
To you, 3,800 years later


"Muzan, now you will pay!" cried a Spartan who had a characteristic mark on his forehead

A red-haired boy, wounded and barely standing swinging his katana on a fixed path to the body of a horrible creature in many ways, the being known as "Muzan Kibutsuji" was about to be sent to hell by the same organization he indirectly created.

Not only were the hunters there, "the 5 novices" were also present being backed by the same 9 pillars and the 3 "old pillars" plus "the demon that conquered the sun ", they were all leaving everything in the battle, risking their lives to win even a thousandth of a second until dawn, including the famous nichirnt blacksmiths were helping to heal the wounded as god was giving them to understand, right now, any help, however small, could make the difference between defeat and victory.

"Dawn is coming!" shouted a young man with black hair with whitish tips who was below his waist

"Were there not 20 minutes left?" claimed a young man with blond hair with orange tips


The imposing force of hunters backed by the mysterious sudden dawn made muzan repent of his ACTS, in a desperate movement, the demon's mazzled body exuded 12 balls of meat, no one had time to protest when they were wrapped in a green light and the darkness absorbed them all.

[99 years later]

A young man with restless white hair observed from the window of his laboratory how his best friend was about to declare his love to a girl after 5 years... That moment was cut off with a massive light that completely covered the earth and the lights went out again.

[3702 years later]

[sense of the world: year 5,721]

It has been a year since the first human was freed from his stone dream, this was none other than Ishigami Senku.

A few months after the awakening of her friend Taiju and what happened to the genocidal/pacifist/maniac Tsukasa Shishio, we find ourselves in the village of Ishigami, days after the high priestess Rui was healed by the medicine of the modrena era.

After ishigami village's first confrontation with the Tsukasa empire, the kingdom of science was regrouping and treating Kinro's wound.

"I'm completely cured," said Kinro as he climbed the stairs to Chrome's hut with his belly still bandaged, before the astonished eyes of a dozen spectators. "Incredible" they all sang in unison, but...

"Wait, you're not!" said the girl gorilla "You can hardly hold on! No?!" she realized that kinro was over straining if injured body to appear to be fit. "Sure you're dying of pain!" mentioned the guard's brother, Ginro.

"As a village guard I can't lie all day doing nothing, we can't know when those gorillas and the spear guy will come back" stressed Kinro as he stayed on the stairs with a remarkable effort.

"You're fucking serious!" shouted the blondes "That's after all" stressed the younger brother.

"Don't be paranoid either, I can perfectly predict when they will attack again" refuted vegetable head scientist

As Senku made calculations and a few hundred meters away, Tsukasa's soldiers complained about his defeat.

A few kilometers from Ishigami village, inside a hidden cave were some stone statues that had slept for over 3700 years, and just today one of them began to crack.

"-An!... Hey?! What?!" a red-haired boy closed his back when he reacted to his environment. "Nezuko!" he shouted when he saw his petrified sister (or so his intuition told him)

With the little light that was available he could only distinguish her, after getting used to the little illumination he began to explore the small cave, fortunately he managed to find his friends and companions, but the absence of muzan and the spheres of flesh left him uneasy.

He decided not to try to move the statues because something told him that bad things could happen if they broke.

As he could he managed to leave the cave, he was blinded for a few seconds by the moonlight to then admire the beautiful forest that stretched out before his eyes.

He understood what was happening very broadly, he was still in Japan but many years after his time.

He had to survive that night and then look for someone else...

And maybe, get answers to what happened that night.