
The Beginning of The End

The boat rocks back and forth as the meteor comes in closer, the water evaporating. It crashes down and the waves close in all around me, dragging me down farther and farther from the surface. A light slowing glows clearer and clear in front of me. I reach out to touch it and a figure comes forward, dressed in all white and glowing skin. It looks at me and says in a high falsetto voice: "Help me please, you among others are the few on this planet who can save me, Please help."

The scene grows darker as I wake up to the alarm clock saying its 6:00! 6:00! 6:00! And I smack it to the ground and start getting out of bed. "Shut yer trap." I murmur as I get into my school uniform. I go downstairs grab an apple, my bag and keys and drive to school.

As I'm grabbing my stuff, I see the three most perverted humans on Earth cornering a girl, I scan the area looking at them "Erik Haijimo, Mace Zelerex and X... ahh someone else will help her..." I close my car door and start walking away when I hear a slam. I turn and see Erik lost control,

"Come on Liz! Stop complaining, it's not like it's going to be frowned upon!" I clench my teeth and yell at them,

"Hey! I don't know what all is going on, but if she doesn't like it, I suggest you stop!"

They all turn around and stare at me for a second. "And if we don't?" I act like I am thinking for a second.

"Well, I guess I'll have to fight you, then wouldn't I?" They look at me like I'm an idiot.

"Look King," Erik says, "You can't really defend yourself, much less another person, so, ill make a deal with you for being a brave idiot, you don't tell anyone about this, and we don't beat you to pulp, how 'bout it?" He reaches into his pocket and grabs out brass knuckles and puts them on, "Deal or no deal? If you say no I can make life very…. Difficult for you, better if you stop trying to be a hero, for your sake and ours."

Anger flares up inside of me and I feel the sudden urge you fight this guy, my fingers tingle with warmth, though telling me what to do. I run up to him and punch him, Then I, as if on cue, pass out.

I come to in the school's infirmary, with the school's principle, Mr. Collin, is sitting in a chair next to me, eating cookies and reading a Health magazine. He notices my being awake and frowns at me. "Erm- Sir? I have literally no idea what happened, could you erm… fill me in?" I add a 'sir' at the end in attempt to sound nicer. He looks at me and sighs,

"After you, Hendrickson, Maverick and Xenophiles got into your… Kerfuffle… they supposedly disappeared in a flash of gold light and poof, gone." He does the jazz hands

[A/n: Jazz hands!]

He grabs a cookie from the tin on the bed stand next to my bed and bites into it. "White chocolate macadamia nut, you and Sara-lee must be good friends" he gives a small chuckle at his joke then hands me a cookie and I bite into it.

"Sorry to say this Kingston, but you have to be suspended for a week, or until we figure this out, whichever comes first." I swallow the cookie and look at him, "You can be serious right?" I start, "I have literally never been told of by a single of the teachers, now, I'm being suspended! By the principle himself too!" (Actually, I added many… sentence enhancers… it there.)

Mr. Collin looks at me, "Don't force me to make it two weeks Kingston." He says threateningly. Then gets up and walks out the door.

I flip him off behind his back and then pass out once again.


K: flips off principle,

oh woops

Liz_Reapercreators' thoughts