
Kingdom building system : my system has a bug

I was a prodigy in My past Life. I have written Many thesis and Research Papers on Engineering, Physics and Chemistry for which I have won gold Medals. One day While I was playing Pubg I fell asleep and was transmigrated to a new world. And guess what just like Other MC I have my mana heart which is the source of Mana Crippled by my Father who is a King and was exiled into a remote place. Yeah I received a system but It is non-functional and was only able to see the other talents and that's it. As I gave up and thinking about Alchemy , I received as a System which functions quite well. What!! My mana heart is Recovered. And Top of that I can extract Mana from dying creatures. I gain levels as I kill!!! Simply Wowww!!!!!! As I checked the inventory I was like WTF!!!! Grenades , Land mines and Missiles that too in millions in number and the number grows . I can Copy one talent as long as I kill the Creature and What's more If I copy one or more same talent they can fuse. This system is surely overpowered and pretty sure It has a bug.

Asta_utsugi · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

chapter 16 : Regrets(Fillers)

Thank you befikra for the power stone, this chapter is for you. As this is my first time getting a power stone, I would like to add a character called befikra, If you are reading this You can just comment to not to use your name and I will remove it. Thank you so much again.


The Next day

I woke up from a good night sleep, I really want to sleep more but I want to gain levels asap.

I continued with my daily routine, Waking up early, Running 2km, 100 x pushups, 100x pullups,100x squats. Yes you guessed this right, I am following One punch Man Workout, I'd use some weights sometimes to increase the difficulty of the exercise.

Even though I continued this routine for the past 5 years I have not gained any super powers.

But I can see my 8 pack abs clearly and My calves are so beautiful.(Wait Why do I keep going towards R18 genre?, Maybe Because I read them a lot??)


Note:: The lines in the brackets are Author's thoughts, I added them to mix a bit of humor, But I think it's not so funny, What do you guys think?


In my Past Life I did not have time for gym and stuff, Maybe I would have been still alive If I went to the gym. Well that's the one thing I regret the most in my past life.

As a Prodigy I always overthink things and one had to maintain his status , If anyone more intelligent than me surpasses me, then I will be termed as a Lost Genius. There was one man Who I absolutely despise his name is Naveen, in my past life. He has everything any guy wishes to have Rich Parents, An IQ of 180, A beautiful girlfriend and his own multi billionaire startups and businesses. Yet he was hungry for more, He destroys all the competitive market businesses and competitors to maintain monopoly in the market.

He was always trying to recruit the prodigies for his company by offering huge contracts. Many would have fallen for his traps as basically this contract is what you call a slave contract, They were forced to work till death and if they didn't produce results he'd just kill them and claim their insurance money. The sad thing is that in the contract itself there is a clause claiming Naveen as the beneficiary in case of any abnormal situations.

Well He tried to recruit me as well, but I read the clause and simply walked off the place.

I did not care about the victims, because it's their negligence and proud-ass Prodigy/genius attitude that resulted in becoming his slaves.

It's the second thing I regret the most in my past life. Later I was busy with my diseases and thesis about time travel which I failed to finish and ignored Naveen.

Later I found in news that he was stabbed by one of his victims. Multiple stabs resulted in his death. And All the people were compensated by his parents. And the court sentenced everyone related to the Case of Naveen to prison.

The third thing I regret the most is that not having a girlfriend, You know I spent 30 years researching and only in my end days I found happiness in manga, Anime and Webnovels and Online games, but having someone who we can share our feelings is an essential thing for a human being.

So I decided to establish my own hare.... I mean I want to marry a girl and make a small family.

AS I was thinking and reminiscing the past...


It is detected that Host is trying to establish a harem, even though he is level 3.

Even your lowest ranking slave is at level 50.

And you call yourself a Lord of these slaves. And you even named them

Wait let me remember ......

Haa yeah Pillars of shadow.

Host Please complete the mission first later you can think of building a harem.]

I was speechless, I don't know why the system is behaving like this, But what it said is true.

I am a man of science, I believe in Proofs.

Just then a pigeon came with a letter.

I took the letter and after reading it I went to the forest to grind exp.
