
Chapter 1

I woke up, feeling a huge headache as i groaned, my back hurts too…

I look down and gasp, why did i sleep on the ground fully naked?

I look around and i was at my room, the room was very simple but that was how i wanted it to be.

Just what happened last night?

I tried to remember but my head started to throb "ah" i gasp, laying on the ground once again and covering my head with both of my hands "fuck…"

Knock knock!

I blink a couple of times, i'm too tired to get up "come in" i say lazily.

The door opens and my best friend, Mia, looked like she was out of breath.

"Lily!" She screams my name as i quickly got up, "what?! What!" I frantically panic before she even said what was wrong.

"Last night, do you remember what happened?" She asked in a hurry.

I tilt my head "did we go to a strip club again? But we're banned from ever entering again after what happened last time"

Mia's face turned pale, she was completely still as if she was a statue.

I furrow my brows and wave my hand at her "Mia?"

She screams again and i flinch, quickly covering my ears.

"We- we did something very, very bad Lily"

I gulp "what could be worse than last time when we went to the night club?"

"Lily" she said my name, looking like she was about to faint any second now.

"I think we kidnapped someone"

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it, my lips felt dry and my mind went blank for a few seconds.

I sigh and wave my hands at her "it's fine, let your dad take care of it."

"No! My dad would strangle me to death if he found out, especially that the person…"

She laid silent once again, catching my attention "hm? Who's that person anyways if we kidnapped him?"

"He works for my dad, Lily."

I widened my eyes "don't tell me, is it…?"

She nodded her head "it's Mason"

her face and body was sweating from how much she felt nervous.

"Shit!" I panic, my eyes shaking.

"Did someone follow him? Fuck how could we be so drunk and kidnap a gang member of ours? Most importantly, he must've been on a mission. Someone must be watching us- pack all your things, we're leaving this house"

"But Lily, where would we go?" She started biting her nails

"Did you forget who we are, Mia?" I smirk and remained calm.

Mia flinched at my sudden change and also started to smirk.

"We are strong." Mia and i said in unison.

Mia looked down and stood there awkwardly "then i'll ready the guns and you should go and uh… put on some clothes.

I look down "oh."