
Kingdom of Zo-An

The Kingdom of Zo-An has a great rulers which are called Royalties, Every people in the kingdom loved them, worshipped them, but the truth behind their wealth were soon to be discovered by the Zodiac (people who were blessed by the stars and had an ability that is superior from normal people)

Dash_vin · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

The Blood of Zodiac

Kilian's face turned pale, and he just stayed quiet at the side and took some food to eat. While Seth just looks and laughs at what she sees. She knew that Kilian was afraid of women and maybe he was really attracted to the assassin when he saw her face, and in fact, he also held the hand of this assassin. Linhardt couldn't follow what was going on, but Seth said that it was up to her to talk to the assassin. Even Lucius couldn't understand what was happening, so he went up and rested for a while to regain his strength for their next destination.


Sirius! news reached me that your High Guardian is in serious condition!

Lord Egon's words. He is also one of the royalties in charge of the house of VEA. Lord Egon's job is to keep the royalty's defense strong and he always carries a large shield that has the appearance similar with the ring that Sirius was wearing. The lining was field with gold but the inside the shield has a gem that contains strange aura and looks like a river of blood also inside.

even he couldn't believe that the High Guardian Gaia had suffered serious bodily damage so it immediately caught his attention and he went immediately.

don't worry I can handle the situation properly and you don't need to interfere in this matter. you can just focus on guarding the defense of our border and I will take care of it.

Sirius replied calmly as he calmly drank his tea and just looked out the window.

Lord Egon didn't like Sirius's response to him and Sirius didn't even look at him every time he spoke and showing like he doesn't even care about his presence.

he asked what caused Gaia to be so badly injured but Sirius just lied to him and changed the story.

in his story there were many Ziukai that was in rage and Gaia was not ready for that battle. Gaia single-handedly consumed all the Ziukai that were destroying the Velos Desi that is why the whole Desi was burned down. but unfortunately Gaia was badly injured by one of the curse of the Ziukai.

Sirius also didn't want what he knew about Linhardt to reach the other royalty so he avoided mentioning about Linhardt's case to Lord Egon. even though he elaborately reported to Lord Egon, It seems that the other lord has no intention of believing what he said. Lord Egon ordered one of his soldiers which is also a Taurus Zodiac to get the information about what actually happened at Velos Desi. before he left, he threatened Sirius that the moment he found out that he was lying, he would not let him pass and he would make sure to report it to the Seven Pillars.

The Seven Pillars was the high council of each houses. Each member of the Seven was known to have an incredible power that no one can even match. before they made any decision, or appoint some royalty on their position, everything must be verified by the Seven Pillars.

Although Sirius was slightly nervous at what he heard, he did not show any emotion so that Lord Egon would not be suspicious.

He thinks that it would be better off ignorantly knowing other royalty that there is a Leo left who has unique abilities. In truth, Sirius didn't even know why the Chyrums were blinded and why does their Desi suddenly had those serious epidemic. He also wants to uncover the truth and suspected that his fellow royalty had something to do with it but none of them wanted to talk about what really happened.

After Lord Egon left, Sirius immediately took action and thinking to make a plan to deceive the Zodiac Taurus that was assigned to investigate the Velos Desi. he had to make sure that no one would speak to even one of the soldiers about what really happened. it's also a good thing that he was the only one who saved Gaia and all the soldiers he sent to Velos Desi all died so there will be no survivor that they can ask information.

before he left, he looked at the ring he was wearing. the red blood flowing in the ring becomes a little pale in color. He put down the cup he was holding and put on a thick golden coat. when he came out of his room he first looked around to see if there was another soldier guarding him. he made sure his door was locked and walked away.

Sirius put on his hood and was groping for something on the wall near his room. when he made sure there was no one else around he looked at a painting that had a photo of a golden sword. he took the painting apart and he seemed to have pressed a button.

suddenly a secret tunnel opened behind the wall and he quickly entered it and closed it immediately.

inside the secret door there is a staircase leading down. he took a torch that was on the side to use light as he went down the stairs.

while he was going down, he could hear the horrifying sounds of people screaming and begging.

when Sirius came down the stairs there were people waiting for him and immediately knelt down when they saw him. Lord Sirius! said the people below who seemed to be his workers. all these people are wearing very thick cape and a huge hood and had chains around their necks and feet to prevent from escaping.

Is my request ready? asked Sirius. the workers with chains on their bodies immediately answered and said that what he needed was ready.

Sirius placed his ring in a holder meant for it. when he landed the ring, the shouts of the begging people around him suddenly got louder. the surroundings were slightly lit up in red and the hundreds of people bound inside a huge prison were exposed. they are still alive but most of them are just bones and skin. their faces are almost unrecognizable. and every time Sirius put his ring on, it slowly absorbed the blood of all people inside the cage. it can also be noticed that all the people inside where not just regular people of the Kingdom. they all have tattoos on their necks and are instantly recognizable as Zodiacs. Even Riley, the Taurus who fought Seth and was blinded by Sirius, was also inside the prison.

The main reason why the Zodiac Taurus can't even fight a Royalty, it's because of the Artifact they are always wearing.

one of which is the Blood Ring used by Sirius.

the Blood Ring is made of gold made by a very skilled blacksmith and the gem inside that seems to have living blood flowing is none other than the blood of the Zodiacs.

King Regulus invented it so that no Zodiac would violate them but in exchange for that power they would sacrifice hundreds of Zodiacs to build a perform and alive gem. anyone who plans to violate them cany be easily killed in an instant by using their artifacts. as long as the Royalties reign the entire Kingdom of Zo-An no one can stop them and they will never run out of supplies of Zodiac blood to sacrifice for their power.