
Kingdoms in Crimson

In the kingdom of eternal chaos, heirs to the throne were born. Can one of the princesses become a ruler worthy of governing this chaotic world? Discord has persisted for centuries, fostering anarchy among the population and knights. Will the chosen ones manage to take control of everything and resolve the looming conflicts with the surrounding kingdoms?

DerofAser · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Volume 1 Chapter 2 - Revenge and Joy of Genocide

On behalf of Victoria:

"Having set off, I was in full combat readiness with my more than 600 thousand troops.

All the inhabitants of Demonia saw us off with indescribable joy in their eyes and happy tears, during these years of bloody invasion, many of their relatives were killed. Seeing off their leader and a huge army, which was intended to destroy sworn enemies, made the people one in an instant.

Watching this, I realized once again that my life and the life of the kingdom depend on me. In this battle, the decisive blow will be dealt by preparation and hatred of the enemy.

Perhaps this was the most desirable military solution, not only for me, but for the entire Demonia.

Now that the kingdom is united and more than ever ready for any challenge, I felt a weight on my shoulders. This fight will probably be the last for many soldiers marching next to me. But looking at them, looking into their eyes, I see only the unwavering determination and anger that they have been holding in themselves all this time.

Watching all this, I was filled with determination. Determination to fulfill my duty as queen, even if it costs me my life, I will definitely meet their expectations."

* By evening, Queen Victoria's army arrived at the planned place*

The sun was replaced by the moon, and on the usually deserted empty plains, there were now many tents and armored warriors.

"It's almost time for the offensive, where are the Luminaria troops?

I've been wondering this question ever since we set up camp to rest from a long trip.

Perhaps unforeseen circumstances have forced the forces of Luminaria to linger? If that's the case, then I can start it all without them, I don't think they'll be so late that I won't last without their help.

Then it's decided, by midnight we will launch an attack."

The army of the Demonia, lined up in countless columns, slowly advanced towards the first enemy city on their way.

* Dusk had come and the time of the invasion was about to begin any minute *

"My army! Today is the day of reckoning for our enemies! For years we have endured their hatred and enmity towards us. And having reached our limit in the patience of such a neighbor in the lands of Demonia, we will no longer expect their attacks! We will attack first, wipe them all off the face of the earth and show the whole world that only the gods themselves can be our enemies!"

Glory to the Queen! Glory to the Demonia," shouted the soldiers, one and all.

On behalf of the guards of the city of Noircourt of the Shadow Empire:

"Hey Frank! Where are the reports from the border guards?" Commander Raul asked his secretary.

"Today we did not receive anything that could resemble reports. The only thing you should know is the strange behavior of birds on the northern borders, sir."

"So you want to say that there is no news from the border guards and something is happening to the birds?" - having said this, Commander Raul immediately became serious and glared at Frank.

"Announce the alarm and a general gathering at the walls of the city!

Frank was stunned by his commander's reaction, but putting it all together, he realized the leader's abrupt behavior.

"That's right, sir!" shouted Frank, running in panic to obey the order.

After a while, the whole city was gripped by panic and chaos, the guards ran to the gate, people evacuated their families, but the huge army of Her Majesty Victoria de Luna, Queen of Demonia, was already watching all this movement.

On behalf of Victoria:

"Don't let the enemy take up positions, start firing!" commanded Victoria.

On the orders of their queen, all the siege guns began to continuously launch shells at the walls of the city.

"The first and second divisions are coming with me, the third division bypasses the city and kills the fleeing enemies."

"Entering the city, I saw a man. Presumably this is the leader of the group of troops in this city, it seems he has mana. This is a problem for my soldiers, so I will act wisely and take it on myself."

"Attack the city, do not pay attention to me, I will deal with their leader." she ordered the soldiers.

The soldiers marched outside the walls of the city and took up the fight with the guards. At the same time, Commander Raul did not react in any way to all the chaos going on in the city. He couldn't get distracted, because every second was very important in a mana fight, especially at a high level.

"You look calm for someone whose city is about to be burned by my warriors," Victoria said, watching the shadow knight's unfeeling reaction.

"It's more important for me to get rid of you, the Demon Queen, now. Having lost you, your army will be disoriented and will not be able to continue the invasion." said Raoul, taking out a long sword and filling it with mana.

"He's definitely a veteran, which means I need to give my best." Victoria thought as she spewed out more mana and stood up in a stance.

Without any signal, both sides rushed towards each other at full speed, clashing swords and trying to find the opponent's weak spot. The fight didn't last very long, but soon Victoria began to understand the difference in strength.

"He is unable to use the knight's supreme power, aura. He's not my opponent, I need to finish this quickly."

Raul, realizing her intentions, began to use all his mana to deter a stronger opponent.

But these pathetic attempts had no chance of success. Exactly 5 minutes later, the sound of a fall was heard. Raoul's arm was severed, and his very condition was like a living corpse rising from the ground.

"You fought well. I will kill you painlessly," Victoria said, at the same time laughing in her head at the words spoken to her. She wasn't going to let his miserable life go without suffering.

Flashing mana, a wavy red light began to emanate from Victoria's body. Seeing this, Raoul couldn't help but curse at his near-death state. He served the Empire all his life, fought and carried out every order that was given to him. And here he is, covered in blood, with a missing dominant arm, leaning on a sword and supporting himself with mana so as not to fall off his feet at any second.

"This is the end," he muttered, squeezing out the last of his strength to die resisting.

The next moment, the area where the battle was taking place was flooded with scarlet, which concentrated in the queen's blade.

With his last breath, Raoul stared ahead, his gaze full of determination. The queen, looking at this, was even more angry and waved her scarlet sword.

A huge vertical red slash, like a wave, approached Raoul in an instant reaching his body.

While waiting for his dissection, he closed his eyes, only to feel a hellish burning sensation all over his body. It seemed that the sun itself hated his existence, he writhed in agony, not understanding why he did not die instantly.

The Queen, with an aloof and calm gaze, just watched as the man who a few minutes ago was beaming with determination and murderous intent, lay and comically turned from side to side. At some point, a hint of amusement appeared in the queen's eyes, but at the same moment it disappeared, the reason why her gaze returned to the previous one was, of course, the corpse. A charred corpse that breathed its last a little later than he had planned, but much earlier than the queen had planned. She didn't enjoy his agony.

At that moment, she felt that her anger could only be quenched by the complete extermination of the shadow people.