
Chapter 33: S2 Cole: The Stench of Blood

Cole Cotter

"Fuck." Cole springs to his feet. The chair under him flips over. He reaches down, sets it upright, and then he rushes toward the front exit of Annie's Steak House. The fingers of his right hand tighten on his cell.

"Ava." He listens. A deep, throaty growl resonates from the phone, followed by Ava's screams, then the line goes silent.

He scrolls through his contacts and taps on Cain's name.

After the third ring, Cain picks up the phone. "Hello."

"Meet me at the Johansson's studio. Now. There's trouble." Cole ends the call.

He steps out of the restaurant, then races down the sidewalk. At the end of the walkway, he sprints across the street.

Six short blocks stand between him and Ava.

He jumps in his black Ford double cab truck and speeds down the empty street. At the intersection, he runs a red light. He sets his phone in the cradle attached to his dash and puts on his earpiece.