
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · สมัยใหม่
46 Chs

I think we should get married

I walked out of the train to see the only man who has held me prisoner, Keith Brash. He is a manipulative man who brainwashes you into thinking that you are in love with him. Pamela and I waited till he actually slit his own throat in the hopes to dupe us into thinking we will fall for his tricks and stay. His girlfriend must have been the one who must have healed him. He made it very clear. He gave us instructions to stop the bleeding before he cut himself. We bolted the moment he hit the floor. We told him that we will never choose him. I closed my eyes and switched placed with a warning. Our resident cutter is back.

I opened my eyes and saw that he was busy talking to someone else. I managed to walk past him and reach work. The chief made it clear that I had to go for a therapy session before I am allowed to touch a case. So I sat in the waiting area with my phone scrolling through Google. Dimka and sat with me and I asked him to go with his temporary partner to the crime scene. He frowned and started the usual list of complaints. I laughed, "You complained till you knew I was your partner. So do yourself a favor and please give this guy a chance." A blonde walked in and gushed over Dimka. I smiled, "I hope you have a nice day." The therapist stuck her head out of the door and asked me to come in. Dimka walked in with me like this was a couple's therapy session. He was told to leave but he refused. She called the chief and he huffed, "She is my partner I need to know if there is anything I can do" She pursed her lips and ask the blonde to go downstairs and meet Casey. She was insulted and she threw profanities at us. Dimka picked up the phone and called the chief, "My temporary partner is a fifth-grader. She whins worse than my niece" This convinced her to stop swearing but it didn't stop her from glaring at us. Dimka shut the door on her face and sat next to me. He squeezed my hand and smiled, "Everything will be ok" I gave him a nod.

After the therapy session, I walked with Dimka and was given our assignment. A teenage girl that was missing in Florida was found dead here. When we reached there it felt really familiar. She smelled like she has not taken a bath in weeks. Her nails were caked with all sorts of stuff. I am guessing blood was amongst them. So I asked the M.E. to scrape them for evidence. Maybe she fought with her killer. She said something but I didn't hear it because I looked up to see Keith in the crowd so I took a picture just to sure I wasn't hallucinating. And then I walked up to him and waved my badge. He smiled at me, "Evening detective I was wondering what the commotion was" I didn't flinch, "Police investigation Sir. I recommend you make yourself scarce." He looked at me from head to toe and walked away. Dimka saw me walking back and asked me if SHE wants to come out and I shook my head. He stayed with me till we got in his car. I checked to make sure no one was hiding in the back or there was no leaks under the car before we drove off. He was perplexed by my behavior as were the others present but they did the same before they got in their cars. I was asked repeatedly what happened by everyone in the precinct. I finally explained about the guy who kidnapped me when I was a teenager. How he tried to brainwash me into thinking I was in love with him of all people. I took a snapshot to be sure I wasn't seeing things. They checked the picture and describe the people present. They described him perfectly. And I told them that he was my kidnapper. I was imprisoned with another young girl he had in the dungeon. He had toyed with me. I was forced to call him Casanova. He thinks these girls are in love with him so when he gets bored he kills them. They understood that I was putting up a brave face. They put out a BOLO on the guy and an arrest warrant. I remembered the vehicle the was parked outside the house in the woods. It turns out he still uses it. He was arrested and the car was searched top to bottom. They found a girl tied and gagged in a hidden section in the car. The trailer was filled with weapons. Some had blood drying on them. He was calm as a cucumber but he knew when he was beaten. He looked at me and asked me why I looked familiar and I reminded him. He smiled, "You should have married me when I asked" I was tempted to punch him but I asked the officer to tighten his cuffs. They dragged him away and the chief asked me how I solved the murder in a few hours. I explained that I didn't solve the murder I just arrested the man that kidnapped me a few years back and that was it. The guys listened carefully as I recall my time stuffed in the trunk before he moved me to the woods. I explained this guy was part of a traumatic past I can now move past as well. She smiled at me as the therapist arrived to drag me to her office for more Q&As.

By the time I got home I was interested in taking a bubble bath. Apple arrived with a new board game and a few shots of hot chocolate. We sat down when I heard a knock on the door. It progressed to the point I thought the person would break it down. I knew it was Dimka so I reminded it was ladies' night. He should go out with his buddies or go to sleep. He reminded me that half his stuff is already piled in my apartment so let him in. I told him to wait while I gather his stuff so he can take them back to his place. Apple laugh as he shouted in Russian. He told me he will behave but I told him to spend some time with his mother. He yelled at Apple through the door a few times and left. We laughed as we channel surf.

He met me the next morning with a single red rose. I politely caressed his face, "If you want to marry me. I suggest you understand personal space. This is how people grow." He grabbed my hand and kissed the fingertips, "I will try not to be possessive. But can I come with you on your vacation? I have already cleared it with the boss." I shook my head at his enthusiasm, "The point is to get away from stuff that is overbearing" He frowned, "You just arrested a guy that violated you. Milaya I have no intentions to see you hurt." I blushed and my reflection rolled HER eyes and stuck HER finger in HER mouth to say SHE wanted to vomit.

He pulled out a ring and asked me to marry him. I happily explained that I will think about it. Apple and I left for Sandbridge beach in Virginia. We rent one of the residential properties for a month and I let HER out and went to sleep. I just hope Dimka doesn't show up because I don't need his drama right now.