
(Part 9)

(PAKISTAN)= (International Cricket Training Camp of Pakistan for Juveniles [Dorm 1])

"Here you go! I am full!" told Ren handing the plates back to Isa and rushing upstairs. "Done already?" Isa asked eyeing his back. "Of course I am done! Alan will be back in no time!!" he replied taking his jersey from his room. Azazel, Feng and Heber with Cassiel gazed at them in wonder.

"I am done as well!" "Me too!" said Elias and Aigou together as they slipped in their shoes. "I am done as well." smiled Nagi as he stared at the stopwatch. "Only 18 minutes more to go." he told. Helios and Poseidon with Ezekiel stared at them quiet. "I better hurry as well then." Isa told. "Kazuna, where are you?" asked Senri looking around. "Behind you." Kazuna replied.

"Heeh? You are already prepared?" Senri questioned surprised. Kenzo, Xavier with Ryan and Gabriel looked at them silent. "What are you saying Senri, we are all ready." Told Noah as Aaron, Zach and Orion too stood ready to leave. "Good grief!" Senri sighed.

Adam who ate the food on the table didn't dare to spare a glance while Seraph and Feng looked at the highschoolers backs with their mouths slightly a gape. "Ah! Right! You boys eat up to your heart's content as well! We are leaving." Elias waved the middle schoolers who sat silent gazing back at them in an oddly astounded manner.

"Hurry up Ren! We'll leave you behind!" called Noah as Ren came rushing down. "See you later." Waved Isa one last time as they left the dorm. "Close the door will you?" asked Aaron who left at the end.

And the moment they left it felt as if a storm had passed by. A moment of brief silence took over the middle schoolers who finally took a breath of relief. "I am glad that they are gone!" thanked Feng taking a deep breath as he closed the door.

"Hey… how can you eat that?" asked Azazel looking at Adam who gulped his food without a gap. "What do you mean? It's so good!! Here! You try some!! That highness might be a little too proud of himself however, he really cooks well!!" Adam complimented passing half of his platter to Heber and Azazel who backed away. "No way in the world I am eating that." They rejected together.

Helios who was laying low on the couch gazed at the roof above. "Hey… for some reason. I am feeling really conflicted." He told. The boys including Ryan who stared at the Goldfish aquarium and Kenzo who laid down on the other couch gazed back at him.

"Conflicted about what?" Kenzo asked taking at deep breath. "About that boy Alan?" asked Seraph hitting on the mark. "Yeah… I can't help but feel awed." Helios replied. "Hey, don't tell me captain. That you think he can come back?" asked Ezekiel gazing over his face. "I can't help but wonder as well." Xavier smiled watering the plants below the showcase as Feng helped him.

"Even though, we were told to take a break my heart can't seem to rest at all." Poseidon sighed. "I have a feeling that he will do It." claimed Ryan. Suddenly all of them looked at him. "You think so?" asked Gabriel stern. "Yes… I just have that feeling. If the highschoolers have such confidence in him. Who are we to point if he will do it or not." Ryan replied. "But, judging by how long we take. It would be a record if he does something like this." Told Cassiel astounded. "How about we go and check it?" asked Kenzo sitting up. "Huh? Should we go?" asked Azazel surprised.

"What else can we do? If he really will do it, we will see with our own eyes. And, if he doesn't, we will still see with our own eyes." Kenzo said. "Seems right to me." Xavier smiled standing up. "I agree with that as well." Helios told. Ryan looked at the fish tank grinning.

"He is interesting…" he whispered. "Shall we go then?" asked Seraph patting Adam's head who burped with his hand rolling over his oversized stomach. "Yea… let's go. Seraph. My stomach hurts." Adam cried. Azazel, Ezekiel and Heber stared at him in disbelief. "Who told you to eat that much…" they asked together. Gabriel adjusting his shoes stood up ready.

"Come on. We will be late. All this discussion to only go and look has wasted ten minutes." he claimed. The boys taking their jerseys rushed outside the dorms closing the door behind them. "I can't believe we are doing this…" said Gabriel rolling his eyes. "If that Alan brat doesn't come back. He will have to return this King's precious time back." told Kenzo running.

"For some reason, I think we are about to get a surprise." Smiled Poseidon as Xavier nodded. Seraph looked at the others as he spoke, "Looks like the break we are desperately trying to take. We won't be able to receive that for a while." Cassiel nodded, "I approve of that." Helios and Ryan rushed towards the stadium. "Really captain? Hold onto your horses a little…" Cried Ezekiel following him weakly. "I don't think he will do that." Said Azazel as Heber and Feng nodded.

The highschoolers reaching the stadium found Rauf, Evandor and Haruf talking to each other. Tracing their sight Orion called, "Captain!" Upon Hearing his voice the three of them looked at the boys approaching towards him. "What's wrong?" asked Evan standing up. The boys panted hard settling themselves on the ground taking a breath.

"Alan will be back in a while." Pointed Noah. Rauf looking at Haruf replied, "I know that very well…" The boys stood up one by one regaining their strength. "Of course, we are here to meet him." Aigou told. Haruf laughed, "Haha! I knew that! Come on, wait for a while he'll be here in no time now." The boys looking at the entrance waited for Alan.

"We are here." Told Poseidon as he pointed the highschoolers who waited there. "Let's stay here." Kenzo told observing at the entrance himself. "I wonder if he'll make it?" asked Xavier. "He has to. I took my pretty time out to just come here for him." Kenzo replied rolling his eyes.

"For some reason, my heart's beating so fast!" told Adam looking forward. "Of course, you are excited that's why." told Seraph. Ryan standing at the front looked at Cassiel "Time?" he questioned. "Only 2 minutes left." Cassiel responded. The boys curiously looked at the answer heading before them.

"I am already here." Alan whispered pulling the sledge towards the stadium reaching towards the highschoolers who stood with their eyes widened. "Look Captain! There he is!!" Pointed Ezekiel, Heber and Azazel together. Middle schoolers surprised to the point of disbelief stared at Alan shocked. "He really… made it?" asked Poseidon baffled. "Yeah… he's here." Kenzo smirked. "So it wasn't all words when he accepted the challenge huh… such an interesting person." commented Helios.

"Unbelievable…" Feng and Adam gasped in awe. "I knew it would be a surprise…" Xavier guessed. Ryan smirked, "So they really aren't show huh? I was waiting for it." Alan leaving the sledge grasped his knees panting hard. His hairs covering his back and his face disheveled to the core. "Alan!!" the highschoolers running towards him together. "Brother…" Alan whispered. "Hm?" Rauf asked eyeing him seriously.

"What's the time?" Alan asked. "Right on time." Rauf responded, "To think there will be a day when you'll even break my record… I hadn't expected that." A sudden smile escaping his lips Alan looked at Rauf before him and soon the boys who had surrounded him. His expression widened for a moment he smiled caringly greeting, "Missed me? I am back."