
Kingdom Conqueror

After exploding in a ball of fire Navy Seal Kane is given a chance by a shameless god to reincarnate with a system that will help him become a Conqueror who will rule the world. He will summon his armies to war and rise to the top. From a bandit to a king all the way to Emperor of all. He will be able to slay any man, monster, or woman. Time to have some fun and make this world his. PS: This is my first novel and will probably not be the best, but I will enjoy it and hope you enjoy it as well. It will hopefully improve in story quality and writing quality the more I write so please be patient while I test the waters. If you do not like harem or opmcs or systems then please know this book is not for you. This book will also be slow-paced especially in the beginning. Sometimes in the late game, there will be some fast-paced content. Also please feel free to give me advice about my novel and if there is something you want to see. The last thing is that I do not own the cover so if you own it then please let me know and I will take it down if you want me to.

KingOfDragons · แฟนตาซี
131 Chs

Chapter 84

"How did it go?" asked Mayor Shin to his wife who had just walked in the door.

"He is all settled in. I tried to get him out of his armor so we could check on his injuries and help clean him up but he refused. He didn't even take his helmet off. What a curious man."

"Indeed he is. He is a strong warrior with a brave heart. That being said don't completely let your guard down around him. He has helped us a lot but I want to make sure you all stay safe in the coming days" said Bushivo.

Kanto chimed in "I wish I was there when he killed Bausan."

"I wonder what he looks like," said the princess. "I trust him either way though. Without him, it would have been more difficult and costly to get here."

"You are absolutely right princess. As for his identity, it is fine if he does not share. He is a mighty fighter and he seems like a respected leader. I will talk to him later about his home. I am curious about the new king of the Iron Rose Kingdom and the changes he made. It seems they don't like Kokar either. There may be potential for an alliance" said Bushivo.

"I didn't think the Iron Rose Kingdom interfered with other nations. It's strange that this new king appeared out of nowhere and is now fighting with the Kokarian kingdom" said Kanto.

"Well, I am interested in meeting no matter his motives. We need as much help as we can get" responded Bushivo.

"I am sure my brother would support your efforts and agree with you about an alliance," said the mayor.

"For now we shall get to know Sir Kane and see if he can help us with setting up a meeting. We must also be prepared to repel an attack from the Kokarian Kingdom. I fear that after they find out about the battle master's death they will send another master along with more troops" said Bushivo.

"Nothing they send will be a match for us ey General?" replied Kanto with a broad smile on his face.

Bushivo smirked. He was used to Kanto's antics and knew the man had a habit of joking around no matter how dire a situation might be.

"I am sure we will be able to handle whatever is thrown at us," said Bushivo.

"Is there really going to be fighting here? Lerwick is so peaceful?" asked the princess which surprised the rest of the group. She had been quiet so far and this comment was unexpected.

Bushivo looked at the princess and saw a somber look. He knew that even though she was smart and understood that this war could not be avoided she would still want to find another solution other than fighting. The princess was always kind and thoughtful and that's why the people loved her. She cared for everyone no matter their class and seeing that such a beautiful town could turn to ashes scared her.

"Sadly this is the way of the world. Gods only know why. I am glad you care so much though and I know you will be a wonderful leader when you are older. You are incredibly strong and I know my brother would agree. You have his wisdom and your mother's strength which makes a perfect combination" said Mayor Shin.

Bushivo nodded. He agreed wholeheartedly.

"Princess do not worry as now that my men and I are here we will make sure all the townspeople will be safe. Lerwick will stand strong no matter what's thrown at it. Plus you have a grand warrior such as I to look after it" said Kanto.

The princess eased up and even giggled.

"Thanks, guys. I belave that soon things will resolve and peace will return. For now, I hope that I can help in any way. I know I am a princess but I don't want to hide here the entire time. Please, uncle."

"Hmm I don't know," said the mayor in contemplation.

"Dear, you may help me and the doctor help look after the wounded and sick" chimed in the mayor's wife. "The more hands the better."

"An excellent idea," said Bushivo.

"Then it's settled," said the mayor.

"I will do my best" exclaimed the princess.

Bushivo nodded.

"As we all should."

It's a few minutes past 12 am. It's officially the new year! I know I was absent for most of 2022 and I am sorry. I promise I will now be able to write a lot more and I know we will have a great year together. You guys are amazing and your support means a lot. Let's show 2023 whos boss!

PS: whats your new year's resolution?

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