
Establishment of Special Investigation Team (S.I.T)

After being established SIT members checked details of the crime scene reports and forensic reports prepared during investigation in order to get any information which was missed in previous investigations. Jack on investigating about the victims got a very important information which a profiler can easily detect. The clue was that family of all victims were related to game launched by Giorg i.e. perpetrator was targeting only those police officers whose family members were playing that game launched by Giorg. Now a new clue discovered by Jack about Mens Rea of perpetrator along with the presence of evidences which provides information about Modus Operandi of criminal helped Jack in profiling the perpetrator completely. Criminal profiling gave a proper direction to investigation. Jack along with Peter contacted the family members of victims and collected all the information related to the game which is the main clue of serial killing.

Peter using the help of Julie a cyber expert started investigating using the information obtained from family of victims and found that there was a player who played the role of villain in game as X and was defeated by the family members of victims who played as government officer in the game. So now it is clear that the criminal is targeting those police officers whose family members were defeating him in the game. Jack using this information confirmed that the serial killer X is mixing game with reality and competing with real police officers after being defeated by their family members in the game who were playing the role of police officers in the game. The killer wants to send a message that the villan of game can't be defeated by police officer. Peter immediately told Julie to track the location of Player X. After obtaining the location of Player X immediately SIT raided the location and found another corpse of a police officer with alphabet X and a note:

"H3LL0 3X 463N7-J☆4cK"

"5331N6 Y0u 4F73R L0N6-7☆1M3"

"C47CH M3 1F Y0U-C☆4N"

"4 61F7 F0R-Y☆0U"

This message was easily decoded by Jack as he was ex Agent of Intelligence Service and at the same time he realized who is the serial killer. But he neither told about it to his colleagues of SIT nor did he shared the message of note with them. Instead he kept silent during investigating crime scene and after returning from crime scene with his colleagues of SIT he found a perfect time when no one was around him. Then he wrote a text message to someone:

"5C0Rp10n L0c473D 51R"

"M3 5H0ulD 4c7 N0M"

Who is this text message sent to by Jack?

What are the messages in note and text?

See in the next chapter