
Evolution of a thousand year civilization


I kept taking deep breaths till the world came to a standstill. Pushing myself off the ground, I stared down at the bowling-sized rock. I could hear a faint voice coming from the rock, it was calling to me. It had an alluring ring to it that made me move towards it. Despite being hesitant I stretched my arm, reaching out to grab it. This time it didn't give off any steering heat but it felt eerily cold. It felt cold to the skin but it had a burning sensation on the bone. I stood staring at the rock, intrigued. After staring at the rock in a daze for an unknown time, the solid mass of rock suddenly melted into a metallic-looking liquid. With my interest piqued, I brought the liquid closer to my face for a closer look when the seemingly harmless fluid jumped onto my face. I clawed at my face desperately trying to get it off my face but it was completely useless. It was like trying to scoop water into your palms, eventually, it all spills away.Forcing it's way into my Sheng Ting acupuncture, the fluid clawed it's way towards my brain till it got in. At that point I don't know when it happened but I was lying on the ground writhing in pain. I was soak laden with sweat. It was the most excruciating pain I had ever felt in my life. The fluid still hadn't quieted down after what felt like an eternity of torture. Using my brain as a center, it slowly found its way to every part of my body. The entire process felt like an eternal punishment for the damned. After about 5 hours the pain was mostly gone so I tried moving but I was shocked to realize every part of my body was frozen stiff. Hopelessly I remained on the ground as the radiant sun paved way for the ever milky glowing moon as it cast its brilliance down. Starting with my fingertips, feeling slowly returned to my body and by the peak of the night I had control over the majority of my body. Trying to limp my way to the closest health facility, it finally dawned on me that I still hadn't left the crash sight.

"Why hasn't anyone come to look so survivors? Did they give up on us already? They couldn't possibly have! Parents wouldn't sit idle and let that happen. Why?! Why then??!! How could they abandon us?!!"

Stepping out of the school, I realized the whole town was destroyed in the meteor crash. Looking around I found an old newspaper from two months back talking about the meteor crash and one other headline:

"Humans gain the ability to surpass their limit: The system of Cultivation introduced."

I know my updates haven't been consistent but I started this novel immediately I got in to college and it has been hard jugglinng academics with the novels but am sure i can do it now. Keep reading and please recommend the novel to your friends

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