
Kill Lucifer's Daughter

The world is silently being attacked by demons and hiding it behind the 'ozone' curtain to avoid panic. They have come up with academies that train certain citizens how to track, capture and kill these demons. After all, it is their fault, they opened a pathway for these murderous creatures. What they don't know is that, one of their trainees is the reason these demons are on earth, searching for her...to drag her back to hell. For if the runaway demon, Habos(Ivy) does not return, heaven will have to intervene and destroy her. She is an abomination, the daughter of Lucifer. He mated a human, which is against all divine rules. But hell seems to have lost it's grip on Ivy, and heaven has already assigned one of their own to end her... Angel Samael, the Venom of God.

Karma2kitty · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Part 9.

We were lined up in front of a huge table with different weapons lying on it. They were either a quiet shade of black, or blue.

Today, we got to pick our weapon. Or our weapon for to pick us.

Other than our L unit, there were four other units, making us a total of thirty one.

HI stepped forward from the five handlers lined up on the other side of the table. "Each of you gets to pick a weapon. Your movement and how well you can carry it will tell us if its meant for your hand... Now get to it!"

Six trainees moved closer to the table and started picking and dropping different weapons. More joined, some walking around the table to get a better view.

For some reason, I remained rooted behind them by myself, wondering if it was right for me to carry on with everything. Would it be deceit? These fellow trainees were putting their heart into the course to defend humanity against the alleged demons while I was 'one of them'.

I so badly wanted to doubt HL's words from the other day. But wouldn't that only make me an ignorant?

"L2?" HL roared. My eyes shot towards him. Why was he pretending to be one of them?

The male/Angel made his way round the table that was surrounded by the other trainees. In his uniform that made him appear more superior and serious than all the handlers, he stopped in front of me, his back to everyone else. Not that they were paying attention to is, but if they were, his frame was blocking me out of their view.

"What are you waiting for?" His tone was low. "As long as you have your human side in control, I expect you to act like one. I didn't bring you in this academy to slack around."

I glared into his angelic eyes. They held no warmth whatsoever, just bitter flakes settling in there.

"I'm not slacking." I took a half step closer so that my next words would fall in his ears only. "What's the point of being here if I'm a demon?"

HL sniggered.

"The point is that you're in a place where you have a fair chance of doing good. Maybe this will count during your trial."

"What trial? You said you wanted to kill me?"

He diverted his eyes to our surrounding for a while. I saw Zoe looking back at us, her expression disappointed and questioning.

"Pick your weapon. We'll talk later!"

Was all HL added after leaving me hanging with the trial thing.

I rolled my eyes up at him before brushing past him to squeeze in between the bodies at the table.

I grabbed the first thing my hand came in contact with, without even paying attention.

From the look of it, it appeared like two extremely sharp blades bond together by a thick blue shaft that was merely half a meter long. I stepped away from the others who were still in the process of finding their 'war partner'.

"A two-slayer, not a bad choice!" A voice I had only heard from afar spoke.

My eyes immediately lifted to the redhead walking towards me. She was from unit M, their leader.

"Two-slayer?" I repeated as she stopped to my right. Her right hand stretched forward, revealing to me a sword that was black as a moonless midnight. "There's a button there, be careful when pressing it or you might just, slay yourself." The female joked while examining her own weapon.

I flipped the thing in my hand till I saw a little black button. Cautiously, I held out the weapon, the blades parallel to my body.

The second I pressed that button, the shaft shot out from both sides, lengthening close to a meter and a half.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed looking at the magnificent weapon. At that moment, I felt that I had found the right one. Deep inside me, the two-slayer gave me comfort.

"Pretty badass eh?" The girl complimented from my side. "My mom still doesn't know where this one came from. But, it's been pretty useful in the academy."

"I'm Ivy!" I introduced pressing the button again. The shaft retracted in a whoosh.

"Amber Hugey. My mom is the weapon mistress... And my older brother is among the handlers. Well he's not here." She smiled rolling her eyes pleasantly.

"Where is he?"

Amber sighed combing back the long red hair. "Somewhere in Columbia. There was a rift that hundreds of demons used to cross over. It's chaotic over there."

I pressed my lips together firmly. How was I supposed to comfort her? Wait, her brother wasn't dead, so why should I comfort her?

"He'll be just fine." I offered a small smile.

What the hell was that?