

When she woke up, she was alone. More alone than she had been previously.

"So he's really gone," Lumielle exhaled, her expression turning somewhat sour. She had been blinded by her own desperation that she had not had the time to sit down and reeducate herself on what had happened in her absence. She had no time to mourn, no time to be caught up in her emotions. Or, was it easier to cope like this? 

The trial had been more successful than she had thought. The high priests that were against Jenoix had been labeled as the fanatical criminals who tried to poison her. Allard had led the charge in helping round up the priests, all innocent, but for the sake of justice, he did what he needed to do. 

Her father had been as cryptic as ever. Lumielle bitingly thought that he needed to meet his grave far quicker. It would be harder than ever to poison him, not after her own poisoning. Everything would be checked and everyone was hyper suspicious.