
The test

"Hello is anyone here."

Nathan found himself inside a room with a blue wall and a black night sky ceiling With white starlight lights scattered about. In front of him was a single table with a white oval like object in the center on a table along with a note.

" To any that would fight the darkness face your light and fight."

" ok that was vague what do you suppose I'm to do with it?"

Wrath just looked at Nathan and shrugged.

" no clue just pick it up what the worst that can happen."

" ok, one don't go raising flags like that it's asking for trouble. But I guess you're right."

With that there, inner conversation was over Nathan picked up the white Oval to take a closer look at it. When suddenly Nathan was enveloped in lights and found himself in an all to familiar place. He was on a mosaic style round floor that showed the five unions Emblem equally separated from each other in the form of there mascots. Anguis represented by Purple cobra, leopards represented by a yellow leopard, Unicornis represented by a white unicorn, Ursus represented by brown bear, and finally Vulpes represented by yellow Fox.

"Well, what do we have here?"

Nathan wondered out loud he's been in a similar room before when he forged his key blade but this room felt different.

" which union does your heart belong to?"

Nathan looks up and around wondering where the disembodied voice was coming from only to notice the only thing different was each of the five emblems was now glowing.

" hello is anyone there? Whoever made this test really needs to rethink choices they mead in there life because they really messed up this one. This literally makes no sense, hello."

Not getting any kind of response from any one Nathan continues on with his choices.

"Ok, I guess it's on to the original plan on to the cobra."

The moment Nathans foot Touch the Anguis emblem all the union's symbols disappeared and black shadows rushed towards Nathan faster than he could react enveloping him in a black cocoon.

" This is b*** s**** im not going out like this."

This was the last thought Nathan hade as the darkness swallowed him into a giant black cocoon. But unbeknownst to Nathan who was completely unconscious at this time. Just as it seemed that all hope was lost the dark cocoon suddenly turned bright red and with in the cocoon there was a red core that was slow and steadily expanding in till with a blinding bast of red light. Nathan appears with his Phoenix half of his key blade looking around completely and utterly lost.

" Heart, wrath somebody I don't care who explain now!!!!!!!!! "

Nathan was only meant with deafening silence. Which did nothing to improve his already frayed nerves. His had already died once and while the memory was a bit fuzzy he clearly remembers the pain and the panic of being on his death bed waiting for the embrace of death to claim him and he had just found out that almost dying again is nothing like a roller coaster the first time. it does not get better the more time you do it. Just when Nathan was about to go made with rage and panic the Disembodied voice returned Completely disregarding his earlier outburst.

"The keyblade Holds the power of light- The power to drive away the darkness"

" ya no s*** Sherlock"

As if off put by Nathans words and Attitude he was enveloped by light and expelled from the room that he found him self in and appeared in front of a all-too-familiar fountain. One he remembers from all the time he played the kingdom hearts mobile game.

" well we're that chirithy that's supposed to show up?"

" ow i dont think you want those nightmares around you and to answer your question I ate him. Tasted like cotton candy not bad for a first meal."

" if thats your first meal then how do you know what cotton candy taste like?"

" Ya about that i might have took a peek at your memories my bad."

" Wrath we we're going to have a long conversation about personal space but before that what do you mean?"

" well the consistency was fluffy try imagining eating a living rabbit made out of candy and you get pretty close."

" you know what i mean."

Nathan just look at wrath with dead eyes. He had clearly had enough today and was not having any of it for him.

".....ok from what i could tell when you were in now we're in that weird cocoon that wird cat thing was trying to fuse with you and i can barely tolerate that other existence in your head. All be damed if im Sharing your head with another stray. So ya i just chowed down on the fluff ball."

" ok great."

Nathan said so sarcastically while holding two thumbs up.

"What now its been a long day and im not sleeping in the street again."

" That partner I have some good news on. Go west and theres a Big house that belongs to the Anguis union your info is already uploaded and will be expecting you just show up there and they will give you a bead."

" how do you know that wrath."

" those chirithys are like one big hive mind each one has its own mind but they all pulls there information from one database. When i ate him i gained his access and on a flip note watch this."

With a sudden flip wrath quickly turned into a chirithy with red eyes instead of the normal light blue. Nathan was completely ignore the wrath and continue to walk away west. His only concern was a nice bed and blanket.

" net let's just go."

" really thats it? Can you at least act a bit surprised? Ha what don't leave me!!!!"

Before wrath could even finish his rant Nathan just left his only concern was a bed. With a little red shadow running around trying to catch up with him into the sunset.