
Sorting the Treasures

Tristan crawled out of the pool and dried himself. He then wore his clothes and entered the final room which was the treasure room. When he looked inside he was shocked.

Hundred blocks of giant and pure shining stones. He knew what they were. Pure Energy Stones. This was the life blood of cultivators and magicians, unfortunately this was useless to him, but he could potentially sell it and receive money. Perhaps he could participate in the auction after all. There were also many bottles containing a golden liquid, which was potentially liquified life essence. There were hundreds of golden fruits as well.

Other than that there were four other special treasures. One was the golden disk that Last Resort had mentioned. Next to it was a little box. The box turned into a beam of light and flew to Tristan's hand and attached itself on the back of his hand, forming a white star. When Tristan looked at the White Star, he found himself in a large space storage. With a thought, all the energy stone, energy liquid and golden fruits disappeared into the storage.

The other two were a bottle of bright gold liquid and finally an arrow. The voice boomed. "Don't eat those golden fruits, they will only help you to build a golden body. Have this gold liquid instead, it will instantly create the potential for a True Gold Body Physique. Within these clumps of trash, this is the only item worth mentioning."

Tristan was puzzled. "Trash? Haven't you placed them here yourself?" The voice laughed loudly. "I just stole some treasures of the Battle Blood Royalty a long time ago and created this ruin with this trash as bait. The true goal was to test the Herb Sacrifice Pool which I invented. I've set up ruins in many worlds trying to test various species, my goal was simply to see the effects of it. You are the first to ever succeed and live. I must say it was quite entertaining watching you."

Tristan shook his head. "Who knows how powerful this guy is, for him these things are trash, while for me this can change my world." He thought. Under the instructions of the voice he drank the golden liquid and emptied the small bottle.

[Battle Blood Liquid Gold]


[True Golden Body +100%]

Tristan felt his body getting stronger rapidly and his muscles becoming firmer and defined, his bones getting stronger and his eyes a little electric. His skin became almost baby smooth. He called up his status.

[Race: Human]

[Evolution: None]

[Progress: 89%]

[Physique: Corrosion Resistance 10%, True Gold Body]

[Physical Evolution Quest - True Gold Body ]

[Defeat enemies equal to or stronger than you using your body alone.

- Defeat 1: F rating

- Defeat 2: E rating

- Defeat 4: D rating

- Defeat 8: C rating

- Defeat 16: B rating

- Defeat 32: A rating

- Defeat 64: S rating

Rating will determine evolution possibilities.]

When Tristan saw the evolution quest, he was put into deep thought. Two things sprang into his mind. One, evolution triggers a quest. Two, physique can also evolve! Perhaps evolution of the physique is the natural path of the battle blood world. He decided to search the information regarding physical evolution in the vast expanse later.

Tristan then looked at the final treasure which was an arrow. The arrow was a mental control weapon. Unfortunately, he didn't have the ability to use it. He stowed it away into his storage. The only thing left was the golden disk.

"What is this thing?" Tristan wondered out. The loud voice boomed. "That disk is the bloodline crown of the Battle Body Species. Who ever binds the disk will automatically become the bloodline ruler over the entire Battle Blood World's true residents."

Tristan thought for a bit, he didn't really care about this golden disk, since he promised to give it to Last Resort anyway. He was more interested in something else. "Senior, you set up this ruin under the carcass of a Singularity Mammoth, is there anyway to utilize its carcass?"

When the voice heard Tristan's question, it turned serious. "That singularity mammoth is something even I can't begin to explore. Its realm is something beyond my knowledge, and what managed to kill it, can only instill fear within me. You can forget about thinking about utilizing the carcass of that Singularity Mammoth. Just it's remnant carcass has enough energy to turn a ordinary person into a level stronger than me."

Tristan was shocked by the knowledge and his awe of this Singularity Mammoth ended up even higher than before. Finally, having cleaned up the room, Tristan took out a Pure Energy Stone from his storage and put it in his backpack and took the golden disk and exited the cave.

When he exited, Last Resort was half shocked. He had been waiting for three days and was about to give up as well, when he saw Tristan come out and then the cave collapsed and imploded behind him. Last Resort ran up to him.

"Did you find the golden disk I asked of you?" Last Resort asked. Tristan removed the golden disk from his backpack and handed it over to Last Resort.

"Yes, this is the one. You've done a good job, much better than I ever expected." Last Resort laughed as he looked at Tristan's backpack. "I won't trick you. You can keep your gains from the cave with you, I'll also give you all the golden fruits and red fruits I harvested this year." Last Resort said as he opened the ground and took out thirty golden fruits and twenty frightening tomatoes, which Tristan carefully stacked within his backpack.

Last Resort then handed Tristan a scroll. "This is the cultivation method of the Battle Body Royal Family, I have long outgrown it, I don't need it. You can use it if you like." Tristan took the scroll as well, while Last Resort looked into the sky. "It is finally time for me to leave this fragment and return to the True Battle Body World. You can perhaps report the information about this beast to your organization and obtain some merits. I will send you to the exit."

Then with a gush of wind Last Resort left Tristan at the entrance of dimensional gate and disappeared. Tristan quickly transferred all goods into his storage ring from the backpack, and then signaled outside for an exit.

Leaving the fragment, Tristan found that Blue Beetle group was still present there. The guards too were surprised and welcomed him.

"White Star, you actually survived. These guys from Blue Beetle simply ran out in fear." The gatekeeper snorted as he looked coldly at the mercenary group. "Did you obtain anything good in the world fragment?"

Tristan smiled. "I might have. I have some important information to inform the Last Expanse, so I will take my leave." Tristan bid leave to the blue beetle group as well as the guards and left the scene.