
Kid Flash In The MHA Verse

What if Kid Flash was in class 1-A? (Don’t take seriously it’s just for fun.)

TooSexy4U · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Hero Training

"For today's hero basic training, it's turned into a class with three instructors, All Might, me, and one more person." Mr. Aizawa stated, starting the first class of the day. Everyone looked at their teacher, all wondering what they'd be doing.

"Excuse me!" Sero shouted. "What'll we be doing?"

"Disasters, shipwrecks and everything in between. It's rescue training." Aizawa told them.

"Rescue? Sound like it'll be a lot of work this time too." Said Kaminari.

"Right?" Mina told him.

"Idiot, this is the real duty of a hero! My arms are ready to rumble!" Kirishima said, getting fired up.

"No one can beat me in water." Tsu said cheerfully.

"This'll be a piece of cake for me, this is the kind of stuff I'm best at!" Wally gloated.

"Hey, I'm not done." Deadpanned their caterpillar teacher. "You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time, there are probably costumes that limit your abilities. The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus. That is all, start getting ready." Aizawa left without another word. The students followed.

"You ready for this?" Wally asked Midoriya, who looked really pumped up.

"Definitely! This is the kind of thing I've admired for years." Midoriya told him.

"Alright! Let's go!" Wally cheered. All of them got changed and went outside, Midoriya was talking to Uraraka when Wally got outside, he was about to go talk to them when a whistle blew.

"Class 1-A, gather round!" Iida yelled. "Form two lines by your student numbers in order to make boarding the bus go smoothly!"

*Does he ever not do that?* Wally wondered. Fortunately, they weren't in a school bus. The class was in a very roomy bus with seats more like couches on each wall.

"I didn't think it was this kind of bus…" Iida said, discouraged.

"There was no point, huh?" Mina teased.

"I like to say whatever comes to mind." Tsu said randomly. "Midoriya…"

"Um, yes Asui?" Midoriya panicked.

"Call me Tsu."


"Your Quirk is like All Might's." Tsuyu told him.

"Huh?! Y-y-you think so?!" Midoriya panicked even more.

"Is it? I've never seen All Might's Quirk in action." Wally told them.

"But All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his." Kirishima interjected. "They just kind of look the same." This relieved Midoriya for some reason. "It must be nice to have a simple augmenting type Quirk. You can do lots of flashy stuff! My hardening is strong, but it doesn't look like much."

"I think it's really cool! It could definitely pass as a pro's." Midoriya said, bright eyed.

"A pro's, huh? But you have to think about popularity as a hero too."

"Nah man, your Quirk is awesome! You'll be super popular!" Wally told his new friend.

"My Navel Laser is pro level in flashiness and strength." Aoyama said with a smile on his face.

"But it's not great that it gives you a stomachache." Mina teased again.

"Well, if you're talking about flashy and strong, Todoroki or Bakugo take the cake, right?" Kirishima pointed out.

"Bakugo is always mad, so he doesn't seem like he'll be popular, though." Tsu told them.

"What the hell!? You wanna fight!?" Bakugo shouted, already fired up.

"See?" Tsuyu said.

"We haven't known each other that long, so it's amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap steeped in sewage." Kaminari teased.

"What's with that vocabulary, bastard!? I'll kill you!"

"Dude, your vocabulary consists of cuss words and death threats." Wally told the angry teen.

"What a vulgar conversation." Said Yaoyorozu in the back.

"I like stuff like this, though." Uraraka said next to her.

"We're here. Stop messing around." Aizawa told them.

"Yes sir!" They all told him.

"Everyone, I have been waiting for you!" Said a hero in a space suit-like costume when they arrived. Clearly, this hero was well known since everyone made excited noises when they saw them.

"It's the Space Hero, Thirteen! The gentlemanly hero who has rescued tons of people from disasters!" Midoriya told everyone with stars in his eyes.

"Oh, I love Thirteen!" Uraraka cheered.

"Let's go inside without delay." Thirteen told the students.

"We look forward to working with you!" The class said with a bow. Wally followed the rest of the class inside to see a huge dome around them, the inside looked almost like a theme park, it had different climates and areas from all kinds of disasters around the building.

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, et cetera… It is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters. It's called the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint," USJ for short!" Thirteen explained to them.

"Thirteen, where's All Might?" Aizawa asked. "He was supposed to meet us here." The students didn't get to hear the answer, Thirteen whispered in the caterpillar's ear.

*I wonder what that's about?* Wally thought to himself.

"It can't be helped. Shall we begin?" Said Aizawa.

"Let's see… Before we begin, let me say one thing… er… or two, or three… or four… five… six… seven…"

*Oh jeez, it's increasing!* Wally thought.

"Everyone, I am sure you are aware of my Quirk; Black hole. I can suck up anything and turn it to dust." Thirteen began.

"You've been able to use that Quirk to save people from all kinds of disasters, right?" Midoriya inquired.

"Yes, but it is a power that can kill easily. Some of you also have Quirks like that, right?" Thirteen asked. "In a superhuman society, personal Quirks have been certified and regulated, so that doesn't seem to be a problem at first glance. However, please do not forget that there are many Quirks that can easily kill someone with one wrong step. With Aizawa's physical test, you found out about the possibility of your own hidden powers, and with All Might's combat training, I think you experienced the danger of using those powers against others. This class is a fresh start. You shall learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. You do not have powers so you can harm others, I hope you leave here with the understanding that you have powers in order to help others."

*Wow… he sounds just like Uncle Barry…* Wally thought admiringly.

"That is all. Thank you for listening." Thirteen said with a bow. The class all cheered at his profound speech.

"Alright then, first-" The caterpillar was interrupted by a loud electrical problem with the lights. The power was flickering on and off, and in front of a fountain that was a few hundred feet in front of them at the bottom of the stairs, there was a purple, swirling hole. Out of the hole, came a pale hand, then a creepy face with a mask that looked like a hand covering it.

"Gather together and don't move!" Aizawa shouted. "Thirteen, protect the students!"

"What's that?" Kirishima asked while looking at the hole. The creepy mask guy walked out of the hole, and many other menacing figures followed behind him. "Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson's already started?"

"Don't move!" Aizawa commanded. "Those are villains." Aizawa put his goggles on and prepared to fight. "So the trespassing the other day was them, huh?"

"Villains? No way…" Kaminari mumbled in fear.

"There's no way they could get into a hero school!" Said Kirishima.

"Teacher, what about the trespasser sensors?" Yaoyorozu asked Thirteen.

"Well, we have them but…" Thirteen drifted off.

"Did they only appear here, or around the whole school?" Todoroki asked. "Either way, if the sensors aren't working then that means they have someone with a Quirk that can do that. An isolated are separated from the main campus during a time when a class is supposed to be here. It was a stupid idea to invade a hero school, but they're not dumb. This surprise attack was carefully planned with some sort of goal in mind."

*Todoroki catches on quickly.* Wally thought. *This is bad, I could probably pick off a few of the smaller villains, but I can't take all of them on. That caterpillar can only turn off one Quirk at a time so he's not gonna be much help. Maybe if I take out the leader then they'll fall apart? It's worth a shot.*

"Thirteen-" Aizawa was cut off by Wally zooming past him into the center of the horde of villains. "Hey, kid! Get back here!"

*Alright, quick hit and run.* Wally was going for the guy in the middle, with the creepy hand mask. As he neared the villain, the creepy guy looked at him.

"Kurogiri." The guy said quietly. Immediately, Wally was enveloped in a dark mist. "Annoying brat. Where'd you send him?"

"He clearly has a speed type Quirk, so I sent him down there." Wally heard from inside the mist

"Excellent…" The creepy guy's quiet voice was the last thing Wally heard before everything went dark.

When the shroud of mist disappeared, Wally was in a large cavern dimly lit by mining lamps. The cavern had lots of pathways leading in different directions, the biggest was leading straight down to a seemingly endless hole. "Where am I? Is this that guy's Quirk?" Wally looked at his phone GPS to find out where he was. "No signal… I guess I'm just gonna have to find a way out and figure it out then." Wally started running down one of the paths, but ran into what felt like a sticky wall that broke when he ran into it. The substance wrapped around him as he rolled forward from his fall. "What is this?" As the redhead struggled to get out of his sticky prison, he heard a soft, male voice.

"Well now, looks like we caught one, fellas." The voice echoed softly throughout the cavern.

"Who's there?!" Wally asked the voice, he was beginning to panic.

"Don't worry, little hero. This will be over soon." The owner of the voice suddenly appeared out of the shadows and grabbed Wally. He carried him over to the middle of the cavern where Wally had first appeared, only now the cavern was brightly lit by a blue glow.

"Who are you?" Wally asked. His captor put him on the floor where Wally got a clear view of the guy. He looked mostly normal, save his face. He was wearing a black leather jacket and jeans with steel toe boots on. He had longer, messy, white hair and round black eyes, the weird part was his mouth; it was a spider's mouth. Folded up, his mouth looked ok, cool even, but when he opened it to talk it split into four parts in a terrifying fashion.

"Name's Recluse." His captor told him.

"Why are you holding me here?" Wally asked.

"Well, we're under strict orders from the boss, aren't we fellas?"

"We? Fellas? Who are you talking to?"

"Well where are my manners, Boys! Come meet our guest." Recluse called out. At his call, out came more villains. Wally could see 4 in total, including Recluse. There was one with glowing moth wings the same blue color that was illuminating the room. Another villain had bits of rock and dirt as parts of his skin. The last one had huge legs and was basically a terrifying human cave cricket. "This is my crew."

"I go by-" The cricket began, but he was cut off.

"Dude I literally do not care. I just asked who you were talking to."

"Well that's rude, he was still talking." Said the moth.

"You just told me it would be over soon! This has "villain monologue" written all over it, just kill me or whatever." Wally complained.

"You're a little twerp!" The moth shot back.

"You're a twerp!" Wally argued.

"Enough, let's just kill him already." Said the dirt guy.

"Let's not!" Wally vibrated as fast as he could. "Gotta phase, come on please work…" Whatever Wally was trying to do; it didn't work, but he did create enough friction to snap the webs. "Yeah!" Wally kicked Recluse in the face.

"Get him!" The moth shouted. The cricket shot at him with a leap, it was surprisingly fast. Wally dodged the main blow, but the cricket grabbed his arm and threw him into a wall. "Yeah! Show him who's boss, Springer!"

"These guys are smarter than they look… It'd be better to run." Wally ran out through one of the paths, but the wall collapsed in front of him, then it started moving toward him. "What the heck?" He ran back into the center, the dirt guy wasn't there anymore.

"Nice work, Golem." Recluse said aloud. The dirt guy materialized out of the ground beneath his comrades and nodded.

*Looks like I'm gonna have to fight my way out* Wally decided. *Alright, first I need to take that Cricket out, normally he couldn't keep up with my speed, but it's too small in here for me to get enough momentum so he'll be the most trouble.* With that, Wally rushed the cricket and punched him dozens of times at super speed, the villain grabbed his arms, but Wally jumped up and rapid kicked him in the chest, forcing him to let go and sending him to the ground. Wally went in to knock him out, but his legs were grabbed by a pair of dirty hands from the ground. He started to get pulled down, but Wally vibrated his legs and burned the hand. After escaping, he ran over to the cricket and kicked him in the head so he couldn't get back up. "One down, three to go!"

"I'm gonna kill you, jerk!" The moth took shouted from the air, he started throwing glowing blue balls of slime at Wally, which he easily dodged.

*How am I gonna hit him from up-* Wally realized what to do. "ONE ARM WIND CANNON!" Wally shouted as he tried his new move, the vacuum sucked the moth up and Wally followed up with a jump kick to the face, the moth was down for the count. The dirt guy came up for another surprise attack, this time he tried to grab wally from behind with his full body out of the ground.

"Not this time." Wally remarked as he avoided the villain's second attempt at grabbing him. However, it was just a distraction for the real attack from Recluse, who shot a thick stream of webs at Wally's back and pulled him to the ground.

"Gotcha!" Recluse cheered. Wally countered by rolling on the ground as fast as he could, this surprised Recluse and tripped him. Wally used this to burn through his restraints again and rush Recluse, he used the webs he broke free of to stick Recluse to the ground and cover his mouth.

"Alright dirt guy! It's just you and me!" Wally challenged, but he was nowhere to be seen, neither were the other two. Wally turned around just in time to see Recluse being pulled through the ground. "Guess they're retreating for now." With the villains gone, he started searching for a way out with his speed. "I need to get back to my class."

Although the cavern was fairly large, Wally eventually found the way out, it was a staircase to a small building in USJ, Wally walked outside to see Aizawa fighting all of the villain, he was using his scarf and Quirk to beat up villains left and right, he looked… kind of amazing. "Nice work, caterpillar!" However, the creepy hand guy rushed Aizawa. Eraser Head shot his scarf at the villain, who grabbed it and continued rushing Aizawa. The caterpillar punched him, but the hand guy grabbed Aizawa's elbow and it started to crumble apart. Injured, Aizawa punched the hand guy and jumped away with villains still trying to take him down. Aizawa switched from offense to evasion, he was holding his arm and Wally could tell that he couldn't use it anymore. Still, Aizawa brought down any villain stupid enough to attack him… until a huge, black skinned hulk of a villain appeared behind him and grabbed Aizawa's face and beat the crap out of him.

"AIZAWA!" Wally shouted, he ran at the monster, full speed and started punching him, but his attacks were meaningless. The monster whacked Wally and he went flying into the shipwreck area where he landed in the water. *I heard a crack, that guy broke something.* Wally thought as he winced in pain. He tried to swim, but his upper body flared in pain. *I can't…* Wally started to run out of breath, he felt something wrap around him and pull him to shore.

"Wally, are you alright?" Said the familiar voice of Tsuyu. She, Mineta and Midoriya all crowded around him.

"Tsu… Thanks." Wally said, his breath a little harsh.

"Wally, I'm glad you're- Wait, Mr. Aizawa!" Midoriya said looking worried. The four of them turned their attention to the gruesome scene of their teacher getting beaten half to death. As the monster held Aizawa to the ground, the hand guy spoke to Aizawa.

"This is the Anti Symbol of Peace: The Bioengineered Nomu!" The villain sadistically cheered.

*Symbol of peace? They brought that thing here to kill All Might?* Wally wondered.

"You can erase Quirks." Hand guy said to Aizawa, as Nomu broke his wrist making the teacher scream in pain. "That's wonderful, but it's nothing impressive. In the face of overwhelming power, you might as well be Quirkless." Aizawa turned to look at the nomu and erased his Quirk, but the nomu just smashed his other arm, Aizawa screamed again.

"It's like breaking a twig…" Aizawa muttered.

"Mr. Aizawa definitely just erased that thing's Quirk…. Is he just that strong?" Midoriya said, beginning to panic.

"M-Midoriya, I can't take this, I'm sure you're having second thoughts, right?" Mineta asked. Even Tsuyu let out a worried "ribbit" as the four of them watched in horror. Just then, the mist reappeared beside the hand guy.

"Tomura Shigaraki." The mist called the hand guy.

"Kurogiri, did you kill Thirteen?" The guy called Shigaraki asked.

"I put Thirteen out of action, but there were students that I was unable to disperse, and one of them was able to run away." Kurogiri the mist told him.

"Huh?" Shigaraki breathed heavily and scratched his neck nervously, the scratching intensified as he got more and more irritated and stressed. "If you weren't a warp gate, I would've crushed you to pieces!" Then the scratching suddenly stopped. "We can't win against dozens of pros. It's game over. Man it's game over this time. Let's go home."

"Go home? You guys heard that right? They're going home!" Mineta said with hope.

"That's what I heard." Tsuyu agreed.

"We're saved!" Mineta quietly cheered, he hugged Tsuyu… a little too close. Tsuyu quietly started drowning Mineta.

"I have a bad feeling about this, guys." Tsuyu said without paying attention to her victim.

"Yeah. For them to simply retreat after doing all this…" Midoriya wondered.

"Oh yeah. Before we leave, let's smash some of his pride as the symbol of peace!" Wally saw Shigaraki move, but with his injuries, he couldn't move in time.

"Tsu!" Wally tried to warn her, but it was too late. Shigaraki had grabbed Tsuyu's face. She was done for.