
And the game starts

As our hero was making his way to the union building we find ourselves in the tallest tower in daybreak town. Inside the tower, we see the five Foretellers around a round table in there main room discussing what to do because no one could find the master.

——-inside the foretellers headquarters——

???-" he's gone has no one able to find him? what do we do now? "

???-"we do what we planned to do if this ever happened. We maintain the balance of lux( what the game called light) between are unions and ready are members for the time of darkness that is to come"

???" But Ira what about the traitor we still don't know when, why, or where they will strike."

" Gula we don't even know if there's is a Traitor among us yet. There is no point in chasing shadows that haven't even shown them self yet so until one of us finds evidence that someone has fallen to the darkness its business as usual. For that is my role as the leader."

" Should we talk about anything else since we are here at least it's pretty rare for the five of us to gather in one spot."

" Did you have something in mind Invi?"

" I was thinking of the items that I have found with the majority of our members. I believe they are called bangles there used to amplify the medals most wielders have equipped to there keyblades."

" Invi why is that bad more power is always welcome. Especially when most of our wielders are sub-par fighters."

" You may think that Aced but that power seal the darkness that you just vanquished inside the bangle that you equipped."

" !! Douse it use the darkness that is stored??"

" No Ava as far as I can tell it merely stores that darkness it doesn't use it I've seen it work many times to make sure but I'm not sure how it boosts their power."

" It matters not as long as it makes them stronger and they don't use dark powers then it is none of our concern. That is my decision as leader. Although power isn't everything it does help a great deal this matter is closed. Are there any other items anyone wishes to discuss?"


" no? Good then let's keep a lookout for any clues about the future that the book foretold . With that, I call this meeting adjourned."

As the five Foretellers left they all said there parting goodbyes together.

"""""May your heart be your guiding key"""""

When the five left none of them realized that it would be the last time that they would be in a room and All would be on the same side without any malice or suspicion in their hearts.

————-back to are hero Nathen———

" Heart any ideas on how to pass their little test of theirs. I'm no villain but I'm no Saint ether."

" honestly I would have to experience how they measure you pacifically in order to rig it in your favor I'm at a loss for once."

" If you two are done talking I have a solution to our problems."

"Wrath you can talk in my head? Wait you can hear heart?"

" yes, Nathan I may not know what that thing you are talking to is but I can hear you both quite easily."

" Call me a thing again and I'll give you a whole new definition of the word wrath."

Wrath was completely unfazed by hearts comment he just replied.

" Ya ya just sit back and relax doll face."

"..... Nathen call me when this Inevitably blows up in your face."

" Wrath you better have a good method it ether takes a while for her to cool down or something horrible to happen to me to get her talking again."

" No worry's you and me share a bond, we have the moment you picked me up. Think of it as a symbiotic relationship I get all your excess darkness including emotions that feed the darkness or dark related powers that would normally flow through you if you ever gave in to the temptation to use them. So you don't get corrupted by the power while you are free to use the power of light. To its fullest because you don't have to worry about dark powers. In return, I get a power boost its win-win."

"So I should show up as a person with pur light right?"

" No the transfer is by no means perfect. Think of it like a sink full of water and I am the drain Unless you never have a dark thought again like envy, jealousy, hatred, lust, or greed just to name a few. There will all ways be more water to darn. But you should at least meet there criteria if not exceed it."

" So what im herring is you don't know, right."

"Hay it's a Gamble better than what you had three minutes ago."

" Well, I guess you're right nothing I can do about it at this point anyway."

As Nathen and wrath were talking they finally found them selfs in front of the building they were looking for.

" Well come h*** or high water here we come. That is really getting on my nerves this World needs to take a chill pill."

With that Nathen walked through the doors and on to his first real steeps to his journey.

So for what ever reason this chapter came out faster then normal for me i know i seed that i would release i chapter a week normally on Friday or Saturday but its really Demotivates me if theres a chapter in the que finessed wall im writhing the next so heres one a little early

Martinercreators' thoughts