
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · สมัยใหม่
46 Chs

Are You For Real?

I woke up and saw Brandon and Gus talking. They gave me devious smile and I blushed three shades of red. They were discussing their mother's birthday parties. Mostly they just stared at me so I decided to divert them to stop making me blush. I asked Brandon if he was still single or if he was interested in dating again. He asked me if I know any decent ladies. I told him about Van Pelt my partner. He seems interested but he was concerned that if he marries her then he will have to tell her about us. Then the pursuit to fix the brainwashing will go nowhere. We will most likely end up in jail or worse the cemetery.

I got a call that some of the jailbirds have been sighted. I had to get there quickly as possible. I got up and searched and made a list of things I needed. I picked up my gun and badge and bolted. The asphalt felt weird as I reached my car. I looked down to see that I was barefoot. The others started to laugh as I ran back to get my shoes. I tried to figure out what situation I would be in when I get there so I couldn't decide what to wear so in the end I wore my running shoes and took my galoshes too just in case. The men were roaring with laughter at my apparent need to style myself even when I was in a hurry. I wouldn't expect them to understand my dilemma.

When I got there the scene was something I never expected. These guys had actually turned themselves in. They went with the others to capture the one who shot the guards. I asked if my ex-boyfriend was amongst them but he wasn't there. I asked them where he went and was told that he went with Zimmer. This guy was another serial killer. As one of the worst inmates in the prison. He is kept only in solitary confinement. He was kept in a straight jacket with a Hannibal Lector mask and is locked behind a glass cage. Mostly because it was discovered that he is also a cannibal. This was something that made others apprehensive to approach him. The others were taken back to the police station. For their bravery their sentences were reduced.

The search for the remaining monsters had begun. I thought I saw one of the other jailbirds so I followed him. It turns out to be a serial killer. He talked to himself about how he was going to get her in his life and how he was willing to pay blood to do it. There was no one better. He looked up and started talking to one of the many mannequins surrounding his rickety stool for a few minutes asking her not to be jealous. He complimented that she is beautiful and that she is unique. But he needs to find this one. He was pleased that she wasn't jealous at all. He talked to her for a few more minutes and left. He thanked her for understanding. I got a good look at the mannequin. It turned out to be a taxidermied corpse. I wanted to vomit but in the end I called my partner and we arrested him. It turns out he was a senior police officer and the girl he wanted to stuff with god knows what was me. Ew! Who knows what he does with those corpses. Seriously gross.

I was so annoyed that I decided to do something about it. But Gus beat me to it. He was so livid that someone wanted to hurt me. What he did make me fall in love with him. He presented to be an anxious neighbor and called him. When he arrived Gus locked him in his trunk and dragged him to his boat. He drove till he saw an old friend of his. They threw him into an underwater cage with a hungry great white shark as a companion. He recorded the result. When I came home from an exhausting day of search and arrest we sat and watched it together. He promised to give me children to make up for the ones I lost. I told him that I appreciate him. He smiled at me and left to make a phone call.

I was sitting in my usual spot sipping a chocolate milkshake while searching the web about the types of poisonous plants found here in New York City. I believed that I had found a poisonous plant that was said to be untraceable when I heard a crash and a scream. I looked to see that this person was a nobody that was trying to hold the diner hostage. I started snickering. But the person next to me shook his head. I thought it was a laugh since this was a place frequented by law enforcement agencies. One of the diners stood up with his gun and an empty plate. He walked up to the hostage taker quietly and he raised and held the empty dinner plate like Captain America does with his shield and screamed, "FBI, Freeze" I burst out laughing when I realized he accidentally left his badge on the table and picked up the plate by accident. The others started laughing too when they understood what had happened.The guy got embarrassed and took a step back. Quickly one of the rookie police officers who was taking a break from patrol arrested him and dragged him to holding.

When I got home I sat down to watch TV and Gus sat with his dinner and so did my foster daughter. The moment I saw the plates I started to laugh. It took me a moment to calm myself down to tell them what had happened. Everyone in the house was laughing. Soon the security guys were searching social media to find it. The video went viral. The FBI guy was the butt of the joke for the rest of the week.

I woke up to Gus shaking and screaming violently. He was sweating bullets, kicking the sheets, rolling from side to side. I had to slap him across the face to wake him up. He woke up screaming and hugged me tightly. The next morning, Gus gave me a target he thought I would appreciate. I found him and was about to sedate him when Dimka arrived. I asked him to get a life. He gave me a look and reminded me that he wants me to fight the monster. He wants to remarry me but I reminded him that I am married to Gus. He seemed to think that I will divorce him soon. I reminded him that I marry for life as long as the guy doesn't cheat me. I angrily recalled how he would sometimes lecture me about the fickleness of women. I reminded him that between the both of us he is the one with rowing eyes. This infuriated him enough to drag the other guy to his car and shove him in.

I stormed back to my car and tries to figure out what to do. I saw my ex-boyfriend slowly walking out of a convenience store. He wore a black hoodie, faded torn jeans, and sneakers. He had one hand stuffed in his side pocket. I would guess it was a gun or knife. I called the captain and followed him discreetly.