
Chapter 1

"Don't kill her! Please! I'm begging you!"

"And if i do...? Whatcha gonna do to stop me? What can you do to stop me? And if I accidentally... somehow... Might of... killed her from blood loss... What then? Help me hide the body? Or rat me out, my dear?" she spoke quietly with a smile.

"No reply...Guess I'll have to kill the witness too." She smiled as her bloodlust filled the alley way and cold night air. She had already killed the girl, and was going to kill him anyways.

"Please... if it changes anything... Take my life instead of hers! I'm begging you!" the man trembled with fear as he sunk to the ground, tears rolled off his cheeks and his eyes shone with fear.

"Oh no... tch tch tch. That won't do. I have to kill her. I could've spared you. Guess you never really had a chance though, did you? Ah, oh well. Don't worry. It'll be slow. Each movement draining your blood and leaving you weak. Your last vision will be of me smiling wickedly down at you as I lick the blood off my lips." She shown her fangs as she smiled.

She drew near him, and he cowered in fear. She caressed his face with her hands, her jagged nails leaving scratches. She whispered, " Don't worry.... I'll end your pain. Say your goodbyes."

She forced him down on the concrete. Her fangs were dimly illuminated by the moon.

Her fangs pierced his skin. A wavering scream escaped his lips. Crimson blood flowed from his neck, and he trembled at the sound of his blood being gulped down. She pulled back and licked the blood from her lips, "Sour- I would work on that if I was you. But I guess it won't matter now though, will it?"