
Kindred System

Ichiro and Yui are siblings who become the Kindred, the spirit gods of death, after a near-death encounter with a pack of wolves. They gain the ability to level up and turn anyone they kill into a shadow. They balance their normal lives as students with their duties as agents of death, and deal with their new partners, Lamb and Wolf. They fight against enemies and mysteries in a world full of dungeons and monsters.

PhoenixKing2 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

The System

Yui felt a sharp pain in her chest, as if her heart had been pierced by a needle. She gasped for air, and clutched her brother's body. She looked at him with disbelief and despair, hoping that he would open his eyes and smile at her.

But he didn't.

He was dead.

She was alone.

She sobbed uncontrollably, and buried her face in his chest. She felt a warm and wet sensation on her cheek, and realized that it was blood. His blood. She lifted her head, and saw a hole in his shirt, where the arrow had entered. She saw blood dripping from the wound, staining his clothes and skin.

She saw the arrow that had killed him.

It was a white arrow, with a silver tip and a blue feather. It looked like a normal arrow, but it had a strange glow to it. It had a name engraved on it, in a language she didn't recognize.

It said: Lamb.

She looked up, and saw the creature that had shot the arrow. It was a white sheep or lamb, with pale fur and lamb's legs and feet. It wore a dark mask that covered half of its face. It carried a bow on its back, which glowed with the same light as the arrow.

It was Lamb, the peaceful aspect of death.

It looked at her with curiosity and kindness.

"Do you want to live?"

Yui blinked in confusion. She didn't understand what was going on. She didn't understand who or what this creature was. She didn't understand why it had killed her brother, and why it was asking her such a question.

She only understood one thing: it was not a wolf.

It was not an enemy.

It was a friend.

She nodded slowly, hoping for a miracle.


Lamb smiled gently at her, and nodded back.


It raised its bow, and aimed another arrow at her chest.

It pulled the string, and released it.

The arrow flew towards her, faster than the eye could see.

It pierced her heart, without any pain or resistance.

It granted her a new lease on life.

It saved her instantly.

Yui felt a surge of light in her chest, as if her heart had been healed by magic. She gasped for air, and clutched her brother's body. She looked at him with hope and joy, hoping that he would open his eyes and smile at her.

And he did.

He opened his eyes, and smiled at her.

He was alive.

She was not alone.

She cried out in relief, and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back, and kissed her forehead. He looked into her eyes, and saw tears streaming down her face. He smiled weakly at her, and tried to sound calm.

"Yui... I'm sorry."

She shook her head, and sobbed.

"No... don't say that... please..."

He kissed her forehead again, and whispered in her ear.

"I love you."

She hugged him back, and whispered back.

"I love you too."

They closed their eyes, and thanked the heavens for their miracle.

But then, something strange happened.

A voice rang in their ears, clear and gentle.


They opened their eyes, and saw two creatures standing in front of them. They were Lamb and Wolf, the spirit gods of death. They looked at them with curiosity and affection.

"Welcome to the System."