
Kiba with the Kiba Blades

7 Swords Kiba By Okojouchiha Deviant Art

Qwerttipper · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Ah shet here we go again

In the 21st century, on May 10, 20xx. There was a young lad walking into a prop shop in the Akihabra district of Taito City. He, as many others, was fulfilling his lifelong wish of visiting the holy place. As an adult, he had finally saved enough to visit Japan and buy some authenthic high-quality merchandise. So here he was going from shop to shop looking for a katana or any other Japanese sword.

Finally, after minutes of walking and surveillance , he found one of the seven legendary swords used by the mist shinobi. The best part was that it was made of actual steel and not a foam replica. The shop owner had a hard time selling this prop as people would rather buy the cheaper foam variant. However, as a tourist, it was best to buy something overpriced and shiny as it would make them feel justification for the money they spent. So, as a good weeb, the lad handed over his wallet and unwrapped the sword before exiting the shop.

At this moment, many would have cursed him. for his impatience, but how could he resist he finally had a cool anime sword and could not wait to test it. So, as an insane idea came to him so he jokingly raised both swords to the sky, imitating Ameyuri Ringo and calling forth the heavens to smite his enemies. And ironically, his call was answered by lightning, striking him not once but twice, which is a very low chance of 1 in 9 million. With that, the mad lad who challenged the heavens was smited and started his journey to the next life.