
Kings conceit

a free spirited young man dies, then meets a god and gains powers going of what he answered as well as some flaws to spice it up see how a man with a troubled past and twisted personality survives the dc universe

slothadvocate · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs


'Where am I.'

'Is this the afterlife? Why is everything so… well nothing??' thought to himself.

Nothing not empty, not dark, not cold not warm not even so full of light that seeing anything is impossible. Yes, nothing is the only wat to define this 'space?' at this point in 'time?'

And yet 'in?' this nothingness stood a rather unremarkable looking soul that could be seen looking for any semblance of reality for his mind to latch on to.

While his mind began seemingly imploded in on itself after what it felt as century's passing while it floated around for light years. Tho in truth it has been 8 seconds since it arrived here.

As mind was reaching a breaking point suddenly the confusion was gone. As it looked around it saw that it was no longer nothing but now it existed in a white space.

As the soul was contemplating its situation a voice brought him back to reality

"Top of the morning" boomed an authoritative voice that seemed to echo in this white room.

Startled jumped back and began to look for were the sound came from

After a brief search noticed a man sitting on a chair. This man seemed to be a being made from the galaxy itself, as viewed him he couldn't help but remember a certain character from a manga he had previously read.

"Hello?" said in response to the beings early, rather exaggerated greeting towards him.

"Hm, your much younger than what is to be expected from someone with your accomplishments."

"Ahh, thanks I guess" said not knowing what he did to receive such praise.

Next it snapped its fingers, with that the room turned into what appeared to be a therapist's office. It even had with it the signature chaise lounge or better known as a long chair.

"Sit" it commanded.

following that order from this odd being nodded and laid down on the rather comfortable couch still confused about the whole situation. One minute he was about to try cocaine for the first time, then next he was in that weird brain fuck, then a white room till finally being brought in for therapy.

This whole situation left him so confused that he didn't want to bother thinking anymore less his mind explode from trying to rationalize his whole situation. With that he decided that for the rest of whatever this is he'll switch his brain off and merely go with the flow.

While he was thinking in an instance the being put on a suit and held pen and paper in both hands, then said "so how are you feeling."

"What did you say?" no able to hear the name said asked this being to repeat.

"Oh, that's interesting so you can't even hear your own name, this might be more fun than I initially planned."

"What are you saying my name is, Ah!" as thought of his name a sudden headache came forcing him to grip the sides of his head "what's happening!?!?" he screamed.

"Calm down just stop trying to remember your true name, you won't be able to use it yet" it instructed with an amused expression being formed with the galaxes swirling in its face.

Following these instructions the pain soon subsided then shot a questioning look at the being.

"So, now that your calm are you ready to begin" it asked.

"Begin what" said still confused from the sudden turn.

"Hm, it seems your disorientated so let me explain. You see long story short you dead." it said.

"Hm, how?" said knowing that from his memory he was about to try cocaine so unless he died from thinking about taking cocaine then this wouldn't make sense.

"You see right as you were about to sniff you first line a random bullet fell and struck you straight in the skull killing you instantly. tsk tsk this is why crack houses exist. What were you thinking doing this outside?"

rolled his eyes.

"so, is this the afterlife" asked look around "its …different then what I was expecting."

"No this is my personal domain, just as your soul was on its way to the hell it got lost and ended up in nil. While there I happen to see you and decided to save you out of interest" it said

"Hell?" asked in confusion having accepted the cause of death, since as a believer in murphy's law even if it was a plane he'd see it as a plausible cause of death, but hell was something hard to accept.

"-_-" straight faced the god just stared at him. Ok maybe hell was a believable option considering the life his lived.

"so, if I'm not going to hell then what's to happen next" asked in an attempt to change the subject.

"well you see I've decided to reincarnate you with some perks/ability's and something extra so to speak, in a world of my choice, but first I'll ask you some questions and depending on this I'll decide on everything else" god said with a mischievous glint in its stars

'How the hell is he making expressions with those stars?' thought while staring at god.

"so, first question. if you knew you would succeed how big would you dream"

"-_-" having understood the reference chose to remain silent.

Thinking for a bit realized that going by the chose to set him up in a therapist's office out of everything, and if every question was to follow the same line of questioning, then this can be considered a test to gauge his inner character.

If these questions will lead to the world he will go to and the abilities, as well as any additional prize then he will receive then that means he only has one option.

'LIE' he thought.