
Chapter 44: S3 Eli: Unbound

Eli Mesnikoff

An elemental. An Ondine. That explains the scent now wafting from Tessa's body, as well as the sweet smell he picked up on earlier in the bar. And if Agartha's right, the alluring aroma is going to attract every lycan and lupine within miles.

His shoulder aches from the lycan's bite. But already, he feels his body mending. Accelerated healing. It's one advantage of being a lupine. His inner wolf picks up on Tessa's fear, and it eats at him. She's afraid of him, but he can't blame her. Not after what she's been witness to tonight.

"Let go." Tessa wiggles in his arms. The stone around her neck begins to glow.

The touch of her hand on his skin generates a searing heat that rips through his body. "Calm down." He groans. "Tessa. Please," Eli says, softly. "I'm not going to hurt you. I never would. Look at me. You know me."

Tessa locks gazes with him. Tears fill her eyes and spill over onto her face.