
Little red

It was a very Dreary morning and Nathen have a stiff back from sleeping on a concrete floor in the sewers. Somehow for reasons that are yet unknown to Nathan he miraculously didn't get attacked by a single heartless the entire night. Nathen slowly opened his eye only to discover a small blue-eyed red-skinned shadow heartless just staring at him right in front of his face. As if wondering how much longer this human was going to Sleep gambling with his life just sleeping on the corner of a sewer.

" O may God want are you!!"

Nathan of course completely overcome by adrenaline at this point from just being woken up from this weird devil-like creature was so overcome by panic he had yet to even summon his keyblades to defend himself.

"well aren't you a just a Dumbass I think it's fairly obvious what I am you simpleton."

" wait what did you just say"

" I said it's fairly obvious what I am you simpleton."

" No no, before that did you just Swear at me?"

Nathen completely overlooking the fact that a red shadow heartless was there much less talking to him and not attacking him was all but Secondary to him at this point. Nathen did happen to swear a lot but the real part that bothering him was the part of the world itself seem to want to censor him and with him being American and all free speech was kind of a big deal to him regardless of the contents which it was used or the repercussions that it may come with.

" well do not know what stands before you or not?"

" I well... just give me a second will ya it's very early and this is a lot to process. Heart are you there?"

"What do you want now? ...Well what do we have here."

" I don't know I was hoping you could tell me it was just staring at me while I slept never seen a red shadow before ether and its talking I'm very confused right now can you please help."

" well, it doesn't look like he wants to attack you so far. so I'm gonna make this a learning experience I'm sick and tired of having to always show you your status and it's getting a bit annoying so let's make this a teaching opportunity. "

" You have got to be kidding me Heart, now is not the time."

" Well too bad its a good chance for you to get a good skill."

Nathan quickly looks a the red shadow to see if it would change its mind.

" Well what the fuck are you looking at fuckface"

" One thing at a time I don't suppose you mind giving me a sec would you?"

" why?"

Completely floored by the frank response by the red potty mouth nathen had to think fast.

"Don't you want to know what you are or not."

"....fin you have I till I get hungry."

"You eat?"

" Clocks ticking we can either sit around talk about my dietary habits or you can figure out what I am my temper is running out."

" ok, ok quick with the temper aren't you."

"Ok Nathen you ready to finally learn or what?"

"Yes, heart what do I have to do?"

" Remember the feeling you get whenever your casting cure or phoenix fire remember that feeling except focus it in your eyes instead of your hands and weapon and finally look at that thing in front of you."

" Ok sound easy enough."

It took Nathen several Tries to finally get that feeling to come and even took them a couple of minutes to start to focus it in his eyes finally with a sudden flash of light he opened his eyes and took a look at the red shadow."

heartless shadow ( Rage Variant)




Lv 1

HP 25

MP 10

Str 15

Def 10

Resistance to Elements

Fire 100%

Sin Magic-wrath burner,

Skills- darkness deterrent, rage cloak, consuming rage

About - An extremely rare heartless that has the potential to transcends even the gods of this in every other world is made by the pieces of fallen heartless condensed to Form an egg-like object that influences those around it to pick it up inform is it a bond with the first fighter that it comes in contact with to grow and fights alongside with its partner. This heartless is One of the few of us brother and that is not neatly harmful or hostile to humans or other beings of light unless attacked first.

Likes - fighting, eating, sleeping, and pulling the occasional prank

Dislikes- Little pricks that waste its time.

Weaknesses- very short temperature

" holly crap you are broke, lucky."

" wich part of me broke I fell fin and in One piece."

" no no no you are just really strong for your level like wow wish I had your stats at your lpiece. what's sin magic anyway."

" Sin magic? What that "

"your magic that I saw. I know there's magic to Manipulate time, fire, water, ice, wind, gravity, and pretty much every other element that's out there in some way shape or form but I've never heard of magic that named after a sin before care to elaborate."

" no my magic is my Business now quit being nosy and tell me what I am I just woke up here and saw a dumbass sleeping in what appears to be a sewer. Now tell me what the hell I am or you will be sleeping Permanently Capeesh."

"Ok ok sheesh you appear to be a shadow heartless rage variant whatever the heck that is."

Nathan spent then next what Felt like hours explaining to his new apparently friendly red friend exactly what he found with his new scan ability.