
Kindred System

Ichiro and Yui are siblings who become the Kindred, the spirit gods of death, after a near-death encounter with a pack of wolves. They gain the ability to level up and turn anyone they kill into a shadow. They balance their normal lives as students with their duties as agents of death, and deal with their new partners, Lamb and Wolf. They fight against enemies and mysteries in a world full of dungeons and monsters.

PhoenixKing2 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

The Awakening

Ichiro and Yui stared at the two creatures in front of them, unable to believe their eyes. They were Lamb and Wolf, the spirit gods of death. They had killed them, and brought them back to life. They had also welcomed them to something called the Kindred System.

They didn't know what to say or do. They were too shocked and confused.

They looked at each other, hoping for some answers.

But they didn't have any.

They looked back at Lamb and Wolf, hoping for some explanations.

But they didn't get any.

Instead, they got more questions.

Lamb tilted her head, and asked them with a gentle voice.

"Do you know who we are?"

Ichiro and Yui shook their heads, and answered with a timid voice.


Wolf grinned, and told them with a hungry voice.

"We are the Kindred, the spirit gods of death. We are the ones who decide the fate of all living beings. We are the ones who offer them a choice: to die peacefully by Lamb's arrow, or to live on as our vessels."

Ichiro and Yui blinked in confusion, and asked with a puzzled voice.


Lamb nodded, and explained with a kind voice.

"Yes, vessels. You see, we are not like other gods. We do not have a fixed form or place. We are everywhere and nowhere. We are one and many. We are eternal and transient. We are bound by our duty, but we are also free to roam. We need vessels to manifest ourselves in the physical world, and to interact with other beings. We choose our vessels carefully, based on their souls and their choices."

Ichiro and Yui frowned, and wondered with a curious voice.

"Why did you choose us?"

Wolf snorted, and answered with a proud voice.

"Because you are special. You have strong and pure souls. You have made a brave and noble choice. You have accepted your fate, and ours. You have become the Kindred."

Ichiro and Yui gasped, and realized with a shocked voice.

"We have become the Kindred?"

Lamb smiled, and confirmed with a happy voice.

"Yes, you have become the Kindred. You have become one of us. You have become our partners."

Ichiro and Yui felt a surge of emotion in their chests, as they heard those words. They felt fear and awe, as they realized they had become the spirit gods of death. They felt joy and relief, as they realized they had survived their ordeal. They felt love and gratitude, as they realized they had gained new friends.

They felt something else too.

They felt a connection.

They felt a connection between them and Lamb and Wolf. They felt a connection between their bodies and minds. They felt a connection between their souls and powers.

They felt a connection that changed everything.

They felt an awakening.

They opened their eyes wide, as they saw a new world before them. They saw a world full of colors and shapes, sounds and smells, feelings and sensations. They saw a world full of life and death, beauty and horror, order and chaos.

They saw a world full of information.

They saw information about themselves, their surroundings, their enemies, their allies. They saw information about their status, their skills, their items, their quests. They saw information about everything that mattered to them.

They saw the Kindred System.

The Kindred System was a magical program that governed their new lives as the Kindred. It was a program that gave them access to various functions and features that enhanced their abilities and experiences. It was a program that guided them through their duties and adventures as the agents of death.

It was a program that spoke to them in their ears