
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · สมัยใหม่
46 Chs

Let start fresh. In your dreams

When I recovered I was contacted by an art gallery that was interested in my work. Apple and I went shopping. I got a call from Dimka. He was arrested for murder. I thought this was a prank till Jones confiscated the phone. I ran to see him. He was banged up. I had them test his blood for GHB. A date rape drug. It came positive. It proved he was framed but that didn't get him released. I walked up to the evidence locker and asked to see his stuff. The chief asked me if I could prove his innocence and I said I might be able to. I promised that I would so she signed the approval form. A man walked out with a ziplock bag. I saw his bugged sunglasses and smiled. I asked for a laptop and logged into a website. I checked the recordings. It proved my ex-boyfriend Damien was the one who killed him. This was shown to the prosecutor and Dimka was released. I walked out to an annoyed Apple and we went shopping for paint supplies, shoes and meats.

We made a stop at a coffee joint where Apple got her fix of what looks like diesel and I ordered a brownie. I got a complimentary hot chocolate with it and didn't have to pay for it. I thought it was odd but it was hot chocolate and the weather was cold so I didn't complain or ask why I wasn't charged for it. The next stop was the arts supply store I used to frequent when I was married to DD. I thought I saw Dimka get in a car right behind me. I chose to ignore it.

I walked to my car with a handful of paint brushes, a few dozen canvases, tubes and tubes of water and oil paint, a spatula, a set of charcoal pencils. I arranged them in my trunk and walked back to collect the new stand and colored pencils. When I came back Dimka and the chief were waiting for me. I asked them if they were going to arrest me. She smiled, "Did you give your husband a pair of bugged glasses?" I just gave her a nod. She asked me why I did that. I defended myself, "He likes to stalk and ambush me. This helps me to give him the slip" He gave me a frown and a look that says Shut Up. The chief gave him an angry look. I asked if the interrogation was over. She gave me nod and walked to the hot dog stand. Dimka extended his hands as though asking for the keys. I smirked, "Nice try. This is my car so I will drive." Apple came with her art supplies. She dumped her stuff next to mine. Dimka gave her a dark look and walked back to his car. One of these days he will have to learn to be nice. He followed us to our next destination. Apple whined, "If you puncture her tyres. SHE will show up to haunt you." Dimka gave an angry look and walked with us. He kept checking his watch. It usually means trouble for us.

I was going to a butcher shop when I smelt burnt cashew nuts. All of a sudden the graffiti in the wall started to move. A pair of hands came out of nowhere and tried to grab me. It had a few missing fingers. The upper half of the arm was torn and the bones were exposed. I closed my eyes and count to ten. When I opened them the hands were gone. I walked into see a lovely young girl at the counter. I ordered for a bone in Ribeye, all beef sausage, lamb rack and lamb neck. Apple asked me what I plan to do with the lamb. I told her I am making Lambchetta. It is the lamb version of porchetta. I walked out to catch a glimpse of a zombie across the street. I nearly dropped my purchase. I walked casually back to the car and placed it in the trunk. Dimka extended his hands again, "You are in no condition to drive. Let me" I gave the keys to Apple and she drove me home.

I sat in my seat with my eyes firm shut. Apple prattled about what we did today. I recalled having a hot chocolate that I didn't order. It was after that I noticed my Ex. Apple noticed he was checking his watch every few minutes. We concluded he did this for the stupid attempt to try to look like a hero. We talked about how awful it would be if I loose control. Apple suggested I stay in the bathtub till it subsided. She advised me to keep my eyes closed. She managed to reach my place in record time. We heard a shouting match outside so I was forced to open my eyes. Because of his previous tantrums, Dimka wasn't allowed into the residence. He had to show his badge to get in. He frowned, "You need someone to stay with you" Apple made a face, "You spiked her hot chocolate didn't you? That's why you seemed to know that she is not feeling so well" Dimka blushed, "How did you know that?" I blurted, "You kept looking at your watch" He gave me a sad look, "I needed an excuse to be with you" I lowered my head, "Every time I see you. I see the moment you betrayed me. Don't get me wrong, I do love you but you broke my trust. Then you tried to guilt trip me because I divorced you and married someone else. You kept trying to make me jealous over and over again like I was the traitor. Please try your luck with someone else" He was about to argue but was forced to step aside after Apple had summoned enough of security to throw him out. They stepped aside to let me walk to the elevator then he decided to play the helping hand card. I kept seeing a floating head on inside a frozen block of ice. I called the concierge and he helped carry my stuff. Dimka was escorted to his car by security. He turned back several times before he reached his car.

When I reached to the penthouse I ran to reach the bathtub. The lights went out. I quickly ran to the bathroom but I was accompanied by a headless man, who dissolved in a pool of blood the moment he joined me in the tub. Then out of that came a skeleton that jumped up and turned into a great white shark that lunged at me with it's jaws wide open. The blood turned into a mess of hair that snaked around me like a Python. I tried to close my eyes but I couldn't. I heard metal scraping against the granite. It was like nail on a chalk board in eerie way. The business end of a samurai sword popped out between my legs. It was pulled out forcefully and it came back up. This time it pierced me. Then it disappeared again repeatedly pierced my leg twice and then it pierced me below the navel. The sword dragged itself upwards to my heart and someone pulled it out. I clamped my mouth shut with both hands trying not scream. The next thing I know I was strapped to a familiar chair. SHE was out changing her outfit before practicing boxing and Krav maga. She stayed there practicing like crazy till the effects wore off then we switch places.

I stayed on the floor trying to contemplate what going on. SHE whispered into my ears "When I see him. I won't kill him. But I will definitely hurt him." I remembered that I had groceries on the foyer. Then I recalled Ginger my maid would have taken care of the items I had purchased. When the hallucinogenic effects wore off I walked out to see that Ginger was grilling the Ribeye for me. Apple had left for an assignment. She left a note promising to show up after. She was given a spare key so she can come in whenever she pleases. I had dinner while listening to pirate radio. It was a show about conspiracy theories. It was the most hilarious thing that they come up with these stories to begin with. Even Ginger laughed with me. She said if she tried to stop laughing her ribs would crack. She was having stomach pains from laughing nonstop for the last few minutes. I changed channels to a station that specializes in business. I sat down with a slice of lemon pie. Ginger wished me goodnight and she left.

I fell asleep on the couch and woke up dangling upside down from a top window of a skyscraper. I tried to remember how I ended up like this. I looked around and saw Sam Bunton. He was one of the first bad guys I had killed after the chat with DD. This was a memory. He had dangled a girl who looks like me. When he was done taunting her, he was about to cut the rope and send falling to her death. I shot him with a hunting rifle. This nightmare ended with HER dragging me out of the edge after she slit his throat and threw him out the window. SHE wanted to know if I wanted to punish Dimka. SHE was very eager to punish 'The disturber of the peace'. I told her I will think about it. She shrugged, "Go out with Phillip. Make the incredible hulk see you. It would be fun" I nod my hear, "He needs to stop so I am calling the police" SHE stopped me, "What if he tells them about us" I shook my head, "I don't have Phillip's number" SHE smiled, "I know where he works. SHE waves her hand and blood pool writes the address in gruesome cursive handwriting. She gave me a naughty smile. I had to agree that he had crossed a fine line. He needs to be punished even if he becomes the Incredible Hulk. But how SHE manipulates my perception eludes me. I was surprised as she chuckled, "Welcome to my shop of horrors" SHE cackled as SHE vanished into smoke and a hungry lion lunged at me. I woke up with a jump. I ran to the vanity mirror to give HER a piece of my mind. SHE was expecting me. SHE wrote on the glass with red lipstick. 'Time is wasting. Get going.' I told her I will talk to Phillip tomorrow. Right now I was exhausted and was not in the mood for guerilla style attacks. SHE laughed as she waved HER hands to apologize. I went back to bed and was out cold in moments.

The next morning I reached the address and was greeted by a handsome man. He asked me for my ID. According to him I look like I was sixteen and I should be in school. I told him I am 35 years old but he refused to believe it even after he saw my ID. He thought it was fake. Phillip came out either leave for a break or talk to the bouncer about whatever. When he saw me he asked the bouncer to step aside. He returned my ID and said sorry. He stared at me the entire time I was chatting with my Ex. When I was done he ran towards me he even opened the door walked me to my car and asked me out to dinner to apologize. I saw the tattoos on his neck and arms and more specifically the ACAB tattoo on his knuckles. I politely declined his offer and walked back to my Lamborghini. He followed me and asked me why I refused since I clearly admired him for being really handsome. I told him I saw the tattoo on his knuckles. ACAB stands for All Cops Are Bastards. He was surprised knew what the tattoo meant. I explained that I used to be a homicide detective. It is not good for us to go out. He smiled, "You said you are an ex-cop. What made you change your mind?" I mumbled something about anxiety as I opened the car door. He snickered, "See! That proves you aren't one of them. You should go out with me. You are absolutely my type." I raised my eyebrows, "To be your old lady? Pass" I got in and he winked in a teasing manner. He genuinely smile as he took a step back so I can drive away. He waved at me like he was saying drive safely. I gave him a wink and drove off.

I stopped for a red light when I saw a familiar car not far from me. Dimka was looking angry as he yelled over the phone. I took the nearest tunnel to lose him. The funny thing was he didn't follow. He must be going to work or to see his new girlfriend. Either fine as long as he doesn't bother me. I can forget him in peace.