

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · แอคชั่น
150 Chs


With each taking a point at the room's edge and Harold keeping watch from a distance away the five gear up to collide, Harold nods, his voice thundering against titanium plating,

"Winner takes all!, FIGHT!"

Four of the five burst into action, their 'Force' arts empowered, Jay with a combination, his striker and Enforcer, Yanick Dennis and James following suit, Raven though remains unmoving, watching, observing, 

Jayson's fist blurs slipping past it's mark's guard and crashing into Dennis's side, Dennis groan in response, unfortunately for him Yanick's kick connect's with his Jaw, staggering him with James's executing a combination of strikes with systema. Dennis falls back his Striker technique running in relation to his advancement level, destructive steam rocket's out her palm, Yanick Dodges, while Jayson makes a play for speed, his  combination technique blurs him past the pressurised steam strikes, Dennis's hand's engage for the grapple when James's heel connects with his plexus, Dennis releases his Shroud now a product of his combination, as per willed it destroyes the integrity of all existing matter, the three give space with James and Jayson compressing to burst, James with his combination and Jayson with the same, similar to his execution in his bout held against his uncle James's feet lift him, he finds cushion against the bunkers titanium roofing, his second push rocketing him toward's his target, Dennis, Jayson had blurred to his mark much the same, although not as flexible he simply overcomes through the exercision of pure unthederd speed. James with aid of his combination strikes down with an accumulation of sickening weight, Dennis unable to dodge takes the brunt, his knees bending to take the load, Jayson pivots ready to drop him with a momentum enabled upper cut when a shin crashes into his side,

"This is far from honourable" Yanick states, "he's survived the first, he's proved his competence",

"You really don't get it do you?" H

Jayson questions, "for the one who should lead, it should be a minimal problem, a matter of execution not pressure to handle our onslaught" he replies,

"You talk to much" Dennis roars catching Jayson off with a swing, the latter weaves on instinct, nevertheless connecting was never his assailants goal, Jayson's clothes had been caught, Dennis expunges his combination while spinning to drop the striker on his head. A leg sweeps his feet from under him, Dennis tumbles mid strike, moving in to execute a finisher Yanick's 'Force' art infused spin kick clatters into the opponents last second make shift guard, bulleting them aways away. A burst of released 'Force' stabilizes James as he recenters his target, Jayson and Dennis tussle and scramble to find footing, finally the last is in. Raven blurs, his combination holding his Striker and Enforcer enacted, with 'Force' compressed to his leg and a viscous whip aimed at his opponents knee Dennis falls back, unfortunately for him Raven's bones restructure sickeningly mid fight to allow his re centered kick to connect with his opponents liver, Dennis reads the strike moving to guard when a release of the compressed 'Force' explodes from his heel, the sudden speed catching Dennis off guard, Raven's kick connects, the bomb within his leg follows quickly and with viscous control and  little suprise, Dennis drops unconscious, the remaining three shift focus to him, their eyes sharp and an unspoken alliance formed,

(That's right, the human body is still the human body, the physical enhancements are relative) Raven mules spinning horizontally into a spin dodging Yanick's kick as his combination i fused legs connect with first Jayson's straight and James's kick, the resulting in the push back of those strikes, Yanick exercises inhuman control over gis physical facilities as he re aims his missed kick mid swing, transitioning if from a high kick to a down kick, Raven's armour takes the brunt as his back smashes against titanium, he elbowed the ground to his right releasing compressed 'Force' to spin away unto his feet as he catches Jayson's blistering blow with his shin, grabbing his fist quickly he lifts himself dodging Yanick blow, Raven blurs back giving space as the three spread out, Yanick takes point while Jayson and James flank him, for James memories of big Raven destroying every opponent during his unconscious state, for Yanick a battle between talent and hard work and for Jayson a battle between himself a genius and his friends monsters, for behind Raven he say a sun blonde haired shilouette, the three blured, Raven with the aid of sudden explosions of 'Force' within his body and his skeletal armoured frame made him not just nigh impregnable but sickeningly inhuman to predict, his range of motions a matter of re structuring bone placement, adding to the chill that slowed their physical and mental faculties with accrued time, Jayson pumps copious amounts of 'Force' into his arms pulling till the band stretched white an let fly, Raven can't react as the blow cracks his Jaw back, faint white lines similar to the branches of an olive tree line the side if his armoured Jaw, taking the hint at the point of his stagger James follows, releasing his combination technique in favour for another, gis striker and Auxiliary, his presence actively fades as his out 'Force' empowered kick connects with Raven's Jaw almost bring him to his knees, Jayson wastes no tim pressing with a follow up as Yanick covers with a heavy right, Raven bites a growl spinning horizontally in air as his Striker empowered elbow meets Jayson's jaw with inches to spare from the latters blow to connect and his simultaneous punch meets Yanick's blow which forces him down, Raven is up in a flash as Jayson shakes away his shock from the strike, at this point the group a puffing steam as the high octane levels of 'Force' arts empowerment and relentless level of battle begins to take its toll, only Raven remains relatively fine with Yanick and co's chests heaving with growing noticeability,

(Fuck, the armour's to damn tough and that isn't even his damn Defense technique) Jayson ponders,

(He's like a mini tank, his 'Force' arts allow for relentless battle, not one manifests in an outward ejection) James analyse,

(If we're going to win, we'll need precision and power, hit the armours gaps or shatter the bone plating) Yanick watches as they gear for another round, nevertheless what the four knew in unison was uniform, 

(If we don't end this soon, he'll win off pure endurance),

Harold who spectates from the side nods approvingly,

(I don't know where this kid learnt to ration 'Force' but the teacher certainly thought him well, he's accustomed to long battles, selectively explosion and tactically sound) he evaluates.

Jayson and James flank Raven pressuring from the sides as they force him to split attention,

{Watch out!}, Again Silver's intervention alerts him as Yanick compresses the 'Force' to his dominant right planting his foot heavy as he sledge hammers home into Raven's guard, hairline fractures the size of tree branch lines spread rapidly but proceed to heel with similar rapidity, he wouldn't be given the time, Yanick's spent, nevertheless he engages in close quaters locking Raven from escape, Jayson and James reply in good faith, with ardent finality in their strikes, their gaze unwavering, they lay their attacks into Raven's elbow guards, pressing them against his ribs as Imprinted 'Force' rocks his frame, Yanick drops unconscious and soon James and Jayson follows onto their knees barely congruent, Raven holds stance for several seconds, coughing blood as he drops to a knee, his bone armour broken vertically from the elbow.

A loud clap follows, Harold strolls center of the training ground, 

"I think we have a winner" he states, "congratulations, Raven Voss" he nods turning towards the barely consious teen, "your leader".