

Rory was a normal kid with normal family until an inter-dimensional being appeared. With him came powers and abilities that were unimaginable. Then he disappeared but the problems remained. Governments have all but disbanded and a group of powerful users calling themselves Kings have taken over. I’ll play their game. My mission is simple: Find the King responsible for taking my family and crush them.

Tonedup1 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapt 20: Encounter with Nora

Soren and Kingsley flew across the ocean in his G4 private jet. He was already well off from multiple business ventures, some even being illegal but he was known as an influential businessman who didn't take no for an answer.

Kingsley stared out the window with a glass of whiskey. "Sir, we're nearing the airport, but why are we heading to New Orleans?" Kingsley looked at Soren then turned towards the window as if he could see miles into the distance. "Just to find a little bird whose flown too close to the Sun."

Once the plane landed, a private car was waiting for them. The car sped towards the city of New Orleans at a frightening pace. Once D-Day occurred cops barely could contain the violence anymore. Any sane person wouldn't dare drive a private car but Kingsley had no worries. The person he was going to see had taken over these parts. He had heard of the few rising up and claiming countries as their own. He believed some had to be far fetched. A person swallowing an entire mountain couldn't be possible. He shook his head of the thoughts as they neared the downtown area.

As they continued driving, Kingsley shook his head. Looting was active in the streets. The once renowned Superdome was in shambles. It looked as if a battle had taken place right outside. "Do these people not realize, this is their own home?"

Kingsley just rested his hand on his chin. "When you remove animals from a cage and remind them they are animals, primal instincts take over. This was always a possibility, things just became sped up. First we'll head to Cafe Du Monde'. I'd kill for some beignets. Then Place d'Armes. That's where little bird is nesting.

After getting food, the private car rolled up to the hotel. While the rest of the city seemed chaotic, the hotel and surrounding area was peaceful.

Kingsley and Soren both exited the car and walked up. The hotel was small and built in classic french architecture. There was an open courtyard full of flowers and extremely quiet.

On the side walk a man appeared to be urinating on the side of the building. Kingsley looked over. "How unsightly." Suddenly he raised his hand and the mans body quickly started to age rapidly. A thin layer of purple fog could be seen coming out and heading towards Kingsley as he absorbed it. "Such a pitiful existence."

They entered the courtyard as the man's body slowly turned to ashes.

As they walked through, the one thing that stood out was Open windows. Every single window was open. They headed around the back and could hear water. Kingsley assumed it was a pool area and walked around as the sounds of water grew nearer.

As he came upon a clearing, he discovered a beautiful woman sitting in a pool with two young handsome men. They were kissing as the woman watched smiling. Neither of them noticed Kingsley or Soren approach.

"Well..Well…A little bird with two doves who's now before an Eagle. I'm

sure theres a saying about this. Oh!..That's right …You can't fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren."

The girl seemed taken aback then annoyed. The two men being startled immediately rushed to attack Kingsley as the woman shouted for then to stop.

Kingsley waved his hand as the two men and to abrupt halt. The woman stood up in shock as the two resisted the strange power that was overcoming them. They couldn't resist anymore and they both met the same fate as the man outside the hotel. She slowly stepped back as Kingsley walked closer.

"Put on some clothes, I have a proposition for you."

After the woman changed, they all sat in one of the courtyards silently. The woman wore a silk robe and had her legs crossed. Kingsley knew she was terrified but she was trying to put on a front.

"Look I don't have much money. If this is your place, I'm sorry I was just trying to relax and have fun. I meant no offense."

Kingsley just stared. This made the woman even more uneasy. With the look she was receiving she felt as she was knocking on deaths door. Just who was this man?

"Oh little bird. Don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you. As I've said, I got a proposition. See the thing is…this is my hotel…and this is my city."

The woman just looked and laughed. This man may be strong. But he dare claim to be the owner of the city? It was absurd. She smirked at Kingsley as he raised his eyebrows.

She then leaned forward. "Prove it"