

Rory was a normal kid with normal family until an inter-dimensional being appeared. With him came powers and abilities that were unimaginable. Then he disappeared but the problems remained. Governments have all but disbanded and a group of powerful users calling themselves Kings have taken over. I’ll play their game. My mission is simple: Find the King responsible for taking my family and crush them.

Tonedup1 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 21: Real Deal

The Woman surprised Kingsley with her challenge. She was in his city, His hotel and she dare tell him prove who he was??? He hasn't been looked down on like that since he was a kid.

Kingsley looked at the woman who sat nervously. He knew that she was stalling, hoping to find a way out of the situation. He had to admit she had spunk which is why he picked her to begin with. Truth was Kingsley knew good and well who she was and her reputation. She had come to the city three years ago. In fact if Kingsley hadn't already taken the city, she may have but luck was against her.

Kingsley was known as the King of Phantasms. His power was the ability to manipulate spirit energy on a grand scale. Being from New Orleans, he quickly rose as a powerful businessman, and once D-day occurred he was one of the first to manifest an ability.

Discovering what his ability was he figured the best place to learn were his roots. He returned and met up with a voodoo priestess who taught him how to utilize his power to its max potential. After that, Kingsley quickly took over New Orleans, and started his conquest of the states themselves. With his unique ability, he faced little opposition and eventually became known as the King of the States. But, Kingsley soon realized the issue with being solo and maintaining a kingdom.

Fights broke out constantly and he couldn't be everywhere at once. So he started his search for Generals. The first recruited was Lector who was currently taking over Canada and the Alaskan region leading him to Nora. He only crashed the summit so the US wouldn't interfere in his affairs.

The reason Nora was so skeptical was that not many knew what Kingsley looked like. He swept through the states so fast that many actually tried to impersonate him. Those that did, ended up as ashes. Although he owned the city, Nora was more well known since she set up shop there.

Kingsley understood all of this. His ability as a tactician helped him become extremely wealthy in the corporate world and was now helping him in the new one. He had Nora right where he wanted her.

"I already have but you're free to leave . If you so choose too"

Nora stared blankly at Kingsley. Was he fucking around with her or did he mean she could up and leave? She decided to use the chance to escape.

"Very well I'll take you up on that." She stood up and started to leave. She realized they weren't following so she let out a sigh of relief but something seemed off. She felt weird. Her body didn't feel normal. She immediately turned around and stared in disbelief. Sitting across from Kingsley was her! Well to be more exact her body.

She didn't understand what had happened. "You lied!! You said I could leave!! Fix me!!" Nora started to scream in panic.

"I did indeed say that. I never said what part of you could leave. The finer details are important." He snapped his fingers and her astral form was immediately jerked back into her body. She immediately started to puke as it felt like her body was rearranged.

"Is that enough for your little test? Or shall I remove you again and again?" Kingsley stated this unhurriedly as if he had nothing better to do. Nora now didn't care who he was, she never wanted to experience that feeling again. The nothingness of it was what affected her the most. It felt like an void of dread and despair.

The truly scary part was that he did this without even moving! She was scared to think how he would be serious.

"Fine fine. I'll listen to your offer. Just…don't do that again."

Kingsley nodded. "Know I am no bully. I despise those that try to use force to get things accomplished. Sure they may be scuffles here and there but I'm not a tyrant. I offer..perspectives. I did nothing you didn't ask me to do."

She understood. Kingsley didn't seem like the type to bully anyone. He didn't need to with that terrifying ability. A show of force was all that was needed.

He then leaned forward and looked at her intensively. Nora didn't know why, but the atmosphere suddenly shifted as if the real business was about to take place.

Kingsley stared with intent before speaking. "So…come work for me, we're taking over the United States and I need loyal companions. You can refuse but just know the President of the United States is already on board.