Lute wasn't done—oh no, she loved to drag out every gory detail, and she wasn't about to let Vaggie off the hook. The newly fallen angel loved bothering Vaggie. If she was going to be stuck in hell, she was going to make Vaggie's life hell. 

"You loved it when we came back to Heaven, didn't you?" Lute's voice dropped lower, more taunting. "My blood-soaked hand pounding away into you... you couldn't get enough of it. I'd paint you in mortal blood, make you feel every bit of the dirty realm we'd just returned from, and you'd beg for more."

"Stop," Vaggie hissed, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and humiliation. She turned away, refusing to meet Lute's gaze, but the tall angel took a step closer, her predatory grin widening.

"Why? Too much for you to handle?" Lute's tone was dark, teasing. "Funny how you act like you're above it now, when back then, you used to scream my name every time I pushed my bloodied fingers inside you. The way your tongue would lap the blood off my neck like some hellhound in heat. You loved it, Vaggie. You loved every drop."

"I said stop!" Vaggie's voice cracked as she spun around, her hands shaking, her eye blazing with fury. But even in her anger, there was something else—something darker lurking beneath the surface. Shame. Shame that Lute could still get under her skin, could still remind her of the things she tried so hard to forget.

Charlie had been walking down the corridor, her soft humming silenced the moment she heard the raised voices. She paused, hiding around the corner as she listened to the argument, her heart pounding. Vaggie had never talked about this—about her past with Lute, about the things they'd done together. But now, hearing it... Charlie's curiosity was piqued in a way that made her skin flush with heat.

Carefully, she stepped closer, just enough to hear more clearly.

"It's not like that anymore," Vaggie muttered, her voice thick with frustration. "I'm not... I'm not that person."

"Not that person?" Lute laughed, the sound harsh and cruel. "Oh, Vaggie. I remember every time you begged to bite me. The way your tongue lapped at my golden blood, how it made you squirt for me. Do you remember that feeling? That euphoria?" 

She leaned in closer, her breath hot against Vaggie's ear. "You've never done that for anyone else, have you? Not even your sweet little princess can give you that much pleasure."

Vaggie's breath hitched, her eye widening in horror as Lute's words struck a nerve. She opened her mouth to respond, but before she could, a voice broke through the tension.

"Wait..." Charlie stepped out from around the corner, her face flushed, her expression one of surprise and anger mixed with something else—something more dangerous. "Vaggie, is it true?"

Vaggie turned, her eye widening in shock at the sight of Charlie standing there. "Charlie... it's not..."

"You squirted for her ? That blood play…it makes you feel things," Charlie said, her voice quiet. Her heart pounded in her chest, her gaze flicking between Lute and Vaggie, her mind racing with the possibilities. "You've never done that with me."

Vaggie's cheeks flushed a deep crimson, her hands trembling as she struggled to find the right words. "Charlie, I—"

"It's not like that, princess," Lute interrupted, her voice dripping with amusement as she stepped closer, her one remaining hand gesturing lazily. "Vaggie's just a little shy about it now. But trust me, back in the day? We'd play with each other's divine blood like it was the finest wine. You've never felt anything like it."

Charlie's breath caught in her throat, her eyes locking onto Lute's with a mixture of fascination and unease. "Blood? If you wanted…we could've.."

"Oh, no." Lute's grin widened, her golden eyes gleaming with dark pleasure. "Angel blood, princess. Our blood. It's golden, full of divine power. Not just any old mortal blood like yours would work. You have no idea how intense it makes everything feel. Every touch, every bite... it amplifies everything. That's why she'd squirt for me and beg for more—because my blood made her feel things she could never feel otherwise. Never feel with you. "

Charlie's pulse quickened at Lute's words, her mind swimming with the image of Vaggie lost in pleasure, writhing beneath Lute's touch, covered in golden blood. Her girlfriend was always so quiet in bed. When she orgasmed it was hardly noticeable except for the way her muscles clenched around Charlie's fingers. The Princess of Hell swallowed hard, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want to try."

Vaggie's eye widened in horror, her hands reaching out as if to stop Charlie. "Charlie, no, you don't understand—"

"I want to taste your blood, love." Charlie's hand came to rest on her girlfriend's cheek. She had to know what it was that had made the love of her life feel so much ecstasy. Maybe if she could understand, she could replicate it, albeit without Lute. 

Vaggie's face flushed with a mixture of fear and guilt, her single eye darting to Lute, who was watching with that same predatory smile. "Charlie, I—"

"Her blood won't do anything for you," Lute said, her voice almost singsong. Her grin was far too wide, showing just how pleased she was with this little bit of news.

"What, why?" Charlie asked, her eyes moving between the two fallen angels.

"Her blood has been tainted by hell. Hardly euphoric now, when we were fighting I got a little taste." She licked her lips, remembering the taste. "But mine, I've only been fallen for a little while now."

"I…" Charlie looked at Vaggie, her eyes wide. She tried to stop the next words from leaving her mouth, but maybe it was the fear that she would never truly know how to pleasure her girlfriend like her exe or maybe there was something about being around the newly fallen exorcist that made her say things she shouldn't. "I still want to know. I could taste her blood. I need to feel what you felt. To know why she is so much better-"


"Let her," Lute cut in, her voice commanding as she moved behind Charlie, her breath hot against Charlie's ear. "Let her feel it, Vaggie. She wants to know what it's like to taste power, to feel the intensity. Are you really going to deny her that?"

Vaggie's hands clenched into fists at her sides, her heart pounding with a mixture of jealousy and shame.

"I'm sorry," Vaggie whispered, her voice breaking as she looked away. "I just don't want to lose you."

Charlie's face softened, her hand reaching out to cup Vaggie's cheek. "You won't lose me. I promise." The Princess of Hell blushed as she looked at the floor. "It's not like it's the first time we have…well you remember those twins?"

Vaggie's face heated. As Lute let out a low whistle. "Looks like you haven't changed too much then, Vag-ina."

"Shut it!" Vaggie hissed.

Charlie turned, stepping closer to Lute, her breath shaky but determined. "I want to feel what she felt. I want to know what makes you so much better than me."

Lute's grin turned predatory, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she glanced back at Vaggie, who looked torn between anger and fear. "Looks like your princess is curious, Vaggie. Are you really going to deny her the pleasure?"

Vaggie shook her head, her voice trembling with desperation. "Charlie, please, you don't know what you're asking for. It's not—"

"I... I want to know," Charlie whispered, her voice trembling slightly but laced with determination. She stepped closer to Vaggie, her gaze flicking to Lute for a brief moment. She loved her girlfriend, but she feared she could never compete with Lute. Not if what Lute was saying was true. She had to know. "I need to feel it."

"Charlie, no," Vaggie pleaded, stepping forward, her hand gently grabbing Charlie's arm. "You don't know what it's like. It's... it's dangerous."

"I trust you'll keep me safe, Vaggie," Charlie said softly, her eyes meeting Vaggie's with an intensity that made Vaggie's chest tighten. "But I need to understand. I need to feel what you felt."

Vaggie didn't say anything for a long time, just starting at her girlfriend. She hated that Lute had this hold on her, that she could still stir up these feelings. But Charlie's pleading gaze, her curiosity... it was too much. Vaggie couldn't say no. If this had been anyone but Lute, she would have been completely onboard. It was the fact it was her exe. She was trouble. "Fine, but I am doing this under protest."

"Thank you," Charlie whispered, leaning over to kiss her girlfriend on the lips. Vaggie smiled into the kiss. When they pulled apart, the Princess of Hell turned back to Lute. "Alright, show me."

Lute chuckled softly, she moved Vaggie over. Her hand reached out to cup Charlie's chin, tilting her head up to meet her gaze. "You have no idea what you're getting into, princess. But if you really want to try it... I'll be happy to show you."

Charlie's heart raced, a mixture of fear and excitement flooding her system as she stared into Lute's golden eyes. Deep down she knew this was a bad idea but her own pride and fear was leading her now. She could feel Vaggie's panic behind her, could hear the warning in her voice, but something inside her was curious—something dark and twisted that wanted to know what it felt like to be touched in that way.

Lute's leaned down, her teeth grazing Charlie's neck, just above her pulse point. 

"You don't need to bite her for this," Vaggie interjected, her voice firm but edged with anxiety. She stepped forward, her hands reaching out to grab Lute's remaining arm, as though pulling her away might stop the momentum of what was about to happen.

Lute turned her head slowly, her grin widening as she looked at Vaggie. "But mortal blood is so... dirty, so sour. It's been years since I've tasted it, and don't you think it's only fair she gets a taste of us too? It's good to mix it a little before tasting or should I tell her how I know that?" Her voice was low, seductive, dripping with that same dark teasing that made Vaggie's stomach churn with a mixture of anger and shame. "Do you want me to tell her about that demon we-"

"Lute," Vaggie warned, interrupting her exe. Her grip tightened on the fallen angel's arm.

"Show me, please," Charlie whispered, her voice barely audible. "Biting…it's fine. Let her, Vaggie."

Vaggie frowned but said nothing. Lute's grin widened as she took Charlie's wrist gently, guiding her closer. "Good girl. Now let's give you a taste of something divine."

With a swift, deliberate motion, Lute bit down on her own lower lip, her sharp teeth breaking the skin easily. A thin stream of golden blood trickled down her lip, shining faintly in the dim corridor light. Charlie's breath hitched at the sight, her eyes widening with a mixture of fear and fascination.

"See this, princess?" Lute whispered, her voice low and sultry as she leaned in closer, her blood-slick lips brushing against Charlie's ear. "This is angel blood. So powerful... so intoxicating."

Before Charlie could respond, Lute's hand moved to the back of her neck, holding her in place as she tilted her head slightly, exposing the pale, soft skin of her throat. The pulse in Charlie's neck quickened, her heart pounding in her chest as she felt the warmth of Lute's breath against her skin.

And then, without warning, Lute sank her teeth into Charlie's neck.

Charlie gasped, her body stiffening at the sharp pain of the bite, but the pain was quickly replaced by something else—something hot and electric that coursed through her veins like fire. Lute's golden blood, still wet on her lips, mixed with the crimson red of Charlie's mortal blood, the combination sending a jolt of sensation through both of them.

Charlie's knees buckled, but Lute held her up easily, her grip firm but careful as she sucked at the wound, drawing the blood from Charlie's neck. The heat between them intensified, and Charlie's breath came in ragged gasps as her head spun from the overwhelming sensation.

The mixture of their blood—divine and mortal—seemed to pulse through Charlie's body like a current, amplifying every sensation, making her skin feel hypersensitive to even the slightest touch. Her vision blurred slightly, her mind unable to focus on anything but the feeling of Lute's teeth buried in her neck, the way her blood flowed into her, and the way her own blood mixed with it, heightening everything.

Lute pulled back, licking her bloodstained lips with a slow, deliberate motion, her eyes glowing with dark pleasure. "Mmm, you taste even better than I imagined," she murmured, her fingers brushing over the bite mark on Charlie's neck, smearing the blood that still trickled from the wound.

Charlie's breath hitched, her legs trembling as she tried to steady herself. The sensation was like nothing she had ever felt before—the pain, the heat, the overwhelming surge of pleasure that came from the mixture of their blood. It was as if every nerve in her body was alive, burning with a fire she couldn't contain.

Vaggie, who had been watching in stunned silence, took a step forward, her hand reaching out instinctively. "Charlie..."

Charlie's eyes fluttered open, her gaze hazy as she looked at Vaggie. "I... I feel it," she gasped, her voice trembling with both fear and desire. "It's... it's incredible."

Lute chuckled softly, wiping a stray drop of golden blood from the corner of her mouth. "I told you, princess. You've been missing out."

She leaned down again, her lips hovering just above Charlie's wound, and with a soft growl, she licked the blood that still seeped from the bite, her tongue warm and slick against Charlie's sensitive skin. Charlie whimpered, her body trembling as the sensation sent another wave of pleasure crashing through her.

"I could make you feel so much more," Lute whispered against her neck, her voice low and predatory. "You've only just tasted a fraction of what this is. Imagine what it would be like... if we pushed even further."

Charlie's eyes flicked to Vaggie, who looked torn between jealousy and fear, her good eye wide with emotion as she watched the scene unfold. Vaggie knew what this was—she knew exactly how far Lute could take Charlie, how easily she could break down every barrier and leave her utterly undone.

"Charlie," Vaggie's voice cracked, her hand reaching out to grasp Charlie's arm. "You don't have to do this."

Charlie hesitated, her breath shallow as she looked between Vaggie and Lute, her mind spinning with the intensity of what she had just experienced. The mixture of pain and pleasure, the way their blood had mingled—it was like nothing she had ever felt before.

But the pull of it, the dark allure of what Lute was offering, was almost too much to resist.

"I... I want to feel more," Charlie whispered, her voice shaky but full of longing. "I want to know what it's like."

Lute grinned, her golden eyes gleaming with triumph as she looked back at Vaggie. "Looks like your princess is ready to play, Vaggie. Are you?"

Vaggie's heart clenched, her body torn between wanting to protect Charlie and the undeniable desire that stirred inside her. She had once been lost to this—lost to the power, the pleasure, the blood. And now, seeing Charlie on the edge of that same dark abyss, she wasn't sure if she could pull her back.

Or if she even wanted to.

"I... I don't want to lose her," Vaggie whispered, her voice barely audible.

"You won't," Lute replied smoothly, her hand still resting on Charlie's waist as she turned her attention back to Vaggie. "But you'll have to share her with me."

Charlie's heart pounded in her chest, the intensity of Lute's words sending another rush of heat through her body. She looked at Vaggie, her breath shaky as she whispered, "Vaggie... I need to know what you felt…so I can understand why."

Vaggie swallowed hard, her eye darting between Lute and Charlie, her own desires warring with the fear she felt for Charlie's safety. But the truth was, she knew exactly how intoxicating it was—how the mix of their blood amplified everything, made every touch, every kiss, every moment of pleasure ten times more intense.

And despite everything, she couldn't deny that part of her wanted it too.

With a deep breath, Vaggie stepped forward, her hand trembling as she reached out to cup Charlie's cheek. "If... if you're sure."

Charlie nodded, her gaze full of both fear and determination. "I'm sure."

Lute's grin widened, her hand trailing down Charlie's neck as she whispered, "Then let's get started."

Charlie shivered under Lute's touch, her pulse quickening as the fallen angel's fingers traced lightly over her skin, sending sparks of sensation coursing through her. Vaggie, standing tense at Charlie's side, looked conflicted but didn't step away. Her gaze flicked toward Lute, wary, but the pull of the situation—Charlie's need for understanding, Lute's intoxicating dominance—was dragging all of them into something they couldn't stop.

Lute's hand lingered on Charlie's shoulder, her golden eyes gleaming as she leaned in closer, her voice a low purr. "Shall we take this somewhere more... private?"

Charlie, still reeling from the mix of pain and pleasure, nodded breathlessly. "My room... we can go to my room."

Vaggie's chest tightened, but she didn't protest. She fell into step beside Charlie, her hand brushing lightly against her girlfriend's arm in a silent gesture of support. Charlie's fingers curled briefly around Vaggie's in response, squeezing gently before she pulled away, her attention once again drawn to Lute.

The three of them walked in silence down the dimly lit hallways of the hotel, tension crackling in the air between them. Charlie's mind raced, her heart pounding as she thought about what was about to happen—what she had already agreed to. The sensation of Lute's teeth in her neck still lingered, the mix of their blood making her body hum with a strange, new energy.

When they reached Charlie's room, Lute opened the door with a slow, deliberate push, stepping inside first. Her golden gaze swept over the space, taking in the luxurious furniture and soft lighting with an appreciative smirk.

"Nice," she remarked, her voice dripping with amusement. "Fit for a princess."

Charlie blushed slightly, following Lute into the room, her fingers fiddling nervously with the hem of her jacket. She was still dressed in her usual pantsuit, the crisp lines of the fabric now feeling almost stifling against the heat that was building in her body.

Vaggie hesitated at the threshold, her gaze locked on Charlie's back. She had seen Charlie nervous before, but this was different. There was a hunger in her girlfriend's eyes that hadn't been there before—a curiosity, a need that was pulling her deeper into something dangerous.

Lute's voice broke the silence, smooth and commanding. "Take off your jacket, princess."

Charlie's hands trembled as she reached up to unbutton her jacket, her breath catching in her throat. She glanced at Vaggie for reassurance, and Vaggie gave her a small nod, though the tension in her shoulders hadn't eased. With a deep breath, Charlie slid the jacket off her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor.

Lute's grin widened, her eyes flicking over Charlie's now-exposed blouse. "Good. Now the rest."

Charlie's fingers fumbled with the buttons of her blouse, the anticipation making her palms sweat. She had never done anything like this before—never delved into something so dark, so intense. But the mix of her curiosity, Lute's presence, and the intoxicating memory of the blood play earlier was too much to resist.

One by one, the buttons came undone, and soon, her blouse was discarded on the floor next to her jacket. Charlie stood there in her bra and pants, her breath shaky as she waited for the next command.

Vaggie watched with a mix of emotions twisting in her chest. She had wanted to protect Charlie from this side of herself—the part of her that had once been consumed by blood, by pain, by Lute's dangerous allure. But seeing Charlie like this—vulnerable, willing, and so curious—stirred something deep inside her. The memories of the blood-soaked nights with Lute, the intensity of those experiences, resurfaced in a way that made her body ache with both desire and fear.

Lute stepped forward, her one hand brushing over Charlie's bare shoulder, her touch gentle but firm. "You're so eager," she murmured, her breath warm against Charlie's ear. "I can feel it. You want to know what it's like... what we're like."

Charlie swallowed hard, her throat dry as she nodded. "Yes."

Lute's fingers trailed down Charlie's arm, stopping just above her waist. "Then let's not waste any more time."

With a quick flick of her wrist, Lute unfastened Charlie's pants, sliding the zipper down with a smooth motion. The fabric pooled around Charlie's ankles, leaving her standing in just her bra and panties, her skin flushed with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

With Charlie standing in nothing but her bra and panties, her body trembling with a mix of excitement and nervousness, Lute's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. She trailed her hand lightly down Charlie's side, teasing the edge of her underwear, her breath hot against Charlie's neck. The room was thick with tension, the air charged with the anticipation of what was about to happen.

"Now it's our turn," Lute murmured, her voice low and sultry as she pulled back slightly, her golden eyes flicking toward Vaggie. "Shall we, Vaggie?"

Vaggie hesitated, her good eye fixed on Charlie's flushed, exposed skin. Her own breath hitched as she watched Lute's predatory movements, torn between the undeniable desire stirring in her chest and the protectiveness she always felt toward Charlie. But as Charlie's gaze met hers—filled with both trust and need—Vaggie's resolve faltered.

With a deep breath, Vaggie reached for the clasp of her shirt, her fingers trembling as she began to undo the buttons one by one. Her heart pounded as she exposed her own skin, the scars of battles past lining her body, her tension visible in every movement.

Lute, sensing Vaggie's hesitation, stepped toward her, her remaining hand moving to help undo the rest of the buttons. Her touch was firm but teasing, her eyes gleaming with that familiar, dark hunger. "No need to be shy, Vaggie. We've done this before."

Vaggie clenched her jaw, the memories of their blood-soaked past surging forward, but she didn't resist. Together, they quickly shed the rest of their clothes, leaving them both exposed, standing bare in front of Charlie.

Lute's tall, lithe form was as commanding as ever, her golden blood shimmering faintly in the light as it pulsed beneath her pale skin. Vaggie, shorter and more battle-worn, stood with her eye locked on Charlie's, her chest rising and falling with each shallow breath.

Charlie's breath hitched at the sight of both of them, her body already buzzing from the anticipation of what was coming next. Her eyes flicked between Vaggie and Lute, her mind swimming with thoughts of what they had done together before—thoughts of their blood, of their fingers intertwined inside her, of the pleasure that came with the pain.

Lute stepped behind Charlie once more, her arm wrapping around Charlie's waist as she leaned down, her lips brushing against Charlie's ear. "You're going to feel so much more than you ever have before, princess."

Before Charlie could respond, Lute's teeth sank into her neck again, breaking the skin with a swift, deliberate bite. Charlie gasped, her body tensing as the sharp pain shot through her, but it was immediately followed by that same overwhelming heat—the sensation of their blood mixing, the divine power of Lute's golden blood coursing through her veins.

Vaggie stepped closer, her hands trembling slightly as she reached out to Charlie, her fingers brushing over her flushed skin. She leaned in, her lips barely grazing Charlie's collarbone as her breath came out in ragged, shallow bursts. Her eye flicked to Lute, who nodded with a knowing smirk.

Without hesitation, Vaggie sank her teeth into Charlie's shoulder, her bite less forceful but still enough to draw blood. The mix of pain and pleasure surged through Charlie again, her body trembling as both women held her between them, their lips stained with the red of her mortal blood.

Lute's hand trailed down Charlie's body, her fingers grazing over the waistband of her panties before slipping beneath the fabric. Charlie whimpered, her breath hitching as Lute's fingers found their way to her core, teasing her entrance before sliding inside.

"You taste divine, princess," Lute murmured against her ear, her voice low and predatory. "But it's time for you to taste us."

With that, Lute pulled back slightly, biting down on her lip once more until the golden blood began to drip from the wound. She moved her lips to Charlie's, letting the golden blood smear against Charlie's mouth.

Charlie's lips parted, her breath shaky as her tongue flicked out to taste the divine blood. The effect was immediate—the heat, the power, the overwhelming surge of sensation that shot through her body like electricity. Her eyes fluttered shut, her body trembling with the intensity of it all.

Vaggie, watching with wide eyes, hesitated for only a moment before leaning in as well. She tilted Charlie's head toward her, pressing her lips to the wound on Charlie's neck, licking at the blood that still trickled from the bite. The taste of Charlie's blood—mortal, rich, and warm—sent a shiver down Vaggie's spine, reigniting a desire she had tried to bury for so long.

Lute's fingers slid deeper into Charlie's core, moving with slow, deliberate motions as she whispered against her skin. "Feel how your blood mixes with ours, how it amplifies everything. It's only going to get more intense."

Charlie whimpered, her body trembling as the sensations built, her blood mingling with theirs, the divine power of Lute's golden blood coursing through her veins. Vaggie's fingers, trembling but eager, joined Lute's, intertwining with hers as they worked together, pushing deeper into Charlie's slick heat.

Charlie's head fell back, her body arching as the pleasure built inside her, the sensation of their fingers intertwined, moving inside her in perfect harmony, sending wave after wave of pleasure crashing through her. The mix of their blood—mortal and divine—heightened everything, making every touch, every movement feel like fire spreading through her veins.

Vaggie pressed her body against Charlie's, her breath ragged as her lips found their way back to Charlie's neck. She kissed the sensitive skin, her tongue lapping at the blood that still lingered there as her fingers moved with increasing urgency inside her. The jealousy, the fear, the desire—it all melted away, replaced by the overwhelming need to make Charlie feel everything she had once felt with Lute.

Lute's golden eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she watched Vaggie give in to her own desires, her fingers moving in perfect sync with hers as they both pushed Charlie closer and closer to the edge.

"Let go, princess," Lute purred, her lips brushing against Charlie's ear. "Feel everything."

Charlie's breath hitched, her body trembling violently as the pleasure built to a crescendo, her vision blurring as she teetered on the edge. The sensation of their fingers, their teeth, their blood—it was all too much. Her mind spun, the mix of pain and pleasure blending into something overwhelming, something that consumed her entirely.

And then, in an instant, everything shattered.

With a sharp, gasping cry, Charlie's body convulsed, her muscles clenching tight around their intertwined fingers as her orgasm ripped through her like a violent storm. The force of it sent a wave of heat crashing down her spine, and before she could even process what was happening, her body gave way to the intensity, and she squirted, her release spraying out. 

Her thighs shook, her entire body trembling as the pleasure overwhelmed her, her back arching off the bed. The sensation was too much—too intense—but she couldn't stop it. Her vision blurred, her breath coming in ragged, desperate gasps as the aftershocks of her orgasm tore through her, her body writhing between Lute and Vaggie.

Vaggie's breath hitched, her fingers still intertwined with Lute's inside Charlie as she felt the flood of Charlie's release over her arm. Her eye widened in shock.

Charlie's chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of her orgasm. Her face was flushed, her hair damp with sweat, and her voice came out in a shaky, desperate whisper. "More... I need more... please..."

Lute chuckled softly, her golden eyes gleaming with satisfaction as she glanced over at Vaggie, her smirk widening. "Just like you used to be, Vaggie," she murmured, her voice dripping with amusement. "Begging for more after every drop of blood."

Vaggie's face flushed, her good eye narrowing in a mixture of shame and arousal. She could feel the heat rising in her chest, the memories of her own experiences with Lute flooding back. The way she had once been—desperate for every taste, every bite, every drop of Lute's divine blood. She had been just like Charlie—craving more even when her body was on the verge of collapse.

Charlie whimpered beneath them, her hands clutching at the sheets as her body trembled with the lingering need. Her mind was still hazy, still lost in the overwhelming intensity of her release, but the hunger inside her hadn't faded. She needed more—needed to feel them both again, to taste their blood, to feel that overwhelming pleasure all over again.

"Please," Charlie begged, her voice barely more than a whisper. "Don't stop... I need more..."

Lute's grin widened, her fingers slipping out of Charlie's slick heat as she leaned down, her lips brushing against Charlie's ear. "Oh, princess," she purred, her voice low and sultry. "You have no idea what you've just unleashed."