
Khal Al Ghul

Khal Ra‘s al Ghul always knew he was different. But he only gradually understood, just how different he was. His character was not fit for the setting he was born into. His soul was far too pure, giving him a good heart, that hated cruelty. This made him weak in the eyes of the world. But the special gift, which someone gave him, he learned to adapt and force his will onto the ruthless world he lives in. From the weak boy to the Warlord.

DaoistqZxYMH · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
6 Chs


(3rd Person POV)

The assassin stood in front of Khal al Ghul. They were a mere meter apart. Their eyes were locked on each other, a battle of will. The assassin was holding onto his two scythes and Ra's did the same with his sword. No one said anything, and the communication happened silently. Both fighters were assessing the threat of the other. 


The two attacked at the same time. Their weapons clashed sending sparks into the air. The assassin was just as strong as Ra's was, but that wasn't his speciality. 




It became apparent that the Khal had the upper hand in terms of strength. Yet, despite that, the Khal wasn't doing any damage to the assassin. The silent killer was faster and his dexterity was bordering on peak human. 


Ra's swung his blade in a diagonal slash towards his opponent. The assassin dodges seemingly effortlessly and slashes towards Ra's. He almost manages to cut off his arm, but the Khal uses his years of training well and manages to get out of the situation unscathed. The dance of blades continues and the assassin increases his speed further, giving him the upper hand in this fight for the first time. 

However, Ra's doesn't have a change in his expression. He is nothing if not adaptable. He pushes himself beyond his limits every day and this is nothing different. On the contrary, it is a chance to improve and he sees it as such. 






A cut appears on Ra's arm and then another one on his thigh. Ra's feels his instincts warn him of an attack and ducks underneath a horizontal slash. In a fluid motion, he twists his body and slashes his sword towards the assassin. The speed is higher than what he used before. The time appears to slow down as the dadao slowly approaches the assassin's neck. 


In one moment, the assassin was there and now, he disappeared. Ra's sword cuts through the afterimage.


His eyes widen slightly as the assassin's scythe cuts into his back. He is surprised at the use of magic. Ra's understands what just happened. The reason why he was apparently slower and the assassin could outmaneuvre him. It was a lie. That was never the case. 


The assassin appeared behind Ra's and cut him again. 



He moves absentmindedly as the missing pieces of information come to him. The assassin used his shadow magic to make himself faster and Ra's slower. Knowing this, he was prepared and ready again. He moved his sword with new speed, blocking the attacks of the assassin without fail. 


The assassin again uses his shadow magic to appear in another location and swings his scythe towards Ra's. The Khal blocks the attack but is pushed back by the amount of force the assassin manages to generate. As Ra's is flying backwards, the assassin's shadow travels again and appears in the trajectory of Ra's. 


A powerful horizontal slash comes towards Ra's from behind. Trusting his growing instincts, he pushes his upper body back just enough, to dodge the attack. He uses his remarkable agility to twist his body around and slash towards the assassin but misses yet again. 

The man jumps into the air from Ra's blindspot and swings his two scythes downwards with his powerful momentum. 




The assassin looks at Ra's and notices his ruffled appearance. Seeing that his attacks aren't doing it for him, he changes his fighting style suddenly and begins to twirl both of his scythes in his hands and use them to attack long-range. 



He throws his scythes that are attached to special ropes towards Ra's, forcing him to dodge them. 


He moves his upper body to block the incoming scythe and deflect it to the side. But as he straightens his body again, another scythe is already attacking him and before he can deal with that one, the second is back. 




The time between each attack shortens and forces Ra's to dig deep into the last vestiges of his eye-body coordination. The assassin uses his shadow magic creatively until it seems that attacks are coming towards Ra's from all directions simultaneously. 


Ra deflects all of the attacks with speeds surpassing what he could before the fight started. He is being pushed beyond his limits right now and it shows. The scythes are deflected but the attack is not over. Using the thin ropes, with which the scythes are connected, the assassin uses them skillfully to trap Ra's and bind his arms to his body, restricting his movement. 

Seeing this, Ra's acts immediately and uses his blade to cut one of the ropes. However, before he can do just that, the assassin appears before him, using shadow travel and slashes towards his midsection. Having planned that, Ra's moves towards the scythe and impales himself on it, surprising the assassin for a fraction of a second. 

That is all he needs though. Using the fact, that the ropes are binding him and move his legs so that his upper body twirls around. The scythe which is impaling him, moves along with him and in turn pulls the assassin closer to Ra's. 

As Ra's completes the full 360° turn, the assassin's body is right in front of him. 


Ra's sword has impaled the assassin, who was pulled right towards the blade. The assassin looks surprised at the situation. 


Ra's moves his sword downwards, completely splitting the man's bottom half in two. Both men look into the other's eyes. The winner of this fight is the Khal. 


"فوق‌العاده است، خال من. استفاده از سلاح دشمن علیه خودش و غافلگیر کردن او با بهبودیت واقعاً درخشان بود. تبریک می‌گویم." - ("Wonderful, my Khal. Using your enemy's weapon against him and surprising him with your healing was simply brilliant. Congratulations."), Venersis says and bows his head respectfully. 

"آیا باید سرهایشان را قطع کنیم تا پیامی به میرین بفرستیم، خال من؟" - ("Shall we cut their heads off to send Meereen a message, my Khal?"), Venersis asks. 

"نه." - (No)

Ra's shakes his head. 

"نه؟" - (No?)

"به خالاسار اطلاع بده. چادرها و همه چیز را جمع کنید، به سمت میرین حرکت می‌کنیم. وقت آن است که پیامی واضح‌تر بفرستیم. پیامی که نتوانند اشتباه تعبیر کنند." - (Notify the Khalasar. Pack up the tents and everything else, we move on Meereen. Time to send a clearer message. One they can't misinterpret.)

A smile forms on Venersis' face as he understands what his Khal's plan is. He bows his head. 

"چشم، خال من." - (As you command, my Khal.)


Venersis moves to fulfil the Khal's orders. He was one of the Khal's Bloodriders, but he also acted as a form of temporary general. There were two positions for a general, Ra's wanted to fill in the future. One of them is Venersis, the other one hasn't been decided just yet. 

The Khalasar had grown tremendously over the last 5 years. There were fights between different Khalasar, where Ra's and his Khalasar defeated the enemies rather easily. He continued the same process over and over again. He killed those who refused to adapt to his rules and the others who didn't adapt to their new life as well. 

From the original 8'000, it rose to 26'000 men and women. Most of these were Dothraki but there were also others among them. Homunculi of desert warriors who knew how to ride horses and fight with swords, spears and a bow and arrow. That was also the reason why he got Venersis. 

Venersis of the Blood-Stained Hand is the Shuaruri Tribe's Great Warrior, captain of the Desert's Blade, and a War God of the Red Desert.

Venersis is the strongest warrior of the Shuaruri Tribe and in the whole Red Desert giving him the title of Desert Guardian. His combat and strategic abilities as a War God are the sole reason the Shuaruri have been able to fight and occasionally overcome the Pareia tribe, their rivals, in their age-long conflict.

Ra's liked Venersis a lot. He enjoyed his company for the sole reason, that they had a lot of similarities. Venersis is a man of principle, being patient, cautious, intelligent, noble and possessing an immense sense of duty. Those are things that Ra's enjoys, since he is an outsider in the Dothraki culture, due to his 'weakness' of not taking slaves, ravaging villages or r*ping women. But Venersis has that same nobility, that Ra's seems to have lost most of but still keeps locked away. 

Venersis is a surprisingly quiet and thoughtful man, another thing he shares with Ra's. He has absolute respect for his tribe, his tradition, and his superiors. He frequently seems to be more ashamed of his great power, and guilty for the violence he has committed than proud of his peerless abilities. Ra's is not ashamed of the things he has committed, since he simply doesn't do something he despises or doesn't want to. 

If someone stands in his way, he will kill him, that is the law of the desert and the law of the world in general. The weak die, so he simply has to be strong, which is something Venersis can help him with. 


Venersis was the only person to complete all eight trials of the Warrior Ceremony before Yulian the Main character of the Red Storm story, and as such has been bestowed the power of the War God of the Desert. Venersis can perfectly picture the placement and movements of an entire battlefield in real-time, allowing him unmatched strategic insight and the ability to completely eliminate potential mistakes, thus rendering him tactically unbeatable. 

Venersis is an immensely skilled and powerful swordsman, something that he has been teaching Ra's more of. Thanks to Venersis, Ra's has made tremendous progress in sword fighting and has become a truly dangerous man in the world. None could match him, apart from Venersis himself. But that is not because of skill or physical abilities, it is because of a technique called Force. 

Force is a type of focused, internal energy that comes from mastery of combat and one's own body. It is very similar to "chi" or "ki" and can be used to reinforce a warrior's body, enhance the strength of their attack, or even allow one to perform a wide variety of special, energy-based techniques. I

Force is most commonly used as an enhancement, but has been seen used on an external level to both projecting as well as deflecting projectiles and energy-based attacks. It's even said that after a warrior has reached a certain level of mastery over Force, their aura is capable of protecting them from poisons and even internal injuries.

Force cannot really be taught, but seems to gradually appear with combat experience; once a warrior masters Force, they can fight on a level far beyond normal. This creates a tactical challenge, as no number of general troops can reliably contain a Force Master. Often times conflicts will thus come down to which side has the most people capable of using Force, and their fights become just as important as the movement of armies.

HOWEVER ... and this is a big however. The energy known as Force in the world of Red Storm doesn't exist in ASOIAF. So the energy used by Venersis and other desert warriors was 'translated' to this world's energy as it happened with Lady Chiyo. 

And in this case, this is magic. 

So the power of Venersis was reduced drastically. This didn't mean that he was powerful, on the contrary. The principle was still similar to the original 'Force', but it was just weaker. Venersis would now start teaching Ra's how to use his own magic to use it in a fight and simulate similar effects to Force.


"Blood of my Blood, what are your plans regarding Meereen?", Ra's first and original Bloodrider, Slade asks him as they ride towards the East.

"Eradication of the Great Masters. It is time to set an example. Meereen just offered themselves on a silver platter.", Ra's replies. 

They were currently in the Dothraki Sea where they were robbing rich merchants and taking everything that other Free Cities were stupid enough not to transport using ships. 

Taking from the Free Cities has become the most lucrative way for the Khalasar to make money. But Ra's likes to fight other Khalasar as well, to keep his own in shape and ready to battle at any given moment. It seemed that in retaliation for this, the Great Masters of Meereen commissioned the assassins from the Shadow Lands to kill Ra's. 

The irony was that the Great Masters didn't even care all that much about the goods, the Khalasar stole. They were more concerned about the slaves they lost through the attacks. But now, they tickled the Dothraki monster, something they would come to regret very soon.