
King Adama Dominates the Whole Land

In the land of Malon where men dominates women, a story of a little girl with low birth was to be known as she pave her own way to dominate the whole land. In this life, she is no queen no hero no the hidden king neither the silent savior nor the pitiful mute slave little girl, not anyone but a King herself. She is to open a land free from discrimination of race, tribe, gender. She is to fulfill the Prophecy of Beginning and lead the five pilgrims. She is the Master of the Sacred Path. She is called King Adama.

justmeowing · ย้อนยุค
3 Chs

2. The King arrives

In the middle of the Colesium, a group of people with peculiar cloth and marks on their bodies are on their sorry state as the people around are yelling and laughing to their soon death.

This small group of people belong to a small tribe called Ollesion. They are captured by the people of Galliore a month ago, travel by feet for consecutive days without proper foods and rest, their state is no better than a dying person. Arriving at the kingdom, their tribe symbol, their flag was disrespected thrown to the floor by the soldiers of Galliore and asked each of them to step their own flag symbolizing they are completely surrendering their identity to the kingdom, in exchange their lives would be spared and would even have the opportunity to serve the kingdom, to be a slave.

None among the people of Ollesion even facing the breath of death disrespect the symbol of their tribe and choose to die with dignity. The soldiers of Galliore seeing the stubbornness of their captives brought a show to the whole kingdom. They soon parade the people of Ollesion tribe to the whole kingdom to announce the event of their public execution the next day.

A young boy age ten after their parade chose to give up his tribe for his life, this boy is called Al Yun. That night, the young boy Al Yun step on the flag of their tribe in front of his tribesmen, his eyes are saluting his clan bidding them a farewell.

The Galliore soldiers' expectation of the commotion of the tribe didn't happen. The young boy is calm on his actions and his tribesmen are even more compose and calmer, they look at the young boy like they are giving him a great mission to accomplish. That night, the tribe leader asked the soldiers to spare the life of his five years old mute daughter but was only laughed by the soldiers. When the general heard about this request, he had give his order to his men.

The next day, the people of Ollesion are escorted to the entrainment ground of the kingdom. In the middle of the colesium, the small group of people on their tattered clothes are sorrounded by weapons for them to use. This is after announcing one of them will be spared if...just if any of them will survive the claws of the general's pets.

Two adult tigers are soon released. The two beasts are not fed last night, when seeing the group of fresh meats, they didn't waste a time and attacked them directly.

The people of Ollesion are not new to these beasts. They are people of nature, they live with the wild and survive from the wild. Ten adult men took care the two beasts while the rest sorrounded a certain area, in the middle of their formation is a five years old little girl who is shaking with fear.

Half of incense are burnt, the two beasts are killed by the people of Ollesion. None of them are killed but they are injured with the fierce battle.

Words rang that soon tear down the peaceful time of the tribe.

"Half of incense left."

They are asked only one of them is to be spared. After winning from the battle of the two beasts, they are expecting them to kill each other for the position of a life to be spared. The general is expecting the tribe leader to kill his own people for his daughter to be saved. What they didn't expect, these people had long gone accepted their own deaths.

All of them took their own weapon. Sorrounding the five years old little girl, they wound their own right palms and draw the blood to their faces. They all shouted words unknown to the people outside their tribe.

"Yan tin miakan hijh ji. Yan tin miakan hijh ji."

From afar, the young boy Al Yun whispered the same words.

The people of Ollesion stab their own heart, their lifeless bodies collapse to the ground one after another.

The five years old young girl blankly look at how her father's body collapse to the ground. Her young mind need to process how all the people she knew stab their own life while looking at her full of----hope?

Hundreds of thunders soon strike from the heaven followed by a heavy rain. The whole kingdom of Galliore is covered wet. While the people of Galliore are celebrating of the first rain of the year, a young soul was not.

The thunder and rain soon stopped. The sky turn bright like the phenomenon earlier was just a bluff of heaven. Five bright lights suddenly strike from heaven sorrounding the five corners of the kingdom.

That day, the whole kingdom celebrated even more when they learnt the five artifacts on the prophecy that buried their own had risen symbolizing their most awaited king had been born. The same day, four children are born and among them, three are boys. Among these three, two are from royal family and one is from an aristocrat family.

The people of Galliore can't tell whom among the three is the King mentioned on the prophecy but they didn't care, they know their King is now born and their kingdom would soon rise again.

In the middle of the celebration, the little girl named Adama witness these people's eyes full of hope the same as her tribesmen's eyes towards her before they killed their own lives. Adama, who is in daze of the celebration around while her tribesmen's corpse are sorrounding her, was soon shivered of the undescribable sensation overflowing inside her body.