
King's Awakening .. Welcome to the apocalypse

Don't judge the story from the beginning ... .... Life begins to change.. Tides and ebbs at the seas.. The earth's rotation is getting faster and faster.. Earthquakes are everywhere.. Many houses have been toppled.. Some bridges have fallen, thousands of victims from around the world.. From ancient Egypt The return of the king from his sleep, which lasted more than 5 thousand years. Admiros Ra Will the world change from that moment? .... Follow me and also support me .. ps or comments or review.. it's a big thing and make me happy

Gamal_3_3_ · ย้อนยุค
11 Chs

What are you doing here

We cannot be reconciled with all the people who inhabit us... and that we must sacrifice one of them.... For the other to live... And only in front of this choice do we discover our first clay... Because we automatically align ourselves with what we believe is the most important... and that we are nothing but .

Chapter Eight What are you doing here

At that moment, the man who came out of the coffin started to approach Butcher and then started to speak and said

"So who are you and what is going on here? And what is happening at my sleeping place?" That man said with looks unaware of the situation.

He spoke in hieroglyphs, and Butcher answered him in the same language

" Sorry.. but something seems to be wrong.. I'm sorry but I don't know what's really going on here," Butcher replied, hesitatingly

" Hmm..did I say wrong? where is mina I gave him a plan to unite Egypt and he supposedly started it while I was sleeping...but instead I now see an idiot daring to enter my sleeping place!" That man spoke sternly.

" did you say mina I'm sorry, but the name of the ruler of Egypt is not Mena, it's Mr. C." Butcher replied worriedly, trying to explain

" did you say c I don't remember this.. A short while ago, Mina told Bena about something called the white wall...

I thought and told that fool, Mina, to choose a location in the middle of the kingdoms of the North and the South so that he could rule Egypt from it. So I told him to build a castle surrounded by a white wall, and we call it the White Wall.. Did he begin to do that or not? This confuses me. If he doesn't, I'll beat him up..." He replied

"Is there anyone here?" A girl's voice approached the room where they were sitting


Moments ago ..

Maryam started to enter the Great Pyramid step by step.

"Why is it so dark here? I feel so short of breath right now..ha..ha..." That girl started breathing hard due to the lack of oxygen.

" It seems that there are many drawings on the inner walls of the pyramid.. Is this the history of ancient Egypt? I have visited the Egyptian pyramids a lot, but I did not enter them because I am afraid of closed places .. but now here I am, moving inside it .. damn it "

Mariam thought to herself as she entered and exited the rooms and explored each one of them separately. There was nothing in the rooms indicating the reason for the transformation that took place in the world today.

"No entry?" Mariam looked at a big door that had a big sign written on it "No entry" and some yellow police tape."

"Should I go inside or not? The problem is that there is no network here.. Otherwise, I would have called anyone from the outside to ask him about it.. Well, now or not," Maryam thought to herself.

"Is there anyone here?" Mariam said audibly as she opened the door


"Did you hear a girl's voice just now?" said the white-haired man, looking at Butcher

"Yeah, I guess she's asking if someone's here?" Butcher replied

"I don't think I heard that? It was incomprehensible?" That man replied

"Things have changed now. There is Arabic spoken here in Egypt," Butcher replied

At that time Maryam started to move all of a sudden..

Step by Step ..

"There's a light here? I think there's someone at the end of this road," Maryam thought to herself as she moved forward...

The vision began to become clearer and clearer. There were two men sitting at the end. This is what Maryam saw

"Assalam alaykomo (it means hello) ..." Mariam said surprisingly as she intervened on the two men who were sitting here.

" Wa alaykomo asalam (it means hello) .. " Butcher responded automatically after seeing Mary in front of him

" What are you guys doing here? The world is in a deplorable state outside.. And what are you doing? .. Wait why is there a naked person? .. wait don't tell me.. that you.. that you.. no.. no .. Well, I'll turn around and say I didn't see anything." Mariam said embarrassingly after she came closer and saw that naked man in front of her.. It seems she got the wrong understanding.

"Wait, wait a minute," Butcher said, after standing up suddenly and thinking about it for a moment.

.. He's with a really naked man.. Anxiety and tension a while ago made him forget the situation he was in

"Wait what? Are you doing those things in the pyramid? You are desecrating public property," said Maryam, putting her hand on her face out of sheer shame.

"Well, I'll tell you the situation. It seems that this person is from another world. He just came out of a coffin. And.." Butcher began to speak.

'Did you say coffin...' asked Mary

" What are you talking about? That man spoke in hieroglyphs and understood nothing of what they were speaking

(Note: the Arabic language was made after the hieroglyphs, so the man did not understand them)

" What did he say? Is he an alien or what? Mary said, arguing with Butcher

"Well, I don't know, he just got out of that coffin," Butcher said, pointing to the coffin lying nearby.

Maryam looked at the coffin, then that man stood up and went towards Maryam and started smelling her

"Hey.. Hey.. What are you doing? Get away, you pervert," Mariam said suddenly, shyly, then she started moving her hand to slap him, but she suddenly stopped in her place and could not move.

" All right, enough kidding now. Come on, kid, and ask her where Mina is," said the man, looking sternly at Butcher.

" What's going on, did that guy stop my movement? Is he using magic? So is he a hunter? No.. I don't think anyone will come so quickly to Egypt .. So who is this? " Mary thought to herself while Butcher and that man were talking

"Madam, excuse me.. but can I ask you about a person named Mina who rules Egypt?" Butcher said politely and tensely to Mary.

"Did you say Mina? The ruler now is called Mr. C , but Mina? No.. there is no such thing," Mariam said after she thought a little

" Madam, please, is there someone who has ruled Egypt named Mina.. This man has just come out of the coffin.. Perhaps there is something mysterious in this matter," Butcher said, imploring Mary vulgarly.

" What the shit ba man? In any case, I do not remember anyone other than a ruler named Mina, but this was from more than 3500 years BC.. according to my recollection of history.. I was a failure in it despite being a journalist.. hehe " Mariam joked a little

"For God's sake, this is not the time to be joking..." Butcher said, slapping his face to stop the shock

" But friends, why are you here? While the world is in ruins outside..." Mariam said, trying to make sense of the situation

"What's going on out there?" Butcher said excitedly