

Rory was a normal kid with normal family until an inter-dimensional being appeared. With him came powers and abilities that were unimaginable. Then he disappeared but the problems remained. Governments have all but disbanded and a group of powerful users calling themselves Kings have taken over. I’ll play their game. My mission is simple: Find the King responsible for taking my family and crush them.

Tonedup1 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 4: Meet Up

Rory decided to leave the watch for later and started to walk with his bag on this shoulder. He turned into an alleyway and the two men smiled deviously thinking they found an easy target. Soon they entered the alley? Rory was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey where did the punk go?"

"I don't know, but that watch will fetch a pretty penny, we have to find him"

The two entered deeper when Rory dropped down from a fire escape behind them.

"You've found him"

One of the two tried to quickly turn around with a pistol but Rory was quicker. He shot out a spinning star attached to a chain and severed the man's hand that was holding the gun.

Before his partner could react Rory was in front of him and jumped to deliver knee to the chin, breaking the man's jaw. He quickly followed up with a roundhouse kick and sent the man into a pile of trash.

He dropped another chain out. "He you scum want to keep your lives, use this as a lesson."

"The man was holding his wrist trying to stop the bleeding. "How?! You must be a user."

Rory grabbed his bag off the ground and looked back, "Be grateful I'm

not". The man's eyes widened realizing they made a terrible mistake.

Rory turned and walked out the alley.




After walking for another 15 minutes, Rory turned into a shop on the corner. It was run down and didn't stick out too much. He knocked twice then a third before entering. He proceeded to head straight to the back and entered into a small room. A security guard materialized and patted Rory down.

He was used to this as he had gone through the process many times. The guard labeled him as clear And the wall disappeared as Rory entered into a club like atmosphere. EDM bumped as Rory made his way through the crowd to another small room in the back. He entered and there sat a round table of men playing cards. He didn't interrupt.

"What's your call?" The dealer looked around the table.




"Gentleman this game is no fun if I win every hand." The Man who spoke had a heavy South American accent "I know I am a General but come on..this papi can't take all your money, I'd be left with no one to play" The man let out a bellowing laugh as the table chuckled.

He looked up and saw Rory standing there. "Ah my friend Rory. How goes things? Were the watches a hit or no?"

Rory just shook his head, "General Nunez they were. But of course you already knew this."

"Ya veo Ya veo. Come I have your things. You have my payment, Yes?"

Rory nodded and followed General Nunez to a separate room. "I have your travel documents, new coat, and my friend will meet you there at the wildlands at my request. Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

Rory nodded with a steadfast look.

"I won't try to talk you out of it. I'm sure if I were you Id do the same and your father would want you to. But know you will make a lot of powerful enemies."

Rory looked at General Nunez. The colombian man had a thick greying hair on his face. He looked tired. Out of all the Generals in Zone 3, Nunez was the most well favored due to his fairness. He never considers himself above others and tried to help people. Depending on who you asked, some even considered him the unofficial King which made the General have to watch his moves. The Twins were already aware of him and his hold on the masses. Rory deeply respected the man as his father did. They served together in the military and Rory considers him as an uncle figure. "I know and thank you for this. I know going against your King can't be easy."

"Rory my boy I serve no man. This is only a position to help me help my people. Since the twins took over, things have only gotten worse. The Kings have lost touch with the real threat. They no longer fear Loro, the power, goes to their head. Youngsters have been getting more bold, which is why I had someone create the watches. Hopefully it helps prevent a lot of the bloodshed."

"Here is one. For you." Nunez gave Rory a power watch and when Rory put it on it displayed an ever changing number.