
And so the it ends

An Earth-shattering kaboom echoed through the void with piles of dust house two-story buildings with neither a one And the opponents facing each other visible to the naked eye as a cloud of dust cleared. We see one man Holding his key blade with a Phoenix on the hilt with his sword in the ground just to keep him up. Then on the other side, We see Nathen barely standing up with is key blade puff raised ready to go in for another strike.

" so is this really how it ends hollow and empty trying to find the light only to be thrown in the darkness."

" ow chill you drama queen did you really think that I'm throwing you a way you have all my memorys even if you lack the emotions to put them into contacts you should have realized that I'm not the kind of guy to throw away part of my self."

Xanthe at this point could only look at Nathan will a self defeated look.

"You have all ways been to kind for your ow good if this to be my last word then listen up. You need to be hard and a kind heart is only going to get you killed so live ..... for both of us will you."

"Ha you are really hard of herring aren't you. Well no matter just go to sleep and relax next time we see each other there will be a much to do and probably so little time to do it."

With that Nathen went to Xanthe and placed is hand on his head and slowly merged with his nobody.

" we'll lest see how the he** am I supposed to get out of here."

" I can help with that good job on making it out alive by the way."

With a sudden flash of light Nathen woke up in his bed.

" well that was suppressing heart mind showing me my states real quick."

"..... say please."

" what? Just show me my state will you i want to see where im at and how i benefited will you."

" No im not some system that you can order as you please. I even congratulated you on living and you just completely disregarded it as if i was air i demand you polarize and say please you ungrateful brat."

"Ok ok man you are sensitive today or what its only been a day and your already like this."

In a vary small voice heart suddenly realized something it forgot to mention.

" its not."

"?? Its not what heart you ok?"

"Its not been a day."

"! Then how long has it been??

" two days it looks like the in owner is on there way right now to conscript you to the front lines or robe you of every thing you own to pay back your det. I suggest you jump out the window now."