
Kid Flash In The MHA Verse

What if Kid Flash was in class 1-A? (Don’t take seriously it’s just for fun.)

TooSexy4U · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Sports Festival 1

For the next few days, Class 1-A prepared for the UA sports festival, and after rigorous training with Kirishima; Wally was ready.

"Man I'm so pumped! This is gonna be fun!" Wally said to Kirishima on the day of the festival. 1-A had gathered in a waiting room for the festival to begin. The festival took place in a massive stadium on the UA campus and hundreds had come to watch. Normally, the competitions the third year students participate in are the main event, but after the villain attack, all eyes were on the first years.

"You said it! Let's show those pros what we're made of!" Kirishima said as he high fived Wally.

"It's a shame I couldn't wear my costume, though. The padding on my suit really helps when I crash. But I guess they couldn't have us using support items."

"Everyone! Are you ready?! The first round is about to begin!" Iida shouted as he entered the room. The air in the room got much more tense as everyone began to mentally prepare themselves.

"Midoriya." Todoroki said softly, yet his voice seemed to cut through the noise in the room.

"Todoroki? What is it?" Midoriya asked with confusion.

"Looking at things objectively, I think I'm stronger than you." He began.

"Huh? ...Y-yeah, I guess…" Midoriya said sheepishly.

"But… All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he? I'm not trying to pry about that. But I'm going to beat you." Todoroki told him. Midoriya looked like he might pee himself.

"Oh? Is the best in the class making a declaration of war?" Kaminari said from across the room. Kirishima decided to break it up.

"Hey, hey hey! Why are you picking a fight all of the sudden? We're about to start!" Kirishima scolded, but Todoroki just shoved him off.

"We're not here to play at being friends. So what does it matter?" Todoroki said as he began to walk away.

"Todoroki, I don't know what you're thinking when you say you'll beat me, but of course you're better than me! I think you're more capable than most people... looking at it objectively…" Midoriya began.

"Midoriya, you probably shouldn't talk so negatively…" Kirishima said, trying to console Midoriya.

"But, everyone… the students from the other courses... They're aiming for the top with everything they've got!" Midoriya explained.

"That purple haired guy from general studies must've really gotten to him…" Wally said under his breath.

"I can't afford to fall behind. I'll be fighting with everything I've got, just like them!" Midoriya didn't look scared anymore, he looked more determined than ever before.

"Yeah." Todoroki replied. As he went to sit down, Wally stood up and shouted.

"Hey! Don't think I forgot our fight before! I'm gonna beat you today!" Wally declared, then he turned to Bakugo and pointed at him. "You too, Bakugo!" The blonde just gave him an angry glare.

"In your dreams." Bakugo said quietly.

"Man, the strongest students in the class are all going at it!" Kaminari pointed out.

"Everyone in this class is so… extra." Said the girl with the earphone quirk. Before anything else could happen, one of the festival organizers told them to come out. The sports festival was beginning.

A man and a teen boy entered the festival and made their way over to the first year competition.

"We're gonna be late." The boy told the man.

"It's fine, we're just missing the opening ceremony. We're here to watch the actual festival." He replied.

"It's not like you to go out of your way to see someone else's protege. What do you want with Wally anyway?"

"He has a lead on a case."

"Wally does?" The boy chuckled. "Lemme guess, that knucklehead doesn't even know about this case, does he?"


"Well, case or not, I'm just happy to see him again. By the way, seeing as you're a pro hero and all, and this festival is for recruiting interns, do you plan on taking anyone else?"

"...We'll see."

"Dark and mysterious as always." He chuckled.


"Let's find our seats." Said the man. The boy just grinned and followed after the man.

"This is gonna be fun."

"IT'S TIME FOR THE STUDENTS TO ENTER THE FIRST-YEAR STAGE!" With the announcement from Present Mic, Wally and his classmates walked through the doorway and out to the stadium, making the crowd go wild. "THE UA SPORTS FESTIVAL! THE HUGE BATTLE WHERE…" As Mic continued, Wally turned to Kirishima.

"Fireworks? Adoring fans? All eyes on me? This is what I live for! Sports festival, bring it on!"

"T-t-t-there are so many people!" Midoriya said, once again looking like he forgot potty training.

"Will we be able to give our best performance while being watched by so many people?" Iida wondered out loud. "I suppose this is also part of the training required to be a hero."

"Man, Present Mic is really going overboard with that praise. I'm getting nervous!" Kirishima pointed out as Mic continued to hype the crowd up. "Aren't you, Bakugo?"

"No, I'm just getting more into it." Bakugo replied.

"For once we can agree on something." Wally told him.

"THEY HAVEN'T BEEN GETTING AS MUCH AIRTIME, BUT THIS CLASS IS ALSO FULL OF TALENT! HERO COURSE, CLASS 1-B! NEXT UP, GENERAL STUDIES CLASSES C, D AND E! SUPPORT COURSE, CLASSES F, G AND H ARE HERE TOO! AND BUSINESS COURSE, CLASSES I, J AND K! ALL OF UA'S FIRST YEARS ARE HERE NOW!" All first year classes entered the stadium as they were called, each class looking determined, all except general studies, who only had the purple hair guy who cared, and he still looked exhausted.

"Time for the player pledge!" Shouted a new voice, this time, it was a woman wearing a skin tight, white costume with black leather supports and a black eye mask. Her outfit was definitely not something a hero should be wearing.

"Holy… Midoriya, who's the hottie up on stage?" Wally asked.

"Her? That's Midnight, the R-rated hero. She must be this year's chief umpire." Midoriya replied.

"Man this keeps getting better and better." Wally said with a grin.

"What is she wearing?" Kirishima asked, looking uncomfortable.

"That's an R-rated hero for you." Kaminari observed.

"Is it okay for her to be at a high school, even though she's R-rated?" Bird head asked

"Yes!" Mineta cheered.

"Now, let's get started right away! The first game is what you'd call a qualifier! Every year, many drink their tears here! Now, here is the fateful first game!" The screen roared to life and had a virtual display of the next game, spinning around for a dramatic reveal. "This year it's…" with a stop from the screen, the first game was revealed. "An obstacle race! All 11 classes will participate in this race! The course will be the outer circumference of this stadium; about four kilometers! Our school's selling point is freedom! As long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do!" Midnight said that last part with a sadistic grin, which implied that there would be fights. "Now, take your places everyone!" As everyone else looked determined and serious, Wally just looked like a little kid on Christmas.

"A race? Aw man, this is my lucky day!" They all gathered in front of a gateway pointing to the obstacle course. Three green lights counted down until they would start. Wally took a running position and stretched his legs. "Sorry guys…" He said to his classmates before the last light went off, lightning crackling around his body. "But this one is mine."


Wally was off in an instant, not even the wall of students stopped him, he simply built enough speed to run along the wall of the gate and go right over them. As he excited the doorway, he felt a cold chill on his back: Todoroki. Wally's rival blasted a path of ice through the gateway, freezing the other students and running off ahead of them.

"AND OUR LEADING STUDENTS ARE OFF, WITH WEST IN THE LEAD AND TODOROKI FOLLOWING BEHIND!" Mic shouted. Todoroki was fast, but he wasn't enough to catch up with Wally's speed. Bakugo was close behind Todoroki as well. "Eat my dust!" Soon enough, Wally almost ran into the first obstacle, which happened to be the faux villains from the entrance exam, but even they didn't matter, Wally just went around them and kept on running.


After about a minute of running, he came to obstacle two, which was a huge pit with stone pillars bridging the gap. "Time for some hopscotch!" Wally said as he used his momentum to leap from pillar to pillar. Again, he cleared the obstacle in no time.


The third obstacle was literally a minefield, concussive bombs were buried everywhere under the ground. Wally would activate one every time he took a step, but he was already gone before they could go off. Within the minute, Wally reached the end of the course and burst through the finish line, back into the stadium.


"It's over already?" Wally said as he stopped his momentum. "Man, that wasn't fun at all, it feels really unfair. Oh well, at least I can watch who comes in second. Plus, I can see Bakugo's face when he realizes I wiped the floor with him." As Wally watched the rest of the match, he saw a few people who stood out. The others had caught up to obstacle two and were scaling the pit. Todoroki and Bakugo were doing well and Tsuyu was showing her acrobatics. Among other classes, a crazy pink haired girl from support was across the pit in no time. Apparently, support items were allowed for other classes outside the hero course to make it a bit more fair, but only if the student created their own gear. This girl had hover boots and grappling hooks that got her across the chasm with ease.

"Hey, that's pretty neat!." Wally said with approval. Once they made it to the third stage, Todoroki only held his lead for about half the minefield before Bakugo caught up. The two started fighting as soon as they were neck and neck. Mostly everyone else was struggling to keep up with the mines, and Midoriya was digging at the start of the field with a piece of scrap metal from the faux villains for some reason. "What is he doing? Maybe he hit his head… or something?" Wally thought he'd lost his marbles for a second, but then he realized what Midoriya was doing. Midoriya dug up a dozen or two mines and piled them up, then he used his scrap shield as a sled and jumped on the pile of mines. The force of the explosion sent him flying all the way up to Bakugo and Todoroki in mere seconds, then, to Wally's further amazement, Midoriya kicked off Bakugo and Todoroki as he lost momentum to send himself flying to the ground, activating another mine. The blast was enough to send him just a few feet from the finish line, which he ran the rest of the way and crossed over the finish line in triumph. "Yeah Midoriya!"

"IN SECOND PLACE WE HAVE IZUKU MIDORIYA! IT'S AMAZING! HE DIDN'T EVEN USE HIS QUIRK A SINGLE TIME AND HE CAME IN SECOND! WHAT A WAY TO START OFF THE FESTIVAL!" As Bakugo and Todoroki entered the stadium, they were followed by everyone else shortly after. All the students took a breather and waited for the next match.

"Hey, nice work Midoriya! Finishing second without using your Quirk is pretty awesome! ?" Wally said with a hand on his chin.

"Oh… Well you shouldn't praise me so much, I just got lucky. It was-"

"Luck doesn't place in second, this was a result of your hard work, and don't you forget it." Wally scolded.

"Right.." Midoriya said with a sheepish grin. "But you placed first, that was amazing! Was it your top speed?"

"Nah, my top speed would've caused way more damage. I honestly feel like that match wasn't fair."

"I suppose it was in your favor, huh?"

"Yeah it-" Wally began, then he saw Yaoyorozu, the brilliant black haired beauty, stumble in with Mineta stuck to her back with his quirk.

"I killed two birds with one stone! I hitched a ride and-" Wally raced over and ripped him off her back and threw him as far as he could.

"No means no, ya creep!"

"How am I different from you?! You ogled over Midnight earlier!" Mineta shouted.

"Being attracted to girls and being a perverted creep are two different things! Let me spell it out for you; BOUN-DA-RIES!" Wally shouted back. "Now then, you alright, Momo?"

"I'm fine." Yaoyorozu said, trying to catch her breath. "Thanks." Momo did a slight bow of gratitude and walked away.

"The first game of the first-year stage is finally over. Let's take a look at the results!" Midnight said over the loudspeaker. On the screen, the results were displayed

Wally West

Izuku Midoriya

Shouto Todoroki

Katsuki Bakugo

Ibara Shiozaki

Juzo Honenuki

Tenya Iida

Fumikage Tokoyami

Hanta Sero

Eijiro Kirishima

"The top 42 made it through to the next round. It's unfortunate, but don't worry even if you don't make it! We've prepared other chances for you to shine. The real competition begins next! The press cavalry will be all over it! Give it your all!" With that, the screen began the second reveal. "Now then, here is the second game. I already know what it is, but what could it be? What could it be? Now, here it is…" The reveal stopped, and displayed what round 2 would be.

"A cavalry battle? I'm bad at those…" Kaminari said.

"It's a team event, I wonder how it'll work?" Tsuyu wondered out loud.

"Let me explain the event." Midnight began. "The participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish. It's basically the same as a regular cavalry battle, but the one thing that's different, is that based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value."

"Wait, really quick, what's a cavalry battle? I don't think we have those in the US." Wally asked Midoriya.

"Oh really? Ok, it's like she said, one person is on top and one to three are on bottom. Your team has to carry the person on top around and they steal headbands from other teams for points."

"Oh so it's kinda like chicken. I get it."

"Don't interrupt!" Midnight shouted. "As I was saying, the headbands given to each team are based on the last round, the lowest points going to the lowest placing person. The person in 42nd place gets five points and 41st has ten, it goes on from there, with the person in first with a total point value of… ten million!"

"Ten million, huh?" Said the purple hair guy from the crowd.

"Which means if you take down the guy who placed first… You can stand at the top, no matter what place you're in!" Said the crazy support girl. All eyes were now on Wally, like hungry predators.

"That's right." Midnight said with a sadistic smile. "It's survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!" Wally wasn't sure he liked this kind of attention, everyone was out to get him now.

"Welp… I can't back down now, not while everyone's watching. I hope they keep looking, because this is where the fun starts."