
In Places Unseen

Instructor Rudeus stood before the assembled students, his disinterested demeanor contrasting sharply with the weight of his words. Valeron, Tristan, Arthur, Alyssa, Tessa, and Derek all sat attentively, eager to delve into the subject of religion in their world.

As they waited for the lecture to begin, Arthur, with a half-yawned greeting and eyes slightly drooped, addressed Valeron, "Hello there, good sir. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?, If I didn't know better, I would think you were avoiding us. Do tell, where have you been these past few weeks."

Valeron shrugged nonchalantly and replied, "I've been around. Perhaps you didn't look hard enough, or you would have found me."

Arthur yawned again, "Fair enough. The instructor's here. We'll pick this conversation up after class."

Valeron nodded in agreement, and they turned their attention to Instructor Rudeus, who was preparing to begin the lecture on the religious landscape of their world.