
Chapter 01

Hi! My name is Joseph Anderson, I live with my mom, she was separated from my dad two years ago . Life wasn't and still isn't easy ever since she got separated from my father .

      I walked into the school hall at 8:50 am, I was very late, but no cause for alarm, we are having Spanish class, our teacher is an old woman, she sleeps a lot even in class. So I quickly but slowly sneaked into the class before the hall monitor could see me . I got to my seat and of course my classmates won't tell on me, they don't care . Spanish class was over in a few minutes and we were to have Geography next. At the end of the lesson, our  Geography teacher, Mr Godson Michael informed us that we will be going for an excursion to Virginia falls. I don't need anybody to tell me that it involves money. He said we will have to pay two hundred dollars. It was going to be for two weeks for and this is very important for my grades. I am bothered by the thought that I might not be able to pay, knowing well that my mom doesn't even have enough money to feed us right now . Maybe I can break my piggy bank and see the amount I can cover, I have been saving money since grade 5 and now, I  am in grade 9.

    It was lunchtime, we all went to the school cafeteria. I brought out my lunch, all of a sudden from nowhere , Jack and his friends (well known bullies), walked up to my table as he usually does .

"What did you bring for me today ?" He snatched it out of my hand and checked it out for himself .

 " Beans on toast !! I hate that" he threw my lunch into the trash and as if that wasn't enough, he threw my bag pack on the floor and left  . Nobody dares question him, just mind you business. I couldn't do anything, I was powerless against him, he was stronger . I began to pack my stuff into my bag, when I was about to pick up the last thing, my Chemistry notes, someone's hand brushed mine. I looked to see who it was, I saw a gorgeous girl, beautiful like the rainbow, 'ma ma mia' I said to myself .

"Hi , my name is Gabriella, I saw everything my brother did to you, sorry,   he's such a jerk "

"Your brother ?"

"Yes, he didn't have breakfast today, I guess that's why he came after your lunch . I apologize on his behalf. What's your name"

"Joseph "

"Nice meeting you Joseph, I have to go bye "


  I went back home, mom was not around. I took the keys under the mat and unlocked the door. Thank God that there was some leftovers.  I went to my room and took a hammer . I didn't know my mom was back . She entered my room and heard a smash.

"Oh my God Josie ! What happened here "

"As you can see mom, I broke the piggy bank"

"Why ?"

I told her all about the excursion and the marks I will be loosing if I don't join them in the research.

"I don't have money on me, they haven't pay me my salary yet . Count the cash and tell me the amount you have gathered. I will be in kitchen "


        "So, how much ?"

" Eighty seven dollars and seventy cents , what are we going to do ? "

"I will borrow from Mrs Philips "

"You haven't paid her for last time, maybe we should call dad "

"How can you say that Joseph !! He abandoned us, he doesn't care !"

  She left the kitchen upset and went to the living room

"I am done eating, I am going to my room"

 " Joseph wait, I am sorry for the way I shouted at you, I know you're just trying to look for a solution, that man you call your dad, left us behind, it's not easy"

"I understand mom ,goodnight "


    "Joseph !! Wake up !!"

"I am awake mom, I am coming "

"Good morning, I am going to work, there is food in the kitchen and make sure you clean the house before doing anything, no excuses this time around "

"Yes, bye take care "

       I took my breakfast , the thoughts about the excursion flashed through my mind . I took my bath, cleaned the house and then watched T.V .  I remembered about all the good and bad times when my dad, Jeff Anderson and my mom, Anna Anderson were together. I remembered when last they spoke, it ended in a quarrel .

     I decided to call him but I was hesitant. I gathered up courage and dialed his number, surprisingly, he picked up .

"What do you want this time again ?"in an angry tone

"Hello, it's Joseph"

"Oh, I didn't know it was you, so how are you ? And school ? "

"Everything's going smoothly "

"Anyways, why did you call me ? I am really busy, this is the first time you're calling after a while"

"I called you because I am in need of money, about one hundred and thirteen dollars"

"For what ! Is that why you called this early in the day ? Please call me when you have something else better to say "

    (After a while, mom was back )

         "Joseph! I am home"

  "How was work ?"

"It was fine, I hope you didn't smash anything, what occurred when I was not at home ? By the way, who were you on the phone with ?"

"Nothing, there was no smashing . I called him "

"Who ? Don't tell me it's Jeff "

"Yes mom"

"Why did you call him ? Didn't I warn you Joseph !"

   "Yes but since you don't have money, I figured I should probably give him a call. I know you're struggling to get cash and I know you're suffering , so I decided I will call him "

"What did he say "

"He said I shouldn't bother him "

"It's okay Josie and who said I am suffering, we will get through this , God will provide"

"No !! It's not okay, we are in New Jersey, he is somewhere far away and you are saying everything is alright !!"


My alarm clock went off. I got up, brushed my dentals, bathe,had breakfast and left without saying bye to mom .

"Hi, good morning " Gabriella said

"Good morning"

"What happened ? You look gloomy "

"Well, I have been thinking about the excursion, I don't have the money complete "

"Don't worry ! My dad wants to pay for me and Jack but Jack doesn't seem interested in going, I can ask him to pay for you instead, he won't mind "

"Really ? You have brighten my day, thank you . I will have to thank your dad too "

"You're welcome, it's time, I need to go to my class"

"Alright see you later, bye "

     I went for history class, I kept smiling the whole time,  even the teacher noticed it .

I kept smiling all through the way home, when I finally arrived home , I was still smiling.

"What's up ? Why are you smiling ? Did you hit the jackpot or what Joseph "

"Guess what "

"What's it ? I am not good at guessing"

"Do you remember about the excursion ?"

"What about it ? "

"The issue has been solved, my excursion fee has been paid !!! "

" Who ? When ? How ? "

"Gabriella's dad paid for me since his son doesn't want to go "

" Thanks be to the lord, I really need to see him to thank him personally one of these days . We will be having your favourite for dinner, pasta and meat balls "

"Oh yeah !!!! "


Today, we went shopping for groceries and some things I will need for the excursion.

"Now remember, we are following a budget strictly, get the things you really need alright . what's on the list ? "

" Okay but please, please !!! Can I get Vampire romance, the book, I have been wanting to get it  for a long time "

"Fine you can have it "

"Thank you ! "