
On to the next steep

"Well first thing first lets level up a bite if memory serves right the heartless should be plentiful down here even in the day so let's get started."

For the next three hours of content fighting and resting had a chance.

" Ok heart I'm lost any advice on what to do next?."

" well, I would have been ok with you joining one of the five unions. But that's up in smoke for at least all of them except maybe anguis.

With here hidden task being spying and all that. they overlook your indiscretions as long as you prove your skill. So I would recommend practicing more stealth moves so you can get the corresponding skills to help you make a good impression."

" makes sense none of the other union's masters have a task that encourages them to help their members and anguis would need more eyes and ears. Then there's Vulpes union with Ava but as long as I show my skill she should recruit me for here dandelion operation. So that's two birds with there's probably different skills and techniques that each union specializes in or else there would be no real point in having different unions under the foretellers."

After several hours of grinding in the sewers and a few close calls, Nathen finally called it a day and left the sewer.

" Now let's get going were to heart."

" why are you asking me ?"

" well you seam to know any knowledge gaps I have so I figured you would k ow right?"

" No! Not right if it's Techniques or general knowledge fin it can't be helped I don't want one of your excuses to be that you didn't have a teacher. So alright but I refuse to be boiled down to a glorified GPS you want to find the right uoin then good luck heart out!!!!"

"Heart?? Heart??? Ow come on you big bady just respond all ready will ya."

Nathen completely lost about where to go decide to risk it and sleep in the sewer that he just cleared of heartless. Just as he was about to get 4-5 hours of light sleep he noticed a small black shiny egg-like object in the sewer river besides the walk way. Nathan picks up the object and placed it in his cargo pocket.

" Maybe heart can tell me what it is. It feels off somehow waste not want not ow well worst case scenario I throw it back and wash my hands a lot will probably wash my hands either way but now to find a place to sleep."

Right as he was falling a sleep nathem failed to notice a can't red glow coming out of is poker .The next time Nathen would wake up he would have a surprise of several lifetimes.