
King of Heaven's Bride

Princess Sofia gaped at the sight of a white tiger standing in front of her holding out her fallen loom. Her face suddenly turned pale remembering that she had just said her oath. Make a man a husband and a woman as a sister if they are able to carry the loom that fell into the river. Then how about the story of Princess Sofia and Arvando next? Is Princess Sofia willing to accept Arvando, a white tiger, to be her husband?

arie_riyan · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

6. The Same Feeling

Hearing Prince Reynard's words, Princess Sofia then ran out of the room. Her heart really hurt when she realized that the feelings of love she had for the prince were reciprocated. They both have the same feelings for each other but because Princess Sofia has promised prince Arvando she doesn't have a chance to unite with the man she loves.

Everyone who watched Princess Sofia leave the meeting without permission could only shake their heads. Princess Ambar smiled watching everyone blaspheme what her stepbrother had just done.

"Prince Reynard, you've seen how Princess Sofia behaves, haven't you? Do you see her rudeness? Do you still have any love for her? I hope you think twice about keeping those feelings for my step sister. Because if you still have them then you have to be prepared. to feel hurt for everything he's about to do to us."

"Of course I will immediately erase it from my heart Princess. I also don't want my heart to be hurt just because of a princess who doesn't have manners like her."

"It's good that it's like that, prince. You need to know that currently Princess Sofia is in a relationship with a man sorry I mean a disgusting animal, namely a white tiger. They both agreed to get married and have a romantic relationship."

Everyone who heard Princess Amber's words looked at each other. They could not believe what the beautiful princess in front of them said. But seeing Queen Elisa silent in her place, they are increasingly convinced that what Princess Amber said is true.

"Has His Majesty the King not rejected Princess Sofia's wish to marry? I wouldn't mind her marrying any man. What makes me so disgusted by Princess Sofia's behavior is that she chose to marry an animal. noble what would the citizens of the kingdom of Valcke say when they heard one of the royal princesses married an animal! I'm sure they will expel Princess Sofia from the palace and will not allow the Princess to stay here because it has tarnished the good name of the kingdom."

King Gardenio shook his head. He knew everything the king of Bravogar had said and there was not the slightest doubt about its truth. He had already imagined what the citizens of the kingdom would say when he saw and heard his daughter married a white tiger but he had no other choice but to comply with Arvando's wishes.

"Why is your highness silent? Is your highness afraid of the white tiger? We could have offered to help kill the tiger and thwart the marriage of princess Sofia and her future husband."

King Gardenio was stunned to hear the offer from the king of Bravogar. He actually felt very interested in the offer but as a wise king he could not do as he pleased without the approval of Princess Sofia. Actually he wanted to do and save Princess Sofia from the wrong-room of the white tiger named Arvando but King Gardenio hesitated. He was afraid that when he betrayed Arvando, he would rage for the umpteenth time and carry out his words.

Seeing King Gardenia silent, Prince Reynard glorified King Gardenia's reverie.

"Your Majesty the King of Gardenia, do you accept my father's offer? Just say you don't have to be shy and afraid. We will really go out of our way to assist you in setting up a pest that will tarnish the reputation of the Valcke kingdom but on one condition. We could have made the white tiger die here but we ask you to leave Princess Sofia in our hands to marry me right now."

"No one will dare to break the agreement that has been made between me and Princess Sofia including King Gardenio. If he dares to do so then I will be the first to kill anyone who tries to influence my future in-laws to cancel the agreement we have made."

Everyone in the room was stunned by the presence of a white tiger walking around them and trying to get close to their feet. Prince reinard who was eager to separate the white tiger from Princess Sofia was the one who got the most unpleasant treatment from the white tiger the few times the white tiger tried to bite prince Reynard's leg. Prince Reinard who received a threat then ran to King Gardenio trying to ask the man to expel the white tiger from the room.

"Please, Your Majesty the King, get that white tiger out of here! I don't want anyone to be injured by that beast of an ignorant power. If he commits violence against anyone, then..."

"What do you want to do? Are you trying to become the first to stand in his way? I don't believe what you're saying because when you see me you get scared like that and try to seek protection from His Majesty the King of Gardenia. You are actually a coward no better than me. Your guts are very thin and you don't have the chivalrous attitude that Princess Amber is proud of. You guys deserve to be united even though we actually feel very worried if you become a pair of cunning kings and queens. I'm sure you will use various methods to get rid of Princess Sofia from this palace but I will never stay silent. One day when you throw us out we will gladly accept and we will live in a palace that is better than where you live.``

Princess Amber, who couldn't believe what the white tiger in front of her had said, pouted. He was really annoyed with the words of Prince Arfanda. Iya immediately threw her hands away trying to get the white tiger out of the family meeting room.

"Let's get out of here! Don't ever interfere with your business because you have absolutely no interest here. Your place is in the thick forest, not in the palace of Mecca like my father's palace."

The white tiger looked at Princess Amber with intimidating sharp eyes. At first, Princess Ambar dared to look into the eyes of the white tiger in front of her, but over time she couldn't stand it. He turned his face to look at prince Reiner who was staring at him

"Come on prince help me! Get this tiger out of this room so we can enjoy a better atmosphere!"

Prince Reinard shook his head. He himself had excessive fear when he saw the aura of authority emanating from the white tiger's face and eyes. He felt that the white tiger in front of him had tremendous power.

After making sure that everyone will not talk about him and Princess Sofia the white tiger slowly left the meeting place and he wanted to find his future wife who is currently unknown where. Slowly he stepped closer to Princess Sofia's room to make sure that his future wife was there. His steps stopped when he saw a black shadow crossing before him and speeding up.