

"Kiddo" the alien girl gasp at the sound of the voice that called a familiar name that she had just discovered moments ago.

She slowly opens her eyes, to see who or what said the name just now.

As her eyes are fully opened, a shock expression appears on her face as she looks at the cat-like creature with two ram shape horns on its head and three large long tails swinging behind him as he then sits before the blue skin alien girl towering her 6fthigh.

"Tampa!" as if her mouth had moved on its own the alien girl covers her mouth with her, hands as a confusing look appear on her face because she has called out a name which she as never known or heard before so naturally, it surprises her.

The cat-like creature purrs in delight as the fur on its body starts to glow lighting up the whole cave.

As the alien girl looks around the now lite cave the first thing she notices is that there are no other creatures in-sight.

"Kiddo?" she turns back around to see who's calling that name but the only thing she sees is the same creature that's probably not feeling hungry or just waiting for her to fall asleep so she wouldn't struggle too much.

Just thinking about made the alien girl lets out an awkward laugh to herself.

The cat-like creature sees this and looks up into the air and takes in a deep breath then lets it out as it then lays flat on its tummy and crosses two front paws; now looking face to face with the blue alien, she finally broke the silence.

"Who are you?" she asks the cat-like creature feeling crazy as hell thinking that it could talk back to her.

"what'd you mean?" and it did.

"you just called my name, didn't you?... Are is it" the clam four-legged cat-like creature narrow down its eyes and start to growl angrily as it stands up firmly on the ground showing every intention to kill.

" calm down! And listen to me!" the alien girl shouts at the creature but it did not listen, the girl did not close her eyes like last and is not backing away but instead pulled out a gun called *dusk* from her bag half stood her ground.

" your one those bastard fakes that were sent here to trick me again!" the angered creature growled even louder and more powerful as the wave of his growls sweep the dirt off the floor and yet the little alien girl was not affected by it.

"again? What does he mean by that" the alien asks herself still thinking about what the creature had said as she listens to the angry sad and lonely growls it made.

As the creature finally stops growling and jumps towards the alien girl that drops her gun.

Seeing this the creature transforms into a small kitten with two newborn horns and two tails its strength and weight reduces down to a small glass shape bowl.

With this, the creature lands safely in her laps with a meow and sniffles; the blue girl's eyes soften as she picks up the now small creature and rests it on her apple chest and starts stroking his head.

As if her mind went blank for a moment every mark on her body and even her hair itself lights up and yet only one of the mark on her body connected as she sings to the little creature, (📥stroll down for more information⬇) " 🎶to watch you cry, it makes me blue, just like my skin tone ooh, that's why it makes me feel as sad as you would too, cause I want to see your smile That lights up the whole sky too, like a drug that I'm addicted too, I like your smiles so bad, so smile so I can smile along with you🎶"

A/N: ( the song I was listening too when writing this cheeses song of mine is call all falls down by Alan Walker Link: https://youtu.be/1BsO7_SNcXY / https://youtu.be/F-Y86dlubEk 😂sing along to make it cheesier! 👋😉🔝 )

As the song ended, the alien girl's body drops lifeless on the floor still holding on to the little creature that wiggles and Crawl out of her hand and transforms back into it originated from.

Looking down at the alien girl's body like an enemy that needs to be killed the creature's mouth slowly starts to open revealing is deadly sharp teeth as he slowly reaches down to her body.

[Chapter end]






I hope you like the new writing style!





Q: Will the cat-like creature…

A. Kill her?

B. Protect her?

C. be killed by her?

D. Wake up some old dude?

E. No of the above







You choose, you guess and I'll be laughing my ass off 🤭enjoy🤪😝