
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · สมัยใหม่
46 Chs

Can things get any better? NO!

I woke up in my sushi pajamas and came down to see the chief. Dimka was making breakfast and mom was looking anxiously at the window. I asked if uncle Davis had dropped a note. She gave me a dirty look before hugging me. Chief wanted to ask me if I knew of what Apple was claiming. She said that I was a serial killer. I smiled, "I know Apple had episodes since she was kidnapped. She has PTSD and so as a coping mechanism she uses drugs and fantasizes about all sorts of stuff but this is the height of her imagination" Chief was surprised, "She hallucinates?" I nod my head and I send her to an address where the walls were padded with white and there was a straight jacket laying on the floor. The DNA was only hers. So again she was discredited. She was curious why she would say such things and I explained that she was interested in my ex-husband and the man refused to date her. So she decided that she has to make stuff up so that she can distance us. Apple was taken for psychiatric evaluation and proved my theory right. They backed off with an apology.

Dimka was bummed that I wanted a different person as a partner. I was assigned Lissa Van Pelt as my partner. She was a sweet girl very punctual and asked fewer questions. Dimka asked me if he could be my partner and I asked if I go hunting will he pepper spray me. He promised not to do it. I told him I will think about it.

We were called to investigate a partial body found in a shark's stomach. This was someone I had killed. I was assigned to investigate my own murder. Things are about to get worse. I recalled throwing him in shark infested waters and hoped he would be pieces since I made sure there was a frenzy of sharks before I threw him in. The saltwater had removed any evidence so I was pleased to report that nothing could implicate me. I was less certain after I saw the place had security cameras. But thankfully I had worn a mask. The van was elsewhere so they never saw it. The video shows me following him but not what happened. I thanked God and followed the fake leads that lead nowhere. In the end it was ruled as a suicide. I breathed a sigh of relief when I got home. My new partner showed up with booze and I told her I am against Alcohol after I saw my dad beat my mom after he had a few swigs. She immediately threw it in the trash. I got her a mug of hot chocolate and we sat contemplating what to have for dinner. In the end I cooked for us. She smiled admiringly. We had dinner and I asked to stay here. I miss having company at home so she stayed the night. The next day her brother who works on the same floor asked her why she didn't come over and babysit. She said she stayed at my apartment. He asked her what the apartment look like. She said it was like a scene set for a Viking movie. She even told him that I cooked her a mouth watering three course dinner. She even confided him about my dad being abusive after consuming booze so I am somewhat traumatized. He was sympathetic towards me. He smiled at me when I came in and thanked me for letting her stay. I told him I am helping a friend find a guy who drives an Uber that takes drunk girls and rapes them. He wears a mask as he live stream the event. He realized I let his sister stay for her protection and he respected me more. The others joked about me being a serial killer and I said it was no joke. I had an uncle who was one. He liked to do horrible things till I found out and called the cops on him. A female officer came and I told her to take out her gun and handcuff so she can arrest him. I called the cops because I didn't want anyone hurt. He is in jail and he promised if he escapes he will kill me for getting in his way. He didn't care that I was a child when I reported it. The guys asked me how old I was when I called the authorities and I said I was five years old. These guys smiled, "You were very brave." I lowered my head, "I explained this to Apple and now she is pretending it was me" The guys apologized for being insensitive. The chief talked to the organized crimes division to look into it and apologized me as well. I was no longer on their watch list. Chief asked me if this guy was my uncle Davis. I nod my head sadly and sat at my cubicle. I heard weird scratches on the wall but I dismissed it. The lights blinked several times but I ignored that too. A dirty soiled hand tapped my hand and rested on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and continued my work.

The FBI showed up around lunch about a missing girl that the police was looking into. She was an unwilling informant of the FBI. She had gotten a lawyer and she got her life back only to go missing. These guys wanted her back. I wasn't going to help them. They had my records. They knew Adam was mentally unstable. He suffered from Schizophrenia. I had an uncle who was a serial killer but my success rate was impeccable. They gave me a once over and left. I ignored them on principle and had a glass of water. I spat it out because it tasted like blood. I checked if I had bitten my tongue and it turns out I didn't. I realized it was itch time. I looked at the mirror and SHE gave me a sad face. I closed my eyes as my left hand started to shake lightly. I opened them to see a disfigured head on my desk. A chunk of her hair was missing, had one eyeball, her lips were cut off and she didn't have eyelids either. I ignored her as I tried to finish my paperwork. I got up to see a headless man on the ceiling slowing crawling to keep up with me. The sprinkler turned on and it sprayed red liquid all over the place. I just kept walking as though nothing had happened. By the time I reached my locker I saw a zombie leaning against a locker gnawing on an arm like it was chicken wings. I closed my eyes and forced myself to remember my locker before this psychotic break down and it worked. Van pelt walked out of the bathroom and opened her locker to pull out her jacket. She saw that I was watching her so she smiled at me and I smiled back. Van Pelt asked me if I wanted to be alone and I told her I am going to the bowling alley. She saw that my hands were shaking and she told me it will pass. I smiled and walked out without my gun. A young man with a knife charged at me and I stopped him without stabbing him. I dragged him indoors and booked him. I went back for my gun and got in my car. I was shaking head to toe. I got home and took a cold shower and dressed casually. I got to the bowling alley. I managed to hit strike each time because I had the perfect opportunity to get my fix and I didn't take it. My teammates arrived and they were surprised. I got free pizza for my efforts. I wanted an orange soda and won it in the next round. I decided that I had enough and tried to leave. The guys started protesting. They had made a bet with the fire department and they wanted to win badly. Dimka is a very bad bowler. He plays pool really good but bowling is not his idiom. I won the game and they asked me what happened. I told them I was angry the feds with their holier than thou attitude. They smiled, "That's why they always lose."

I was on my way back in a dark alley when the brat tried again. I let him cut me and this time I was going to hurt him when the others showed up and took him away. I was rushed to hospital and I got about a hundred and thirty six stitches. I was discharged after I was stitched so I went back to the police station. When I got there the chief explained that Apple sent him to prove I am a murderer. I didn't hurt him but was the one who got hurt which proves she is as insane as I had claimed. They are moving her to a mental asylum. I got home and started to swear like a sailor. I kicked myself for many reasons. I was angry that I got trapped by Apple during my itch days. I was glad I restrained myself but things are about to get a lot harder. I looked up to see a woman in a torn black dress with a broken arm and twisted leg dragging herself towards me with a machete. I simply picked up and a folded chair and smashed her. She turned to smoke and vanished. I sat down to play online chess and remembered my old hunting rifle. It is untraceable so I take that and go shooting. So I dug it out of the floorboard in my bedroom and went for a drive. I drove to a place called forest park. I prepped my gun and searched the area for a possible target and found a creepy old man forcing himself on a preteen girl. I just took a breath and fired my gun. The girl was covered in his blood and she screamed and ran as fast as her legs would allow. I quickly dismantled my rifle and stuffed it in my bag. I quietly walked to find my car. I threw my stuff in the hidden compartment of my trunk and closed the section. I looked and saw a officer heading my way. I kept the trunk open and wished the cop a nice evening as I flashed my badge. She looked at my trunk and saw only a flat tyre, a tyre iron and an umbrella. She smiled and wished me good night and walked away. I asked her why she didn't check if my badge wasn't fake. She smiled, "I work in the same precinct as you do. So I know you are the real deal. Good night and take care." I gave her a small tip, "I used patrol here as well. So when you go beyond the trees use the flash and a long stick to feel your way around or you are most likely to break your legs. Some of the soil is loose. They sometimes cave in. The jagged rocks can be really cruel" She smiled a thank you and wished me sweet dreams.

The next morning she came to see me with a box of doughnuts. She thanked me for warning her. She almost died last night making a wrong turn. The soil gave away and she had to think fast and got out by God's Grace. She smiled, "You are not like the other detectives. You do care about the rest of us. I heard what you did for Charlie last week. I promise to return the favor soon." I told her I was looking at a psycho that was abducting girls and doing all sorts of things to them on live video feeds. The only clue is that he drives an Uber. He picked up these random girls from seven different locations. I am concerned and she said she will spread the word. I told her I was going to those places to collect security footage to find the license plate. She told me to let her know when I do. She and the others will leave no stone unturned till they catch this creep. The first few refused to help the last one decided that he needs good press so he gave me the footage. I got the license plate. I walked out to see the officer from this morning waiting for me. She wasn't alone. Six other police cars were waiting for me. I was told that one was girls was related to one of the officers. I hesitated but decided that they deserve justice so I told them what I discovered. They spread like lightning. He was caught by lunchtime. The forensics checked the car and found the DNA of all the women on the video. They checked the GPS and found the location where the women were defiled. He was dragged to holding and Dimka growled at the loser. He jumped out of his skin. I laughed as I enjoyed him squirming. He didn't look so high and mighty when he was surrounded by tough men and women. He looked like a tortoise trying to retreat back into its shell. I watched as he was sent away. I waved goodbye to him as he was dragged to the police van. Dimka was watching my enthusiasm with joy. The lady in uniform introduced herself as Marion. I shook hands with her and wished her a bright future. My reflection on the other hand looked like she wanted to throw me into a wood chipper. But since we are the same person she was contemplating some other means of punishment.