
King’s Illusion.

Title: King’s Illusion Synopsis: "King’s Illusion" takes us on an enthralling journey through the treacherous world of the Roman Empire, where an exiled prince named Marcus discovers his extraordinary power and sets his sights on claiming the throne. Armed with his mastery of illusion and guided by a slumbering Primordial God, Marcus embarks on a perilous quest to fulfill his destiny. Born as the secret fourth prince of the Roman Empire, Marcus spent his formative years in exile alongside his mother, a foreign princess whose homeland had been ravaged by war. When tragedy strikes and Marcus loses his mother, he feels a call to return to the heart of the empire—the capital city. Determined to assert his rights as a prince, Marcus arrives in the bustling metropolis and proclaims his lineage, setting in motion a series of events that will shape his fate. As destiny unfolds, Marcus finds himself drawn to the enigmatic ceremony known as Dictum Deus—an ancient rite where a god can choose a champion from among the gathered children. During the ceremony, Marcus awakens a slumbering deity named Pathos, who recognizes the prince's latent potential and selects him as his champion. With this newfound connection to divine power, Marcus sets out to harness the might of Pathos and weave intricate illusions that will aid him in his quest for the throne. However, Marcus soon discovers that the path to power is riddled with deception, political intrigue, and fierce rivals. He must navigate a treacherous landscape of ambitious nobles, cunning courtiers, and dangerous factions, all vying for control of the empire. As he employs his illusionary prowess, Marcus must carefully discern friend from foe, for his illusions may deceive not only his enemies but also those closest to him. With each step, Marcus's illusions become grander and more audacious, captivating the empire and drawing attention to his cause. Along the way, he forms unlikely alliances with individuals who share his vision for a reimagined Roman Empire, each with their own unique skills and motivations. Together, they will challenge the status quo, defy tradition, and forge a path toward a new era. "King’s Illusion" is a gripping tale of ambition,, and the power of perception. Marcus, armed with his mastery of illusion and guided by a slumbering god, must navigate a dangerous world where reality is a fragile construct. Will his illusions prove strong enough to secure his claim to the throne, or will he succumb to the very deceptions he seeks to master? Only by confronting the shadows within himself and the empire can Marcus unveil the truth and shape his own destiny.

Cheon_Yeowon · แอคชั่น
5 Chs

Chapter 5: The Slumbering God.

Chapter 5: The Slumbering God.

Once Marcus was on the altar the priest apporached him and started the ceremony.

"Young Prince you are in front of the Gods of Olympus, present yourself to them wholeheartedly and pledge your allegiance." The Priest said. After then he continued.

"Repeat after me."

"Dei filius sum, his me offero, et meam vindicem aeternam do fidelitatem." With that Marcus followed.

"Dei filius sum, his me effero, et meam, vindic aeternam do fidelitatem." After Marcus pledged his allegiance a golden light came from above and engulfed him as if trying to embrace him.

The whole crowd expected to see the light to subside just like the other but what they saw next shocked them.

Suddenly above the altar an ethereal figure of a giant hand grabbed the Prince's body, though physically nothing happened after it grabbed the prince but as Champions of the Gods they have a few understanding of the Supernatural.

They saw an ethereal figure of a body leave the prince's body as it was grabbed by the hands and brought up to the sky.


'What the hell is happening!?' For God's sake what is happening with me?' I thought in panic as I felt a huge force grabbed me.

As the force slowly pulled me away from the ground I saw my body kneeling on the altar.

'What the fuck!? Is that my body?' I was confused but my confusion was long overdue when suddenly I was brought into something.

My eyes or I should say my supposed eyes closed for a moment when I was engulfed by a blinding lights and when I opened them back I found myself into a giant hall made by white marble and a giant throne in front of me.

There was twelve marble pillar supporting the place which I would assume is some sort of palace for a giant, considering taht everything is in big proportions.

I looked left and right trying to find out what summoned me here but I found nothing. When I was musing to myself suddenly the entire hall was engulfed by a dark mist.

Dark mist flowed out from every corner of the hall, and when I was about to look at the throne I saw a figure suddenly seated on it.

I was shocked, just a second ago there was no one on that throne in fact I knew that there was no one here at all but the moment this dark mist spread around a figure suddenly appeared on it.

The figure seated on the throne looked at me with it's glowing eyes, I couldn't move as if in front of me was something beyond my comprehension. My primal instinct telling me to worship this being, as if my entire body is telling me to prostate myself to this figure.

I tried to fought off this feeling with all my might, but I just couldn't. When I was about to fall on my knees the invisible primal pressure that was dawning on me suddenly dissaperead.

And from it a booming laugh resounded.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The figure laughed.


His voice was so powerful that his entire body shook from the vibration produced by his voice.

"Oh this is wonderful! A millenia of sleep and this is what Olympus have become." The godly figure said while tapping the armrest of his throne.

"Truly interesting,"

He then looked at Marcus once again and said.

"So you are the one who have awoken me from my slumber."

"Hmmm I wonder…"

When Marcus know that this was a god he prostated himself infront of the throne and shouted.

"Oh Godly being! It is my greatest honor to be in your present!"

"I thank you for grantung this lowly mortal the honor of being here!" Marcus shouted but he only heard a chuckle from the God.

"Don't fool me boy, I can read your emotion like an open book." The God said with a small smirk.

The figure stood up from his throne and gazed at the open space, below him was an expanse of clouds. They seemed to be somewhere up high.

"I have seen what Olympus have become after you awakened me from my slumber."

"And to say that I was dissapointed is an understatement." He said while gazing at the horizon.

The god didn't elaborate why he was dissapointed he just continued on and stared at the cloud expanse below him.

"Boy you have something special, something special that it awakened me, a Primordial God." He turned around and faced Marcus.

Marcus saw the face of God, it had no feature, as if he was only staring at an endless pit of abyss.

His entire mental fortitude was being shaken but he continued to stare and didn't look away.

A slit of white line emerged from the featureless face of the god and it arced into a smile.

"Very good, very well then boy I will chose you as my champion and grant you a fraction of my powers." It continued to stare at Marcus seemingly testing the latter's fortitude.

For another second no words were exchange the God only continued to stare at Marcus, those seconds seemed like eternity to Marcus who was staring at the abyss but thankfully the god removed his face away from him and walked back to the throne.

"Impressive young man, you just stared at the Primordial Chaos for a whole minute."

"There is really something special about you." He waved his hands at Marcus and suddenly Marcus felt his whole mind and body invaded by foreign energy.

When the feeling dissapeared he felt a sudden surge of mysterious power inside him.

"I granted you my blessings."

"Now for the ceremony to be completed, say my name." The God said.

Unconciously Marcus' mouth opened and muttered a name foreign to him yet feels so familiar.


Then a a violent surge of dark mist engulfed him, once the mist was gone he was suddenly back to his body.

Back to the temple.

His body suddenly jolted and surprised everyone, above his head a symbol of a scythe with six dark wings appeared.

The iron rod he was holding elongated itself and transformed into a scythe, the scythe was about 2.5 meters long with a curved blade with a length of 1 meter. The blade seeme to shine with danger, it was erily similar to that of the Grim Reapers scythe.

When the weapon fully transformed itself a sudden gust of dark mist escaped from Prince Marcus' body.

The entire temple was then covered with a surge of dark mist, the air became cold and heavy and as if they were cut off from reality suddenly everything felt surreal.

A sudden attack of mystic power assaulted everyone, the older nobility started to hallucinate but as experts they fended it off but the same couldn't be said to the young children of nobility.

They started to see illusions of their deepest desire, they were going crazy some young man removed their pants and started humping the table some young girls started to blush intensely as if they are being pursued by a prince.

Some were on the ground recreating a swimming motion as if they were swimming on gold, all of them were having extreme delusions.

Only then did they stopped when the Emperor released his lightning bolt and removed away the mist.

When the mist was removed an awkward silence struck the temple, the young noble children began to get redder when they saw themselves pantless immediately they pulled up their pants and covered their face trying to escale the embarassment.

The older nobility sighed in dissapointment when tehy saw their young heir in such pathetic manner.

But what was done was done, they looked at Prince Marcus, the symbol above his head, the scythe he was holding, the dark mist coming out of his body.

Everything about it made Prince Marcus looked like the harbringer of Apocalypse.


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