

Rory was a normal kid with normal family until an inter-dimensional being appeared. With him came powers and abilities that were unimaginable. Then he disappeared but the problems remained. Governments have all but disbanded and a group of powerful users calling themselves Kings have taken over. I’ll play their game. My mission is simple: Find the King responsible for taking my family and crush them.

Tonedup1 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 7: Arrival..The TWINS appear

Nunez swore at himself. He would have never guessed such an ability existed. The injury wasn't deadly but he was in critical condition. If Gar had any other tricks up his sleeve, he'd be fucked.

He slowly tried to stand. But Gar kicked him back over. "I'd be careful. You're bleeding General.."

He let out another sick laugh that sent the crowd into shivers. The General had ran the sector for over 10 years and they had never seen him reduced to this state. This instantly struck fear into the hyped crowd who slowly started to back away.

Gar pulled out a sword, and grabbed the general by the hair. "He looked up to the crowd with a devilish grin. "Aw what? Don't give me those faces. You don't love the show? Is this really your savior?" At this point Vlad had recovered and had joined the fray.

"Gar you need to finish things, we still have two more then the Twins."

Gar looked defeated. "Vlad what's the rush, you never let me have fun. First Tuborg, then General Fox now you're trying to steal my fun from the most powerful of the 4?"

"Reinforcements could come we need to leave while we…." Suddenly Vlad felt a extreme chill run down his spine.

A guy calmly walked out the crowd with a girl by his side. He Had half his head shaved with jet black hair on the other side. He had rune tattoos that covered his right arm, red pupils and black eyes. His ears were pierced as were his lips. The girl with him was much shorter. She was wearing jean shorts, the same rune tattoos that covered more of her body. The same eyes and head was shaved the exact same way.

"Well.. well..well isn't this a surprise. Here we are out for a pleasant stroll and we come across this….fiasco." The guy spoke calmly yet no one dared move.

"Dom isn't that our general over there on the ground?" The girl spoke with a heavy south american accent.

"If I remember correctly, that one was quite strong so these two must've done some shady shit."

Dom looked at General Nunez with a frown. "You're right Letty." He then looked at Nunez.."you've become such an embarrassment to the cause. I should end you here and now."

"DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DONT SEE US HERE!!!!" Gar screamed out. "It was us, the proud servants of the Dukes alliance. We left your General in that miserable state. And you saved us the trouble of finding you ourselves."

Gar sneered with a wild look on his face.

Letty jumped up in joy. "Oh brother look! A dog who barks too much. Can we keep him?"

Gar hearing these words visibly had a vein appear on his head. "You bitch you'll regre…" Suddenly Gar had a hand wrapped around his throat and was lifted off the ground. He didn't even see Dom move at all.

"You come into my Zone, wreck one of my favorite clubs, and have the nerve to call my baby sister a bitch? I was gonna keep you as a pet but you don't even deserve that. You are unworthy to keep your life." He pulled Gar closer and whispered. "la muerte te encuentra."

Dom suddenly opened his mouth revealing massive fangs and bit into Gars throat ripping out a huge chunk of flesh then slammed Gars body into the ground. But he didn't stop. He repeatedly slammed Gars body over and over into the ground until it was a mangled mess.

Rory still off in the distance, watching the entire event unfold with mouth wide open. This was the power of the Kings. He had only ever witnessed one Kings power but this was different. It was pure brutality. Letty suddenly felt a chill which shocked her and immediately looked to the direction it came from and stared straight at Rory's direction.

Rory, getting surprised by this could feel her looking at him and immediately hid behind a tree. He was over a mile away. She couldn't have possibly noticed him. This was his thoughts as he hid behind a tree. She continued to stare in his direction then redirected her attention. "Brother that's enough, you're making a mess." She then looked at Nunez and walked up to him. "From here on out you are relieved of your command. Due to the respect I have for you, you get to keep your life. Retire old man…live our your days in peace. Someone tell Blitz is he now General of this sector."

This sent shockwaves through the crowd as some of the people had subtle tears creeping down their face. General Nunez was fair and made life bearable and now he was ousted because of one defeat.