
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · สมัยใหม่
46 Chs

What's he doing here?

I woke up to see that the incredible hulk was waiting for outside my room. I told him could have him arrested for tress passing. He gave me puppy dog eyes and popped out a plate of breakfast. He had tea, eggs, toast and sausages with him. He looked genuinely happy to see me. He sat by my side and we ate breakfast. He looked optimistic at the prospect. I didn't want to burst his bubble but I am not the one who is crazy about him. I waited till he finished eating to tell him that. He almost regurgitated his half. I held back a chuckle and sat down. He gave me a dirty look and I switched places as I burst out laughing.

I woke up to see Dimka was upset so I asked him when did he arrive and asked him to join me for breakfast. He mumbled that we ate. I took his hand to explain that I needed some space. He wanted to go to the fair but I wanted to go shopping. I saw this cute Valentino outfit that I wanted to buy. We arrived there and he was looking around with complete jealousy as I tried it on. He sat down with boredom until I walked out. He pulled out his coat and wrapped it around me. I didn't understand why he did that. It didn't expose me in any way. It was only knee-length. Yet he acted as though it was the skimpiest bikini in history. I pushed him aside and paid for it. He patiently escorted me to the fair. We rode the Ferris wheel and the merry go round. He even knocked over a few bottles and won me a teddy bear. Then we ate a funnel cake and corn dog. Then he found this wind up machine that turn pressed and shape a quarter into a charm.

When we came home to an angry Apple waiting with the police. He was arrested for breaking and entering. He had to call his lawyer to get out. She moved us elsewhere by the time he got out. He walked around frustrated but in the end we called his mother. He left without incident. I decided to sit in the chair as SHE calmly walked out promising not to harm Apple or anyone innocent.

I walked out and wished Apple a nice day and this is first time she wished me a nice day without cringing. She is learning to adjust. Good I won't have to kill her. At least not yet. My reflection on the other hand was not pleased with my thoughts. I calmly walked out the door towards the seaside.

I took pictures of men that seem to have psycho-type behavior. The next step would be to follow them and figure out their life. Then I can go to work. One was an ordinary boring looking man in his mid to late forties. He was balding, had a potbelly. He was eyeing the teenage girls like they were his next target. They were others who stared at the teenagers but not like this. He was obsessed with them. The next was a woman in her thirties. She is a nurse. Her interest was random men. The third was an old man in his sixties. He was eyeing everybody with look that resembled my uncle Davis when he first met me. Dad had to use the taser stop him. I decided to spy on him some more. I walked around a corner and was brutally pepper sprayed.

It took me a moment to collect myself. I pull out my water bottle and washed my face. When my sight cleared Dimitri came into focus. He wasn't happy to see me. He was hoping that I wouldn't show up. I punched him hard in the face. He wanted to watch me in action and get in my way. I pretended to be her as I smiled and I hugged him and injected him. He passed out within minutes. I called Apple and we dragged him back our place. He was handcuffed to a chair by the time the sedative wore off. He wasn't happy about it. He almost went incredible hulk on us. He had to be gagged so I can go to work.

My victim ended up being the old man. He likes to abduct prepubescent girls and record videos of him and others sexually violating them. After which these girls dosed and were buried alive. He was invited to a party. Which he arrived skeptically. He was dosed with Zolpidem extended release. He woke up and started screaming. Funny how most of them do. I had chained his feet to weights that were waiting to drop. I waited till he saw my face before I pushed the weights into the sea.

I came home to an angry Dimitri. He started asking me pointed questions and I smiled at him. He said I was under arrest. I laughed and switched places.

I woke up on the floor and saw Dimka tied to a chair. I screamed and Apple came running. She told me what had happened. He was shocked that she was helping the monster. His words not mine. She explained about how things get worse if I didn't do it. I almost went half a year without doing it and I saw everything soaked in blood. I saw people as walking corpses. It was horrible. How my father had brainwashed me into horrific things. Apple had spent more time with her so she has seen the effects of not doing this. She recalled the time I drank plain water and spat it out saying it taste like blood. He gave me a scared look. I hadn't told him everything. I had only told him about the hypnosis and a few other things just not what happens when I don't do it. She told him I spend an entire day without eating. She found a serial rapist that I killed. After that things went back to normal after a few hours. He promised not to arrest us. I released him under the protest of Apple. I asked him to go back to New York City and he did. I promised to see him when I get this settled. He kissed my hand and wished me luck.

When I return to the city I was met with a different Dimka. He was very rigid. The chief explained that he hit his head and lost his memory. He was the Dimitri from before I married him. He refused to believe we were married. So at one point I thought maybe he would switch partners with me but he decided to see if I was good enough to work together. We were summoned to a crime scene where a homeless guy was shot down. His bag had a few jewelries. We traced it back to a store that reported them missing. I discovered that it was a ruse when I slipped and held on to the doorknob. I found fresh scratches where the key should go. I had unlocked and walked up ten flights of stairs to find similar scratches on a door to a place that rents properties. The intern working there was kind enough to show me a copy of whatever was stolen. One of them was near a place where police were protecting a material witness. I hurried to the location and was shot in between my bulletproof vest. I fell down as the air was pushed out of my lungs. The pain was excruciating. The chief and team showed up with back up. Dimka came running. He obviously didn't remember me but he cared enough to carry me to the hospital. Where the doctors did their thing.

The team was trying to figure out how to explain the stupidity of my actions when the therapist arrived. She smiled, "Your wife is safe. Thank God." Dimitri looked at her, "Is she really my wife?" She nodded her head, "You were obsessed with her. When she was attacked and disappeared for her safety you became a zombie. You were a mess. You used to sleep on the coroner's cold slab. You once washed your hair with shaving cream. You used to take your anger out by punching the table, wall or punching bag. You actually locked yourself in your apartment for a week and refused to come out. Women used to throw themselves at you and you wouldn't even look at them. One day she came back to the city you went insane with anger that she came back as someone else's wife. Then you found out that before she disappeared she had filed for divorce. When she got widowed, you followed her everywhere till you lost track of her. You almost set a squad car on fire. Finally when she joined the police force and became your partner you seemed to calm down. You gave the most weirdest answers to the inkblot test. She can't talk to anyone without your consent. You were so possessive. You kept telling everyone that she is your wife. She is literally off limits." I chuckled, "He is like this now. All nice to meet you and let's be professional. But when he gets his memory back he will become the incredible hulk again. And the first thing he is going to do is break down the front door of my apartment." The therapist laughed, "Yes that is your nickname for him when he loses his temper. Other than that you call him Dimka." He looked at me with embarrassment. He promised to be professional. I wished him well as Apple ran in. The therapist explained that he hates her very much. She on the other hand has a crush on him. This was news to me but I brushed it off.

The next day Dimka came with flowers. I decided to be professional. He moved out of my apartment and started dating a blonde haired officer. I paid no attention. I focused on my work. The others made a bet. How long before Dimka gets his memory back or he will dump her and chase me. He came to know about the bet and asked them to stop. He was asked to go on one date with me and see what happens. They agreed to drop the bets if he asks me out on a date. He declined the offer so they kept betting. He dumped her after a few months.

The next case was involving a photographer I used to work with. He was my competition in the old days. He was beheaded and laid out grotesquely. I simply walked towards the camera at his feet. I picked it up and walked away. The ME was surprised but said nothing. The captain was curious to know my history with him. But I brushed her off as I walked towards his laptop to check the last pictures the camera took. It had taken a snapshot of the killer when it fell to the floor. The captain was impressed. I explained, "This used to be my camera until I lost it in a bet. I did my best photography with this. I wish I could get this back but not like this. Now this is going to the evidence locker" One of my teammates smiled, "I bet you weren't that good at photography." I winked at him, "I was the second most expensive photographer in New York. If you had seen my apartment in Brooklyn where I was assaulted. You wouldn't say I wasn't that good. I lived in the penthouse" He opened his mouth and forgot to close it. The captain asked why I divorced my partner and I said, "I caught him cheating on me with one of his coworkers on the hood of a police car. I never felt this level of betrayal before. I had filed for divorce and was about to go away for a few days when a monster came in. He hung me upside down on a tripod device and slit my throat. When he was satisfied with how much I bled he used my blood to write a note to my husband. The entire time I wished my husband would show up but he didn't. He taped the bloody note to the front door and took me away. He took me to his place where he intended to do even more horrible things to me. Apple rescued me and she took me a clinic where I was stitched up and was given a transfusion. I walked into the precinct to complain. I saw that my attacker wasn't very far away from where I was standing. He was an officer of the law. I knew he would get away with it so I decided to change my identity. I had an absent husband who prefers other women over me. So I felt it was best that I left. I changed my name and moved here and there. I met my high school sweetheart and we got married. He made me feel things Dimka never did. He never cheated on me. I could go away for a month and come back with a hundred percent guarantee that he will never cheat on me. We had children together but they died in a crash. I needed to get focused so I chose police as career. Make no mistake if I feel like it. I might quit. One of my ex-boyfriends have asked me to quit. They say I need to go back to photography because it makes me smile. And I am surrounded by people who inspire as opposed to being anxious." I didn't know that he was standing behind me the entire time. He heard everything I said. I saw him in the reflection and turned around. He looked me in the eye and I fearlessly stared back. He understood I was telling the truth so he lowered his head in shame. I smile, "It's in the past. We work together so let's let the past be the past. I will never date you again. I know in the back of my mind you will never be faithful to me." I wanted to say more but the phone rang. It was Robert. He wanted to know if I was free this weekend. I told him I would be delighted to go if he would tell me where. I will be there half an hour early. He was pleased by my enthusiasm. My partner on the other hand was showing signs of jealousy. When I hung up I ask the others to stop the bet. They said it will shut down immediately. They were hurt by how things had turned up. Captain asked me if I wanted a new partner. I said to let things be as they are. I am ok with it. Dimka wanted to say something but he couldn't find the words.

I arrived at Ocean Prime as promised half an hour before he did. I felt someone was watching me. It was my partner and one of his friends. My vision was blocked by a pair of hands. I answered, "This is the hands of Rob." He was delighted that I came. He had reserved a table there. We sat down and ate. When we were done he took me to the flatiron. There was a photo shoot. He introduced me to the models and I had to spend the last few minutes telling them to rearrange the scene. I took pictures and they were impressed. After which he dropped me home and I decided to move back to my old apartment. I got the place for a decent price. My inlaws were kind enough to help. They appeared to have missed me. They invited me for dinner. When I got to the precinct he kept his distance but he never let me out of his sight. The others encouraged him to move on. But he seems determined to be by my side.

I was summoned for a court hearing regarding the trial of a serial killer. I explained to the court how I figured out which twin killed the stepmother. It was the one who was left handed. The wounds proved it was from left to right. I have read enough forensic science to recognize it.

I went to see Lionel. He gave me some empty canvases and asked me to paint something. I promised him three paintings by next week and he was ecstatic. I walked out of the door and heard someone say, "You are moving on without me. I am a human. I make mistakes like everybody else." I faced Dimka, "Trust is the most precious commodity. If you lose it. It is impossible to get it back. You couldn't understand. Getting back with me is all just a challenge that you must overcome. At least in your mind. When you win me over you will go back to cheating." His mouth gaped open but nothing came out. I wished him a happy life and walked away. A few days later I quit the police force and went back to painting and photography. I hope this will be the last I see my husband. That wish lasted till I had the flu. In my feverish daze I wanted to call mom but accidentally called one of the officers I worked. She could have wished me a speedy recovery but decided to try something else. She sent Dimka of all people. He must have gotten his memory back when he saw the front door. As I had mentioned the Incredible Hulk had returned. BOOM. He started banging on the door like a crazy person. I just ignored him and tried to sleep. His infernal knocking wouldn't stop. He knew I would get annoyed and open it. But I decided to pop a sleeping pill and passed out. Apple promised not to open the door.

I woke up feeling better but Apple was angry. She refused to tell me what happened. Dimka was waiting outside the door. I used the chain and opened the door. He kicked the door at once and the chain broke. I asked Apple to get my handcuffs. I arrested him for forced entry. It was a citizen's arrest but still counts. He stared at me hungrily. I glared, "Listen you jealous schoolboy please just let me live. I do love you but you cheated on me. I will never marry you. Because I know I will find you with some woman. When I see you all I see is you with that blonde on the hood of the police car. I wanted a husband like DD" This did it for him. He exploded in Russian. I slapped him across the face and told him to leave. He refused so I asked Apple to call the chief. He panicked that he might get into trouble so he promised to leave so I uncuffed him and he did.