
Chapter 139: Pick up family for vacation

From the incident in Friesland, Marin saw the French figure. He could conclude that the French wanted to borrow someone else's hand and get rid of themselves. So Marin was careful when he was on his way.

Xi Guang returned home and took 100 cavalry guards. And, there was no stopping along the way. Even if you stay, choose a safe place to get on the horse and escape.

After all, Marin couldn't guarantee that the nobles along the way would be bought by the king. If any aristocratic mind heats up, bringing thousands of soldiers and horses to siege themselves, it will be difficult for them to fly.

Fortunately, Marin's team is a one-man, two-horse configuration, which can be relatively non-stop. Generally, even if his whereabouts are found, the opponent wants to gather troops to intercept himself, but it is too late.

Alas, Marin also brought Sauer equipped with a telescope. When faced with complicated terrain, just let Sauer go up high and use a telescope to see if there is an ambush.

Actually, Marin was too careful. In fact, Charles VIII didn't have any thoughts about finding Marin at this time. Because he and Francis, the sixth child of Anne of Brittany, were born a few days ago (July 1497), but died a few hours after birth.

In fact, Charles VIII and Anne of Brittany had already had five children before, but they all died. The longest lived, but only 3 years old.

理 Charles VIII was severely hit, and even temporarily lost interest in expanding to Italy, and also temporarily lost interest in revenge on Marin.

Because of the Valois dynasty in France, there was only one male of Charles VIII. If Charles VIII was immortal, the throne would have to be passed to the sidelines of the Valois dynasty.

So, now, Charles VIII has devoted all his energy to making offspring. Not long after Queen Anne gave birth, Charles VIII savagely demanded to continue making people, despite the fact that Queen Anne's body had not recovered ...

In fact, it was also that Charles VIII did not understand medicine. Queen Anne gave birth many times, she was not well trained, and her body was already very weak. Therefore, the children after the eldest son are born very weak and difficult to survive.

If Charles VIII knew a little bit about Chinese medicine, he would stop sharing the room with Anne, and first recuperate Queen Anne's body, and then try to create offspring.

But Charles VIII was in a hurry at this moment. Shortly after the birth of Queen Anne, the underlying wound had not fully healed, and he shared the room with Queen Anne again. It seems that as long as the number of times, it will be able to give birth to offspring, regardless of Queen Anne's body.

In fact, Queen Anne did get pregnant again this time, but she was still born ...

When his men informed Charles VIII of the Duke of Saxony's occupation of Friesland, Charles VIII first ignited a while. But then, he temporarily forgot Friesland and even Marin. Because, in his opinion, giving birth to a surviving heir is the most important thing right now.

But Marin didn't know. It was like a bow-struck bird. Every night when he slept, he arranged a dozen dark whistle to take turns to prevent the night attack.

That's it. Two days later, Marin took the team back to the Huffman Estate on the banks of the Ruhr, and met his family ...

"Hah, Marin is back!" Adler, who had just finished his sword training, was embracing Marin regardless of his sweat. Marin flew away immediately, let Kahn go up, the wild bear to the wild bear, and let the two big bears embrace each other.

The two muscular men embraced each other in disgust, and then immediately separated ...

Then, the old Huffman and Mrs. Mary, pretending to be stubborn, came out ...

The old Huffman turned his back and told Marin:

"Well, boy, you did a good job. You can beat a vassal country with a baron leader. It is very young when I was young ..."

"噗嗤-" Adler couldn't help laughing and Marin was holding back.

Then, Adler was hit **** the **** ...

In fact, the whole family admired Marin's original decision. Because at that time, there was only a thousand recruits on the island of Texel, and it was unlikely to win the Frisian Noble Republic. The best result is to surrender and sum up, and then lose a sum of money.

But Marin was very decisive. In a short time, he thought of the method of hiring Swiss mercenaries, and brought a group of Swiss mercenaries, quickly returned, and defeated the main forces of the Frisian Aristocracy. Then, the Friesland aristocratic republic was also persecuted to cede several islands, so that Marin's territory more than doubled.

But what puzzled the outside world was that the Swiss mercenaries, who had always been creditworthy, suddenly withdrew and no longer helped Marin fight. Otherwise, Marin could even destroy the small country of Friesland.

"Ah, it's a pity. If the Swiss guys didn't break the contract, maybe I'd already occupied the whole territory of Friesland. You know, it's a landless place. If you occupy that place, maybe I can still be a Earl ... "Marin felt a little emotional.

As everyone knows, his emotions, in the eyes of others, are extremely fierce. Although the actual situation is the same as Marin said, in the eyes of others, Marin can defeat Friesland and obtain several islands, which is God's blessing. Even members of the Huffman family didn't dare to think that Marin could get the entire Friesland. In their view, Marin's victory was already manifested by God.

I heard that Marin was back. Simon and Albert two skin monkeys jumped up and down immediately. Then Annie also came to make fun ...

"Brother Marin is back? What about the gift?" The three little ghosts held out their hands together ...

Marin was full of black lines on his head and was depressed. Feelings, these three little ghosts did not welcome him home, but welcomed gifts ...

But Marin didn't expect to prepare a gift. In desperation, Ma Tuhao had to pull out a handful of gold coins and stuffed them to his younger brother ...

Then, Marin solemnly invited the whole family to go to the castle of Den Burg on his island of Texel ...

It was midsummer, and the inland areas of Germany were still a little hot. Although it is not like Huaxia, it has a high temperature of 30 degrees in midsummer, but the maximum temperature is 30 degrees.

The Texel Island in Marin, because it is an island, has a maximum temperature of only 26,7 degrees, and the sea breeze is blowing. It is very comfortable and is a very ideal place to spend summer.

Marin described in detail to his family the pleasant climate on Texel in summer, and then recommended a variety of fresh seafood to his brothers and sisters ...

Three little guys, as Marin described, drooling began to stop. Usually, they have also eaten seafood, but they are basically salty fish with a little smell. Fresh seafood is impossible for family members to taste.

So, UU reads www.uukanshu. com's description of Marin, let alone three little guys, even adults, are more yearning. Think of the parasols, the sea breeze, and the fresh seafood on the beaches of Texel in the hot summer ...

Well, the three little guys started to jump and urged to go to Marin's castle for summer. Adler and his newly married wife Liv also nodded in agreement. Madam also wanted to see where the second son lived, and then nodded in agreement. Only the old Huffman, due to his face, pretended to think about it for a while, then nodded "reluctantly", as if he agreed to give Marin Tianda's face ...

Then, the whole family began to pack up, ready to go to Texel Island.

However, Marin considered that among the family, Marin, the Adlers and the old Huffman had no problem riding the horse, but Mrs. Mary and the three little ones were not suitable for riding. And if you choose a horse-drawn carriage, the road of this era will kill the individual. For Mrs. Mary and the three little guys, it's not really fun.

Thinking over and over again, Marin decided to send someone to the Wiggins Chamber of Commerce to hire a boat and take his family to Texel Island. He himself returned with his men on horseback. In addition, Marin will leave 30 escorts on board to protect the safety of his family.

On the third morning, when the Wiggins Chamber of Commerce vessel arrived at the Huffman family coal terminal, the family began boarding. Marin, while the whole family was on the boat, returned to the manor secretly, entered the bedroom of the old Huffmans, opened the hidden compartment behind the fireplace, took out Mrs. Mary's treasure chest, and opened the box with the key that had been prepared. , Took out the few ancient parchment papers, put them into the animal skin bag ...