
Kidnapped by my best friend

Asking your best friends to arrange your kidnapping doesn't seem like a request a sane person would make but when Ella learns a devastating secret, her normal life as she knew it takes a chaotic turn, as people she once thought she could trust are brought into the limelight in the worst way possible. Left with no other choice, she relies on the help of her best friends and an old enemy and his gang to get herself away from the madness but how long will she be able to stay safe when her enemies are closer than she thinks? One thing remains thought, this is not your normal friendship story.

manuek409 · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs


Stepping over Michael's crumpled form, I immediately moved to hug his assailant. My cousin, Christian, had unwittingly slammed the door into his face when he was going out for fresh air.

"Sorry about that," Chris said as he helped Michael up.

"It's alright. No problem at all," Michael said rubbing his cheek. I could already see a nasty welt forming there but he would be alright. Michael had always been a victim of unlucky, almost comical, accidents for as long as I'd known him.

"Well, Let's go meet the others," Chris said. He turned and I entered my house with Michael and Jade trailing behind me. We made our way to the dining room and met my Dad talking with my uncle while Neil and Chelsea were using their phones.

Noticing our presence, my Dad and uncle both stopped talking and turned to meet us. Immediately, I was swept into a hug by my Uncle.

" Ella, my daughter, how have you been? You've grown so tall from the little girl that was running around with her bed sheets tied around her neck and putting on her underwear over her trousers" My uncle Richard exclaimed

He set me down laughing loudly. Apparently, my embarrassment was quite entertaining as the others were trying to hold in their laughs. I couldn't catch a break with this guy but that was one of the reasons I adored him. He was my father's older brother although he could be mistaken for the younger one.

" I loved watching superhero movies, so what?" I grumbled.

I turned to my Dad. He had an expectant look on his face. I was a tad bit confused until I realized I hadn't greeted him properly. My dad was much of a traditionalist as he didn't want us to stray far from our culture. So as young as four, I was thought some simple greetings and norms in my culture. Of which, I was expected to do without compromise. I dropped to one knee, cast my eye downward, and did the proper greeting.

"E kaale, dad. E kaale, Uncle Richard."

"E kaale, Mr kenneth. E kaale, Mr Richard."

Behind me, Jade had dropped to the same form and greeted had greeted them in the manner of our custom. Unlike myself, Jade generally had a certain elegance when participating in anything of that sort. Her words were always careful and clear compared to my appalling pronunciation and her movements, generally graceful, allowed her to fluidly throw herself into anything.

If anyone could pull off being a princess, it would definitely be her.

My Dad nodded with approval while my uncle beamed.

"It's quite obvious that our daughter has grown into a fine young Lady. That includes her friend too."

"Yes well, I try. She's usually such a good child. She decided to leave for some reason but I've given her my permission to live on her own. For now." my father said

Biting my tongue, I stood up as did Jade. Micheal went up and greeted my dad.

"Good evening sir."

"Micheal. Evening, my son. I see you're still with my daughter. Good. Look after her at work ok?"

"Of course, sir"

My dad gave Michael a handshake. When Michael tried to shake my uncle's hand, he glared at poor Micheal and squeezed his hand. He didn't let go until he heard his hand crack. Wincing, Michael bleated out his greeting which my uncle ignored.

"I'm guessing he still hasn't forgiven me for last time?" Michael said sighing while massaging his poor hand.


The first time he was here when the rest of my family was around, Chelsea had cornered him while he came out of the bathroom. She kept on flirting with him and while Michael tried to leave, they both fell and Michael landed on top of her. No one was hurt but unfortunately, my uncle just happened to pass.

To say he was livid was an understatement.

A serious understatement.

I'm still thankful Michael didn't understand Yoruba lest he question his life choices.

Heck, I'm thankful he's still alive. That was the first time my teddy bear of an uncle was an actual bear. Shuddering I shook off the memory as I heard someone calling me.

"Was that my little girl I heard just now?" a voice called out. I turned to face my mother. She was looking extremely beautiful in her simple dress. Most people often commented that I was lucky to have my mother's eyes. While my father had deep brown eyes, my mother had light honey-coloured eyes. Her thick hair was unrestrained and fell about her shoulders in thick, bouncy curls. Her light brown skin was stained with a bit of sauce, evidence she had been cooking right before we came in.

"E kaale, mummy"

"My baby, come here," my mum said immediately squeezing me. She smelled like spices. After we were all done with the pleasantries, my mum made us all sit and announced the food was done. Standing Michael, Stacy and I made our way to the kitchen to help bring the food.

The kitchen was surprisingly clean compared to how much food was there. We each grabbed a dish and walked out. The Jollof rice in my hand smelt heavenly.

We all sat at the table and said grace. Immediately the table was launched into conversation. Beside me, Neil tried talking to Jade who looked more interested in the rice in front of her than him.

" Hey Jade long time no see," he said and shot her his best smile.

" I wish it were longer," she said and ignored him.

"Come now. Don't be so cold,"

"Then don't be so irritating,"

"You say irritating, I say blinded by your beauty,"

"Na you sabi. I did not ask you to find me beautiful. Leave me alone."

"Can't to that baby," Neil said and reached to touch her.

Bad move.

Jade immediately grabbed his hand and then bent his finger backwards. With a crazed look in her eye, she leaned and whispered into Neil's ear. Whatever she said worked caused the rest of the dinner he didn't speak to her at all.

Why did both my cousins had something for my friends, I didn't know. The same train wreck was happening in front of me with Chelsea doing the same thing to Michael. I felt sorta bad for him since he sat right between father and daughter but watching him was quite entertaining. Twirling her hair, giving an angelic smile, and slight touches, Michael kept trying to fend her off while Uncle Richard was looking just about ready to commit murder.

Meanwhile, my mom kept asking me questions while I desperately tried to find the right answers.

" Ella, you should come back home. The house has been empty without you"

" I know but..."

" Is it because we are always not at home?"

" Well, I think..."

" You know, we try our best as parents. We provide everything so we don't know why you left. You've barely started college yet!"

" Well yes, but I wanted to...."

" That being said stop slouching. Your posture is already bad enough" my mum scolded.

I sighed. This was how it usually was when I wanted to make a decision for myself, my parents talking over me until I just gave up and decided to do as they said. It wasn't going to happen this time. I wish life wasn't so complicated.

The dinner went on, but things were getting a tad bit out of hand because of Chelsea's flirting.

" So I heard you have a boyfriend" Michael said trying to put as much distance as he could from Chelsea.

" I don't. Who told you that?"

Michael frantically looked at me and I mouthed "payback". I had to stop myself from laughing at his face.

"Well, I don't have a boyfriend, what do you think about that?"

Richard cleared his throat loudly but Chelsea pointedly ignored him.

" Sorry, but I have someone in mind already"

Now that caught my attention. Michael hadn't dated in a long time. I usually hated the girls dated. No offence to him but he had terrible taste in women, and I was going to let some forsaken witches make my bestfriend's life hell all in the name of love. Unfortunately, his last relationship ended on a sour note when the three of us walked in on her cheating with another guy. The ensuing catfight between the girl, Jade and I was very nasty. We all got scratches and Michael even got a bloody nose trying to separate us but it all ended smoothly.

With Jade flushing the girl's wig down her toilet.

" Oh, okay but if it doesn't work out you know my number"

Richard leaned over Michael and whispered, " If you ever call my daughter, I will rip your tongue out and slice off your fingers."

Michael looked like he saw a ghost and kept his face to his food throughout the rest of the meal.

"Speaking of boyfriends..." my dad said, "when next are you seeing Luc?"

Lucien Tristan. My first and only boyfriend of 3 months. He was kind, caring, sweet, tall and best of all my parents approved of him. I always felt so warm thinking about him. He had a job as an IT Developer and was constantly away. I loved talking about him.

Just not in a room filled with relatives.

"Dad!," I yelled feeling extremely embarrassed.

"Oh yes, our darling Luc! Please darling, stay very close to him now. He's so good for you," my mum gushed.

"Ooh, so she finally found herself a boyfriend? Poor guy," Neil snickered but immediately stopped when he caught Jade's gaze.


Please kill me.

I heard coughing and turned to see Micheal with a frown. Micheal and Luc were never really friends in the beginning. For some reason, Micheal never seemed to like him.

I decided to ignore him and turn to my cousin, Christian.

Christian had always been very close to me since we were little and I respected his opinion a whole deal. He was like an older brother I never had.

" I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?"

" I've been better. Got a new place but I'm probably gonna have to move back here"

" That sucks"

"What about you?"

"Well, I would say college is pretty fun. A lot of freedom actually."

From there, we continued talking about random topics. It was quite relieving just talking normally with a family member that didn't judge you. The rest of the dinner was good. Better than expected actually but soon uncle Richard and my cousins had to leave.

" Bye Michael," Chelsea said and winked as she walked out the door.

Uncle Richard didn't say anything but stomped on Michael's foot before closing the door.

Afterwards, we just had a light conversation until Jade and Michael had to leave.

" Bye Elli," Jade said hugging me. "You owe me one for this" she hissed in my ear as she walked out.


" Bye," Michael said and kissed my cheek. He stared at me intently for a few seconds and look like he wanted to say something but shook his head and walked out the door waving.

" Bye," I said still holding my cheek.

That was interesting.



E kaale o: Good evening

Na you sabi: This translates to "It is your business"

Wahala : This translates to "Trouble" or "We have a Problem"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


Peace, Sean

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