
king of bad guys

The novel tells the story of the protagonist Xie Wendong's "growth" from a weak, responsible, obedient, good student with excellent grades who was bullied to a murderous underworld boss.

Nadal_Hossain · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

chapter Five

Xie Wendong was walking home alone. It was around ten o'clock in the evening and there were few pedestrians on the road. The night wind blew by, and the grass beside the road made a rustling sound. The city was unusually quiet at this time, except for cars whizzing by from time to time. Xie Wendong kicked the stones on the road while walking, thinking about something in his mind. What will your future be like? Should he be a gangster who is neither black nor white for the rest of his life, or should he join the underworld all at once? No matter which way it is, this is not what I want. The deeper I sink, the more I understand that these two roads are endless and no return. An idea suddenly appeared in his mind, and even he was shocked. Shaking his head, he shook the thought out of his body. But Xie Wendong did not expect that many years later he would be only one step away from this idea. Xie Wendong shook his head not to think about this. Sometimes people can decide their own destiny, and sometimes it is only determined by God. The next month can be said to be the most painful month for Li Shuang, Gao Qiang and the students below. There is no freedom, only oppression. There is no enjoyment, only reading. Under Xie Wendong's high pressure, the grades of these social scum, who were considered by their teachers to be future scum, improved significantly. It shocked all the teachers. I was thinking in my heart: Could it be that my efforts finally touched these delinquents and allowed them to change their gender? The school also held a meeting to praise the head teachers of each grade three class. Their students are much better than those in the past and have made great contributions to education. The head teachers of each class also expressed their opinions, 'For the next generation of our motherland, we will work harder and teach students well in the future. . . . (A thousand words are omitted below). ' The day of the high school entrance examination has finally arrived. One day in advance, Xie Wendong called all the brothers who were going to take the exam and asked them how they were doing in their review? Everyone bowed their heads and remained silent. I knew in my heart that it would be so easy to get back three years of wasted study! Seeing that everyone was silent, Xie Wendong shook his head and said: "No matter what method you use, give me a hand to lift the BB machine during the exam tomorrow!" Li Shuang asked: "Brother Dong, what are you doing with that thing?" Gao Qiang was stunned at first. , but he immediately understood and hit Li Shuang on the head, "You are a pig head, Brother Dong, please tell us the answer!" Li Shuang looked like he knew him very well, and said loudly: "Go away, don't think I don't Do you know?" Then he turned to the boy next to him and asked in a low voice: "How do you use a BB machine to transmit the answer?" The boy who was asked looked helpless. Brother Qiang was right, it was indeed a pig head. But he didn't dare to say that and explained in detail. Seeing everyone discussing with smiles on their faces, Xie Wendong said loudly: "Whoever can't borrow it now raises his hand and I will find a way for you!" (At that time, BB machines were still a new gadget in Northeast China. He didn't expect it to be like this now, with mobile phones everywhere. It has become popular.) Several younger brothers raised their hands. Li Shuang looked around, blushed, lowered his head and raised his hands. Gao Qiang grabbed him from the side and said, "Old fat man, don't be embarrassed. I'll borrow yours for you." Li Shuang lowered his head and whispered in an embarrassed voice, "My family is poor!" Hahaha 'The brothers all around laughed. Xie Wendong smiled and said: "Whoever can borrow as much as possible can help other brothers pass this test first, you know?" Several wealthy people said loudly: "I know, Brother Dong!" Xie Wendong was satisfied. 's nodded. Li Shuang asked: "Brother Dong, have you already thought of this way to help us pass the test?" "Oh! This is called preparing for a rainy day. What can you do with that little ink in your belly?" "Then Brother Dong is forcing us to watch it for a month. What are books for?" Li Shuang also helped everyone express their questions. Xie Wendong said with a serious face: "Because I don't want you to go to high school like a stick. You must also remember that if you don't have culture in the future, you will be nothing in society! No matter where you go, no one can look up to you. , Even if you sneak into the underworld and become the boss in the future, it will be the same." Only then did everyone know Xie Wendong's intentions, which were really for his own sake. They were moved in their hearts and said in unison: "I know, Brother Dong!" Second One day, the gate of No. 4 Primary School was crowded with students and parents. Because the test center for No. 2 Middle School is set here, parents have been standing here all morning to cheer their children. Sanyan squatted on the side, smoking one cigarette after another, looking at his watch, and asked the boy beside him, "Xiaohua, go and see if the phone hall is all occupied?" Xiaohua said "Yes" Run to the side. "It's been more than an hour, why haven't you come out yet!" Sanyan whispered, impatiently waiting. "Brother Three Eyes, is Brother Dong unable to come out?" asked the boy next to him. Sanyan shook his head, he didn't know either. Five minutes later, someone tapped Sanyan on the shoulder, startling him. He turned around and was about to curse, but when he saw it was Xie Wendong, his open mouth immediately closed again, "Brother Dong, where did you come from? Why didn't I see you?" Xie Wendong said 'hehe' to Yile, "There was someone guarding the door and I couldn't get out, so I had to jump over the wall." As he said that, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Sanyan, "Quickly Click, there won't be enough time!" "Okay, Brother Dong, don't worry, you won't miss a single one!" Sanyan took the paper and led his younger brother away without even looking at it. Finally, the results of the high school entrance examination came out. All the brothers passed the test, and Xie Wendong's score ranked first in the city. However, the top scorer in the high school entrance examination volunteered to go to the No. 1 Middle School, a third-rate high school in J City, leaving the teachers confused and secretly sighing: It's a pity that one is better than the other. The seedling was ruined like this! Xie Wendong's parents were even more opposed. Forced to do nothing, Xie Wendong finally told his parents: "Mom and Dad, I have grown up, let me choose my own future path! I promise you that in three years, I will definitely Can be admitted to college." Xie Wendong's father said to his mother: "Oh, the child is old. He has his own choice. We can force him for a while, but we cannot force him for the rest of his life." Then he said to Xie Wendong: "Wendong Ah, I hope you can follow your own path and you won't have another chance to regret it in the future!" In this way, Xie Wendong entered the notorious No. 1 Middle School as the number one in the city, and also brought with him more than a hundred juniors. Xie Wendong finally ended his junior high school career that changed his destiny and began a new life journey. During the holidays when he was in high school, Xie Wendong was not idle. After his fight with Sanyan, he knew that it was not enough to rely on brains and a cruel heart to become famous in society, but also needed a strong body. For more than two months, Xie Wendong joined Sanda classes and martial arts classes, and continued to exercise whenever he had time. Even Sanyan admires his perseverance. After being in contact for such a long time, his understanding of Xie Wendong's character is: if you don't do it, don't do it; if you do it, do it best. A month later, Xie Wendong found Sanyan in the Sanda class. Wearing boxing gloves and a three-eye single, no one knows who will lose and who will lose, but both of them ended up miserable, with injuries all over their bodies. Half a month later, Xie Wendong came for Sanyan again. This time Li Shuang and Gao Qiang also came, but after being detained outside the door, when Sanyan with swollen eyes came out, they asked about the result, and Sanyan only said, "Brother Dong is very talented in sports!" Then he walked away. Half a month later, when Xie Wendong looked for Sanyan again, Sanyan, whose eyes were still slightly swollen, lay on the ground and said nothing. . . . Xie Wendong had no choice but to lure you, "As long as you go, I'll treat you to dinner in the evening. You can choose the place you want." He closed his eyes and said, "I won't go even if you ask me to do it. If I die, I can still eat." Are you ready?" Li Shuang couldn't stand the temptation and offered to go alone with Xie Wendong. San Yan looked at Li Shuang walking away with pity and shook his head for a while, saying in his heart: Brother, take care! . As a result, Li Shuang and Xie Wendong vomited out two molars while eating in the evening. From then on, when Xie Wendong found someone to go alone, there was no one within five meters. Sanyan once said: "Brother Dong can run 100 meters when he is not messing around. His explosive power is suitable for this sport." Li Shuang nodded with understanding. More than two months have passed, and Xie Wendong is still the same, except that he is taller and still looks very thin. The No. 1 Middle School was far away from Xie Wendong's home, so he had to ride a bicycle to school. When we arrived at the school gate, the first thing we saw was a broken door. The cement pillars on both sides of the door were covered with pieces of paper. When I stepped forward, I saw, "Patients with sexually transmitted diseases don't have to worry..." I fainted. Are such advertisements posted all over the school? Xie Wendong shook his head and walked towards the school. Seeing an old man sitting in the duty room at the door reading a newspaper, Xie Wendong walked over and asked: "Uncle, I am a new student here. Where can the new students register?" The old man put down the newspaper, looked at Xie Wendong, and said loudly: "You What did you say? I didn't hear you, please speak louder!" Xie Wendong had no choice but to say loudly: "I said, where are the freshmen reporting?" "What? You're going to be late soon! Then why don't you go to class quickly and say something to me?! "The old man shook his head and continued reading the newspaper. Xie Wendong almost vomited blood. With such a guard, how can this school be kept in peace? Ignoring the old man, he pushed the cart towards the school. After walking a few steps, the roar of a motorcycle came from behind. Xie Wendong didn't have time to think too much. He instinctively jumped to the side and the car fell to the ground. A motorcycle flew past him and stopped not far ahead. The cyclist was wearing a cowboy outfit. He took off his helmet, his black hair flying in the air, and looked back at Xie Wendong. 'So beautiful' Xie Wendong saw clearly that the cyclist turned out to be a girl. There are two thin curved eyebrows on Guazi's face, with beautiful eyes as bright as black pearls embedded underneath, and her gorgeous red lips are moving up and down. "Are you blind? You don't have eyes when you walk?" The voice was very beautiful, but the words he said made Xie Wendong no longer interested in admiring her beauty. He said with an aggrieved look: "It seems you were the one who hit me on the bike first! Why?" You blame me." The girl looked Xie Wendong up and down. She had an average figure, a pretty face, and her eyes were so special! Thin, long, and extremely bright. Gives people a different feeling. Seeing the girl staring at him, Xie Wendong felt a little embarrassed, "Classmate, is there something wrong with me?" Are you a new student?" Xie Wendong nodded. I feel that this girl has a good figure, about 1.7 meters tall, almost the same as me. Coupled with the slender figure, Xie Wendong finally understood the meaning of being slim. "As a freshman, you should call me senior, not classmates. You are quite thin. If someone bullies you in the future, just come to senior and I will help you!" The girl said as she patted Xie Wendong's head. She didn't know why, but when she saw this handsome boy, she always wanted to get close to him and protect him. Maybe it was his thinness that aroused her protective desire! The girl explained in her mind. Xie Wendong was a little dumbfounded. This girl was not an ordinary 'big name'. But he still nodded very 'obediently': "Yes, thank you, senior. I remember!" Seeing Xie Wendong's bright eyes looking at him with a smile, his heart skipped a beat, he shook his head and left quickly. She told herself in her heart that she was walking, not escaping. Xie Wendong shouted from behind: "Goodbye, senior!" In fact, he didn't even know which class the girl was in, and he didn't want to know. He was attracted to the girl just now because of his intuitive appreciation of beauty. Seeing the girl walking away, Xie Wendong withdrew his gaze and leaned down to help the car up. At this time, a tenor voice came from behind, "Brother Dong! Wait for me!" He knew who it was without looking back. Xie Wendong looked back at the sweaty Li Shuang, followed by Gao Qiang and six unfamiliar faces. Walking closer, Li Shuang said to the six people: "This is Brother Dong, your boss!" The six people glanced at Xie Wendong, bent down and said in unison: "Hello, Brother Dong!" Seeing Xie Wendong's confused look, Gao Qiang explained. : "These six boys are all freshmen. Brother Sanyan and we found them. They are all little tigers even when they fight!" We're here, please keep an eye on it and don't cause trouble first, you know?" The two nodded, Li Shuang smiled and said: "Brother Dong, I have learned a lot after being with you for so long, don't worry!" Xie Wendong turned around and shook his head and said: "You are the one I'm most worried about." He pushed the car towards the parking shed on the side. Gao Qiang laughed and followed Xie Wendong with the cart. "You guys, what else can you do besides gloating?" Li Shuang's fat body got back on the bike and caught up with Xie Wendong, and six new boys followed him with smiles on their faces. Xie Wendong and others came to the carport and were about to go in when they were stopped by two students at the door. "Hey~~Hey~Hey! Stop what you are doing and go inside. I wonder if this is where the teacher parked his car?" Li Shuang felt unhappy, "I just saw someone in a student uniform parked his car. Why can't we do it?" A student with small eyes glanced at Li Shuang, "I am the other person, and you are you. If I say no, I won't do it!" The thin man with him didn't say anything next to him, but he raised his head in a way that made people laugh. You can see the hairs in his nose. Li Shuang parked the car and stepped forward to argue. "What? It's just because I'm a freshman, right? I'm telling you, get out of my way immediately. I have to stop the car here today." Xie Wendong also felt that these two people went too far and did not stop Li Shuang.