
King of black

This novel is about a brother who tries to heal the soul of his brother who was badly injured He becomes a villain and kills countless people to collect his soul And finally he sacrifices his own soul to save his brother But the system is not happy with this [The system is unhappy with your work] [You will be taken back 20 years] [Make up for your mistakes in this new life]

FX10000 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


The whole city was burning in a black fire

Cries and screams could be heard from everywhere.

In the middle of this fire stood a person, he was wearing a white medieval battle armor with gold designs

At the time, everyone was running away and trying to get away from that place

That man was heading towards disaster.

A disaster that was unprecedented in human history.

A disaster called "Black King"

In the midst of black flames, he was sitting on a mountain of corpses with a mask that had a toothy lip in his mouth.

She was dressed in an all-black outfit and wore a black tiara with a glowing purple gem.

The man wearing white armor went near the man in black and said.

"Brother, why did you do this?!"

After hearing the word "brother", the man in black started to laugh loudly and then said in a happy and drunken tone.

"Ayan, I'm glad you still consider me your brother"

The man in black paused and then continued

"But, unfortunately, I'm not your brother anymore"

Then the man in black removed the mask that was on his face and showed his face to the white-clad Shwalbe whose name was Ayan.

Ayan's eyes widened when he saw her face

Ayan didn't know what to call what he was seeing now.



No, it was still his brother's face and Ayan couldn't allow himself to say these things to him.

A few moments later, the man in black put his mask back on his face and his face disappeared.

"I knew, this face is unpleasant even for you"

Ayan tried to say something

" Not me..."

But the man in black put his index finger forward and said

"No need to say anything"

The man in black picked up the sword that was on the body of a 10-year-old child on his left side and pulled it out of its black scabbard.

The blade of the sword was as black as its scabbard.

It was so black that it was as if it had locked all the sorrows and torments and darkness inside the people in its blade.

After taking out the blade, the man in black spoke

"Ayan, now is not the time to talk"

The man in black paused, as if he wanted to say something, but at the last moment he regretted what he said and continued with his previous words.

"Now you and I are no longer brothers, now I am a disaster for humanity and you are a hero who saves people from disaster"

The man in black pointed his sword towards Ayan and said

"Today, this point is the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning, the fate of the world will be determined today and in this place."

Ayan laughed bitterly and said as tears fell from his eyes.

"Yes, now you are not my brother Akash, I am now against the "Black King""

And Ayan also pulled out his silver sword, which was a sign of God's mercy to humans, from its sheath

The sword shone so gloriously as if it were a piece of the sun.

Ayan shouted and said loudly.

"Akash, the black king, you will pay for all your sins in this moment"

And then he smiled and said in a calmer and kinder voice

"Then let's do our last sword dance"

Although it was not clear from the mask, Akash was also smiling

Without waiting a moment they both ran towards each other, they reached each other with incredible speed as if they were there from the beginning, they were constantly striking with their swords.

Their fight was like the dance of night and day, light and darkness, and finally the dance of hero and devil

The sound of clashing swords echoed in that place.

After a few minutes of fighting, both of them were wounded, and then the black king, whose name was Akash, said something

"Ayan, let's end this in one fell swoop."

Ayan held his sword tightly with both hands and said

" I agree"

They both came towards each other and aimed their swords at each other's heart.

Both were within a few centimeters of each other, but it seems that Akash's sword, being longer, could pierce his opponent's heart sooner.

But, something strange happened

Ayan didn't even have time to think

Ayan had prepared himself for death, he already knew that he was no match for his big brother.

From the beginning, Ayan was supposed to be the one to die.


Now the one who shook the world and killed countless people spread terror all over the world

Now his heart was pierced and he was hugging Ayan

Ayan thinks in disbelief about the seconds before this happened

The moment Ayan prepared himself for death and Akash's sword reached his chest, Akash suddenly dropped his sword and opened his arms to embrace his brother.

And he took his heart in front of Ayan's sword and accepted death.

Although Ayan should be happy that he was able to kill the disaster of humanity and save the world

But she could not hold back her tears.

When Ayan's sword was stained with Akash's blood and the sword was still inside Akash's heart

Akash as he was holding Ayan

He said next to Ayan's ear with a voice that seemed to be his last moments

"Ayan, as our last conversation, I want you to say the sentence you always said to me before these events."

Ayan said shakily as he tried to control his tears

"I love you, big brother."

Hearing this, Akash smiled deeply and said

"Don't blame your time and always provide the best life for yourself, because from now on you have to live instead of both of us"

Akash saying this,Little by little, it turned into bright and white particles of light.

Ayan couldn't help but cry as he watched his brother collapse

He dropped his sword and tried to hug his brother, but he was gone and turned into light.

Even his clothes were destroyed.

All that was left of him was a black crown that fell on the ground

Ayan bent down and took the crown in his hand, and suddenly the crown turned into a white light and entered Ayan's body

And at that moment a screen appeared in the air.

[system message]

[Condition 1: All required souls have been successfully collected]

[Second condition: The soul of one of the dearest people to the user was successfully collected]

[All treatment conditions were fulfilled]

Akash cried even harder reading these messages.

And he felt that his wounds were healed and even the deep wound that had been inflicted on his soul during a fight and that was causing him so much pain all the time had been healed.

Ayan said while smiling and shedding tears

"So brother, everything you did was for me."

On the other side, Akash's soul was moving in endless blackness towards a sliver of light at the end when suddenly a screen appeared in front of him.

[The system is unhappy with your performance]

[The system takes you back 20 years to correct your mistakes]

Hello friends, if you like this novel, please support us, and I also suggest you visit the novel chosen by the god.

FX10000creators' thoughts